Package | com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns |
Class | public class ExtendedGridColumn |
Inheritance | ExtendedGridColumn ![]() |
Implements | com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IDataGridFilterColumn, IDataGridFooterColumn |
Subclasses | SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn |
See also
Property | Defined By | ||
clearFilterOnIconClick : Boolean = false
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear the text on icon click. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickBehavior : String
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickParentDisplayObject : DisplayObject
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickPopupClass : IFactory
The popup class to launch. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickPopupHeight : Number
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickPopupTitle : String
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
clickPopupWidth : Number
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
colNum : Number [read-only] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
columnWidthMode : String
Specifies how the column widths are applied. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
columnWidthOffset : int
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width
that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property
Use if you have custom renderers or icons. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
enableFilterAutoComplete : Boolean = false
When filterControl=textInput, setting this flag to true will set the enableAutoComplete flag on the associated TextInput control
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
excludeFromExport : Boolean
If set to true, this column wont be included in the
export mechanism by default. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
excludeFromPrint : Boolean
If set to true, this column wont be included in the
print mechanism by default. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
excludeFromSettings : Boolean
If set to true, this column wont be included displayed in the Settings Popup
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid : Boolean
Flag, if set to true, will automatically build this
collection on basis of distinct values in the grid. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComboBoxDataField : String
Used in conjunction with the filterComboBoxDataProvider field, used to
set the value of the data field for the associated ISelectFilterControl
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComboBoxDataProvider : ArrayCollection
Dataprovider to use to build the list of values to dipsplay in
the filter control, only applicable if the filterControl is a
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComboBoxLabelField : String
Used in conjunction with the filterComboBoxDataProvider field, used to
set the value of the label field for the associated ISelectFilterControl
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComboBoxWidth : Number
Returns the width of the dropdown. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterCompareFunction : Function = null
A function that takes an item, and a filterExpression, and returns true or false on basis of whether the provided
item matches the filterExpression. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterComparisionType : String
This is ususally automatically set, you dont have to manually set it,
unless you're sending strings as Date objects. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterControl : String
A control that implements | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterConverterFunction : Function = null
A function that takes an item, and returns a processed value for comparision. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterDateRangeOptions : Array
Applicable only when the filtercontrol is a
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterOperation : String
The opeartor to apply when doing the conversion. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterRenderer : IFactory
The actual control
to render inside the header column. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterTriggerEvent : String
The event that the filter triggers on. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
filterWaterMark : String
Applicable only if the filter control is TextInput. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerAlign : String
The alignment of the footer label
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerFormatter : Formatter
Formatter for the footer label
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerLabel : String
The label of the footer
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerLabelFunction : Function
A function that will return the footer label
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerOperation : String
The operation to apply to the footer
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerOperationPrecision : int
Precision for the footer label
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerRenderer : IFactory
A renderer for the footer
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
footerStyleName : String
Style name for the footer cells. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
format : String
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
formatterCurrencySymbol : String
For currency formatter, the currency symbol. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
formatterDateFormatString : String
For date formatters, the date format. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
formatterPrecision : Number = 2
For number and currency formatters, the default number of digits after the decimal point. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
headerRenderer : IFactory [override] [read-only] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
isSortable : Boolean [read-only]
MX and Spark Grids implement the sortable differently, so to match the interface. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
linkText : String
When set, creates a link text that can then be used
in conjunction with the linkClicked event. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
owner : DisplayObject [read-only] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
percentWidth : Number
On creation complete, will use this to distribute
the width of the grid among the visible columns in
the specified ratio. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
persistenceKey : String
For datagrids where there are multiple columns with the same header text,
this field may be specified so that the persistence mechanism does not
overwrite it. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
searchField : String
The field that the filter should search on. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
showClearIconWhenHasText : Boolean = false
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear show the icon only when there is text in the box. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
sortFieldName : String
To prevent sortField from clashing with Spark DataGrid's sort field
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
uniqueIdentifier : String
A key used to uniquely identify a column. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
useCurrentDataProviderForFilterComboBoxValues : Boolean
If you want to restrict the list of options in the filter dropdown
to the current dataprovider, set this flag to true. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
useHandCursor : Boolean | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare : Boolean
Flag, that defaults to true, indicates that in client filter mode,
use the label function to perform the search comparison as opposed to using the
raw value of the "searchField" property of the column. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
useLabelFunctionForSortCompare : Boolean
When you set to true, a custom sortCompareFunction is applied that uses the labelFunction instead
of the dataField. | ExtendedGridColumn |
Method | Defined By | ||
ExtendedGridColumn(columnName:String = null)
Constructor for the Extended Datagrid column
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
Creates the popup. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
The doFormat method returns formatted value on basis of the format properties (See description below)
If the input is null, returns null. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
getDistinctValues(dp:Object, collection:Array = null, addedCodes:Array = null):Array
Returns this list of distinct values for this column,
in a list of arraycollection which will have properties
data and label. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
Not supported
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
itemToLabel(data:Object):String [override]
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
setStyle(prop:String, val:*):void
Not supported
| ExtendedGridColumn | ||
Launches the actual popup. | ExtendedGridColumn |
Event | Summary | Defined By | ||
Fired when the link is clicked if the linkText property is set. | ExtendedGridColumn |
Constant | Defined By | ||
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT : String = fitToContent [static] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED : String = fixed [static] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT : String = percent [static] | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_CURRENCY : String = currency [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_DATE : String = date [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_DATE_TIME : String = datetime [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_NONE : String = none [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_NUMBER : String = number [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn | ||
FORMAT_TIME : String = time [static]
Used by the doFormat method. | ExtendedGridColumn |
clearFilterOnIconClick | property |
public var clearFilterOnIconClick:Boolean = false
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to true will clear the text on icon click. Used for a "clear" icon.
clickBehavior | property |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. The popup class should have a public show method, that takes an object.This is the object bound to the row that triggers the click or hover event.
public function get clickBehavior():String
public function set clickBehavior(value:String):void
clickParentDisplayObject | property |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. Defaults to the grid, but you can use any other DisplayObject.
public function get clickParentDisplayObject():DisplayObject
public function set clickParentDisplayObject(value:DisplayObject):void
clickPopupClass | property |
The popup class to launch. Should have a public show method that takes an object. This is the object bound to the row that triggers the click or hover event.
public function get clickPopupClass():IFactory
public function set clickPopupClass(value:IFactory):void
clickPopupHeight | property |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set.
public function get clickPopupHeight():Number
public function set clickPopupHeight(value:Number):void
clickPopupTitle | property |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set.
public function get clickPopupTitle():String
public function set clickPopupTitle(value:String):void
clickPopupWidth | property |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set.
public function get clickPopupWidth():Number
public function set clickPopupWidth(value:Number):void
colNum | property |
[read-only] public function get colNum():Number
columnWidthMode | property |
Specifies how the column widths are applied. Defaults to fixed. This means that the width of the column will be fixed to the size specified in the width property. If this property is set to fitContent, the grid identifies the longest string to be displayed in this column, and sets the width of the column to this value. If this is set to percent, the grid divides the remaining width after allocating all fixedWidth and fitToContent columns, on a percentage basis among all columns that have columnWidthMode set to percent. PLEASE NOTE : If you set columnWidthMode='percent', also set percentWidth. Values : fixed,percent,fitToContent
The default value is auto
public function get columnWidthMode():String
public function set columnWidthMode(value:String):void
columnWidthOffset | property |
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property Use if you have custom renderers or icons.
public function get columnWidthOffset():int
public function set columnWidthOffset(value:int):void
enableFilterAutoComplete | property |
public var enableFilterAutoComplete:Boolean = false
When filterControl=textInput, setting this flag to true will set the enableAutoComplete flag on the associated TextInput control
excludeFromExport | property |
If set to true, this column wont be included in the export mechanism by default.
public function get excludeFromExport():Boolean
public function set excludeFromExport(value:Boolean):void
excludeFromPrint | property |
If set to true, this column wont be included in the print mechanism by default.
public function get excludeFromPrint():Boolean
public function set excludeFromPrint(value:Boolean):void
excludeFromSettings | property |
If set to true, this column wont be included displayed in the Settings Popup
public function get excludeFromSettings():Boolean
public function set excludeFromSettings(value:Boolean):void
filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid | property |
Flag, if set to true, will automatically build this collection on basis of distinct values in the grid.
public function get filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid():Boolean
public function set filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid(value:Boolean):void
filterComboBoxDataField | property |
Used in conjunction with the filterComboBoxDataProvider field, used to set the value of the data field for the associated ISelectFilterControl
public function get filterComboBoxDataField():String
public function set filterComboBoxDataField(value:String):void
filterComboBoxDataProvider | property |
Dataprovider to use to build the list of values to dipsplay in the filter control, only applicable if the filterControl is a
public function get filterComboBoxDataProvider():ArrayCollection
public function set filterComboBoxDataProvider(value:ArrayCollection):void
See also
filterComboBoxLabelField | property |
Used in conjunction with the filterComboBoxDataProvider field, used to set the value of the label field for the associated ISelectFilterControl
public function get filterComboBoxLabelField():String
public function set filterComboBoxLabelField(value:String):void
filterComboBoxWidth | property |
Returns the width of the dropdown. Applicable only when the filter controls are comboboxes
public function get filterComboBoxWidth():Number
public function set filterComboBoxWidth(value:Number):void
filterCompareFunction | property |
public var filterCompareFunction:Function = null
A function that takes an item, and a filterExpression, and returns true or false on basis of whether the provided item matches the filterExpression. Please note, the filterExpression has a pointer to the iFilterControl that it was created from.
filterComparisionType | property |
This is ususally automatically set, you dont have to manually set it, unless you're sending strings as Date objects. When set, will attempt to first convert the current value to the type you specified and then do the conversion. Values : auto,string,number,boolean,date
The default value is auto
public function get filterComparisionType():String
public function set filterComparisionType(value:String):void
filterControl | property |
A control that implements
public function get filterControl():String
public function set filterControl(value:String):void
See also
filterConverterFunction | property |
public var filterConverterFunction:Function = null
A function that takes an item, and returns a processed value for comparision. For example, if your backend sends down strings that represents a date, wire this function up and return a date object for comparision purposes.
filterDateRangeOptions | property |
Applicable only when the filtercontrol is a
public function get filterDateRangeOptions():Array
public function set filterDateRangeOptions(value:Array):void
See also
filterOperation | property |
The opeartor to apply when doing the conversion. See FILTER_OPERATION_TYPE constant values from com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression
public function get filterOperation():String
public function set filterOperation(value:String):void
filterRenderer | property |
The actual control to render inside the header column. This control must implement the com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters.IFilterControl interface.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get filterRenderer():IFactory
public function set filterRenderer(value:IFactory):void
filterTriggerEvent | property |
The event that the filter triggers on. Defaults to "change", or if the filterRenderer supports com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.IDelayedChange, then the delayedChange event.
public function get filterTriggerEvent():String
public function set filterTriggerEvent(value:String):void
See also
filterWaterMark | property |
Applicable only if the filter control is TextInput. If set, sets the watermark of the TextInput filter to the value specified.
public function get filterWaterMark():String
public function set filterWaterMark(value:String):void
footerAlign | property |
The alignment of the footer label
public function get footerAlign():String
public function set footerAlign(value:String):void
footerFormatter | property |
Formatter for the footer label
public function get footerFormatter():Formatter
public function set footerFormatter(value:Formatter):void
footerLabel | property |
The label of the footer
public function get footerLabel():String
public function set footerLabel(value:String):void
footerLabelFunction | property |
A function that will return the footer label
public function get footerLabelFunction():Function
public function set footerLabelFunction(value:Function):void
footerOperation | property |
The operation to apply to the footer
public function get footerOperation():String
public function set footerOperation(value:String):void
footerOperationPrecision | property |
Precision for the footer label
public function get footerOperationPrecision():int
public function set footerOperationPrecision(value:int):void
footerRenderer | property |
A renderer for the footer
public function get footerRenderer():IFactory
public function set footerRenderer(value:IFactory):void
footerStyleName | property |
Style name for the footer cells.
public function get footerStyleName():String
public function set footerStyleName(value:String):void
format | property |
Used by the doFormat method.
public function get format():String
public function set format(value:String):void
formatterCurrencySymbol | property |
public var formatterCurrencySymbol:String
For currency formatter, the currency symbol. Defaults to blank value.
formatterDateFormatString | property |
public var formatterDateFormatString:String
For date formatters, the date format. Defaults to blank value. Initialized on basis of date format. If you wish to override the default format, you can use this string.
formatterPrecision | property |
public var formatterPrecision:Number = 2
For number and currency formatters, the default number of digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 2
headerRenderer | property |
[read-only] [override] public function get headerRenderer():IFactory
isSortable | property |
[read-only] MX and Spark Grids implement the sortable differently, so to match the interface.
public function get isSortable():Boolean
linkText | property |
When set, creates a link text that can then be used in conjunction with the linkClicked event.
public function get linkText():String
public function set linkText(value:String):void
owner | property |
[read-only] public function get owner():DisplayObject
percentWidth | property |
On creation complete, will use this to distribute the width of the grid among the visible columns in the specified ratio.
public function get percentWidth():Number
public function set percentWidth(value:Number):void
persistenceKey | property |
For datagrids where there are multiple columns with the same header text, this field may be specified so that the persistence mechanism does not overwrite it.
public function get persistenceKey():String
public function set persistenceKey(value:String):void
searchField | property |
The field that the filter should search on. Defaults to the dataField property from mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn. But can be overriden if needed. For example, consider a grid bound to a list of Employee objects, with a departmentName and departmentId property. This column shows the departmentName, with a combobox filter or a multiselect filter using a list of departments as filterComboBoxDataProvider By default, the comparision will occur using the selected label of the filter control being compared to the departmentName property of each employee. This is allright if the filterPageSortMode property of the com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid is set to "client", but if it is "server" , you would ideally want to have the ID of the selected department(s). In that case, you would set the searchField property to "departmentId", filterComboBoxDataField to "departmentId", filterComboBoxLabelField to "departmentName".
public function get searchField():String
public function set searchField(value:String):void
showClearIconWhenHasText | property |
public var showClearIconWhenHasText:Boolean = false
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to true will clear show the icon only when there is text in the box.
sortFieldName | property |
To prevent sortField from clashing with Spark DataGrid's sort field
public function get sortFieldName():String
public function set sortFieldName(value:String):void
uniqueIdentifier | property |
A key used to uniquely identify a column. Defaults to the header text Used in print and preference persistence to identify columns.
public function get uniqueIdentifier():String
public function set uniqueIdentifier(value:String):void
useCurrentDataProviderForFilterComboBoxValues | property |
If you want to restrict the list of options in the filter dropdown to the current dataprovider, set this flag to true. By default, we use the entire data provider, including the currently filtered items.
The default value is false
public function get useCurrentDataProviderForFilterComboBoxValues():Boolean
public function set useCurrentDataProviderForFilterComboBoxValues(value:Boolean):void
useHandCursor | property |
public function get useHandCursor():Boolean
public function set useHandCursor(value:Boolean):void
useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare | property |
Flag, that defaults to true, indicates that in client filter mode, use the label function to perform the search comparison as opposed to using the raw value of the "searchField" property of the column.
public function get useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare():Boolean
public function set useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare(value:Boolean):void
useLabelFunctionForSortCompare | property |
When you set to true, a custom sortCompareFunction is applied that uses the labelFunction instead of the dataField.
public function get useLabelFunctionForSortCompare():Boolean
public function set useLabelFunctionForSortCompare(value:Boolean):void
ExtendedGridColumn | () | Constructor |
public function ExtendedGridColumn(columnName:String = null)
Constructor for the Extended Datagrid column
ParameterscolumnName:String (default = null ) — Column name to bind this colum to
createPopup | () | method |
public function createPopup(popupData:Object):Object
Creates the popup.
popupData:Object |
Object —
doFormat | () | method |
public function doFormat(retVal:String):String
The doFormat method returns formatted value on basis of the format properties (See description below) If the input is null, returns null. If there is a formatter specified, uses the formatter's format method to return a formatted value. If the format property is specified and no formatter is specified, the column will instantiate a formatter on basis of the value of the format property. The property can be one of 5 constants.
retVal:String — String to format
String — Formatted string.
getDistinctValues | () | method |
public function getDistinctValues(dp:Object, collection:Array = null, addedCodes:Array = null):Array
Returns this list of distinct values for this column, in a list of arraycollection which will have properties data and label.
dp:Object | |
collection:Array (default = null )
| |
addedCodes:Array (default = null )
Array |
getStyle | () | method |
public function getStyle(prop:String):*
Not supported
prop:String |
* |
itemToLabel | () | method |
override public function itemToLabel(data:Object):String
data:Object |
String |
setStyle | () | method |
public function setStyle(prop:String, val:*):void
Not supported
prop:String | |
val:* |
showPopup | () | method |
public function showPopup(popupData:Object):Object
Launches the actual popup.
popupData:Object |
Object —
linkClicked | Event |
Fired when the link is clicked if the linkText property is set.
public static const COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT:String = fitToContent
public static const COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED:String = fixed
public static const COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT:String = percent
public static const FORMAT_CURRENCY:String = currency
Used by the doFormat method.
FORMAT_DATE | Constant |
public static const FORMAT_DATE:String = date
Used by the doFormat method.
public static const FORMAT_DATE_TIME:String = datetime
Used by the doFormat method.
FORMAT_NONE | Constant |
public static const FORMAT_NONE:String = none
Used by the doFormat method.
FORMAT_NUMBER | Constant |
public static const FORMAT_NUMBER:String = number
Used by the doFormat method.
FORMAT_TIME | Constant |
public static const FORMAT_TIME:String = time
Used by the doFormat method.