Newly released!! DataGrid component for REACT:
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Welcome to the home of FLEXICIOUS, an extension to the ADOBE FLEX DataGrid AND Advanced DataGrid controls.

The Flexicious Flex DataGrid/Advanced DataGrid controls are extensions of the mx.controls.DataGrid and mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid, with UI to provide filter, paging, sorting, Select All Checkbox, and footer operations. It provides support for SERVER and CLIENT based data manipulation. With client data manipulation, all operations (filter,page,sort) are performed by the grid internally, without a SINGLE line of code. For server manipulation, the grid fires an event with all the necessary information to fetch data from the server. It also supports Flex DataGrid Print, Excel Export and a host of other features!

The Flexicious Flex DataGrid/Advanced DataGrid controls were designed with Line of Business applications in mind, so most features you would expect for enterprise application development are built into it. Compatible with any flex framework (Mate/PureMvc/Cairngorm) as well as any backend techonology! Integration examples with popular backends, including Java/Spring/Hibernate as well as .NET/Entity Framework/IIS/SQL Server are included!
Get a head start on your FLEX application development today!
  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Introduction


    This image depicts the Classic and Advanced DataGrids with different combinations of Filter Controls. We also depict the Select All CheckBox, The Fully Customizable Pager, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and DataGrid Footers

  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Filter Controls, Dynamic Ordering, and Custom Footers


    This image shows the different filter controls available with Flexicious out of the Box. It's very easy to create your own Filter Control (like the Slider above) and to use a Dynamic Filter Control. The various sections of the grid can be laid out as per your preference, and you can have custom footers for each column.

    Filter Controls, Dynamic Ordering, and Custom Footers
  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Print


    This image shows Flex DataGrid Print, Print Preview, as well as integration with AlivePDF for PDF generation.

    Flex DataGrid Print
  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Excel Export, Word/Html/Text/Custom Export


    This image shows the Excel Export, Word Export, Html Export and Text Export. It also shows a Custom Exporter operating within the export infrastructure.

    Flex DataGrid Excel Export, Word/Html/Text/Custom Export
  • Flexicious Flex DataGrid Markup


    This image shows the typical markup of a Flexicious Flex DataGrid control.

    Flexicious Flex DataGrid Markup