Attaches the spinner behavior to the owner component.
When the startspin method of this behavior is called, the
behavior will instantiate a new spinner based on the owners
Spinner Factory, and position it in the middle of the owner
components display area.
When the stop spin method is called, the behavior will remove
the spinner from the owner component and stop the spin.
Shows the spinner with default values defined below:
Label: "Loading please wait"
X Position : center X of the grid
Y Position : center Y of the grid
Grid Alpa when the spinner is active : 0.3
Spinner appearance can be modified using styles .
Removes the spinner and sets the bodyContainer.alpha back to 1
public function showSpinner(msg:String):void
Shows the spinner with default values defined below:
Label: "Loading please wait"
X Position : center X of the grid
Y Position : center Y of the grid
Grid Alpa when the spinner is active : 0.3
Spinner appearance can be modified using styles .