Package | com.flexicious.utils |
Class | public class UIUtils |
Inheritance | UIUtils ![]() |
Property | Defined By | ||
expressionCache : Object [static]
| UIUtils |
Method | Defined By | ||
addChild(parent:Object, child:Object):void [static]
Adds a child to the provided display object. | UIUtils | ||
addPopUp(window:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:DisplayObject, modal:Boolean = false, childList:String = null, triggerEvent:MouseEvent = null, moduleFactory:Object = null):void [static] | UIUtils | ||
areArraysEqual(a1:Array, a2:Array):Boolean [static]
Iterates through each array and returns false if either contains
an element not contained within the other. | UIUtils | ||
average(dataProvider:Object, fld:String):Number [static]
Returns the average of all items the specified data provider
| UIUtils | ||
concatenateList(list:ArrayCollection, propertyName:String, delimiter:String = , ):String [static]
Generates single string from collection of items, delimited by delimiter
| UIUtils | ||
createDateFilter(description:String, fld:String, dateRange:String, start:Date = null, end:Date = null):Filter [static]
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create date filter
| UIUtils | ||
createListFilter(description:String, fld:String, values:Array):Filter [static]
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create list based filters (ComboBox, MSCB)
| UIUtils | ||
createRenderer(renderer:Class, properties:Object):IFactory [static]
Used to create a filter renderer along with initialization properties
| UIUtils | ||
dataGridFormatCurrencyLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String [static]
Datagrid function to format the currency column in a grid. | UIUtils | ||
dataGridFormatDateLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String [static]
Datagrid function to format the date column in a grid. | UIUtils | ||
dataGridFormatYesNoLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String [static]
Datagrid function to format the yes no column in a grid. | UIUtils | ||
dictionaryToArrayCollection(obj:Object):ArrayCollection [static]
Converts a dictionary (a Java Hashmap)
into a bindable name value array collection
| UIUtils | ||
doesArrayContainObjectValue(array:Object, valFld:String, compareVal:Object):Object [static]
Iterates through an array to see if the "valFld" property of any of the
items in the a1 array equals "compareVal"
| UIUtils | ||
doesArrayContainStringValue(array:Object, compareVal:String):Object [static]
Iterates through an array to see if the "toString" methods of any of the
items in the a1 array equals "compareVal"
| UIUtils | ||
doesArrayContainValue(array:Object, valFld:String, compareVal:String):Object [static]
Iterates through an array to see if the toString of the "valFld" property of any of the
items in the array array equals "compareVal"
| UIUtils | ||
emptyIfNull(val:Object):String [static] | UIUtils | ||
ensureWithinView(popup:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:IUIComponent):void [static] | UIUtils | ||
extractPropertyValues(source:Object, propertyToExtract:String):ArrayCollection [static]
Given an array collection of complex objects, and a property,
returns an array collection of the propertyToExtract values
of each object within the array collection
| UIUtils | ||
formatBoolean(val:Boolean):String [static]
Takes in a boolean, returns a Yes or No
| UIUtils | ||
formatCurrency(val:Number, currencySymbol:String):String [static]
Takes in a number, and returns it formatted as
| UIUtils | ||
formatDate(date:Date, formatString:String = MMM-DD-YYYY):String [static]
Takes in a date, and returns it formatted as
| UIUtils | ||
fromPersistenceString(host:String):* [static]
Takes in a specifically formatted strings and spits out an object
that was used to make that string. | UIUtils | ||
getArrayCollection(val:*):ArrayCollection [static]
If passed in value is array collection, returns it, else if it is an array
returns an arraycollection wrapping the array else throws invalid input exception. | UIUtils | ||
getGroupForColumn(grid:Object, col:Object):Object [static]
Goes through columns of the passed in grid (or level for Ultimate) and checks to see if the given
column is in a columnGroup. | UIUtils | ||
getLength(arr:Object):int [static]
If arr is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
| UIUtils | ||
getObjectProperty(data:Object, property:String):Object [static]
Returns property or subproperty (dot delimited) of an object
| UIUtils | ||
getRandom(minNum:Number, maxNum:Number):Number [static] | UIUtils | ||
getScreen(parent:IUIComponent):Rectangle [static]
Gets the screen object for the current ui comp. | UIUtils | ||
getServerUrl():String [static]
Gets the current browser URL
| UIUtils | ||
getTopLevelApplication():Object [static]
Returns the top level application. | UIUtils | ||
isChildRecursive(grp:Object, col:Object):Boolean [static]
Is col a child of grp or any of its children?
Added for Printing support of column groups
| UIUtils | ||
isPrimitive(input:*):Boolean [static]
Returns true if passed in object is a boolean, number or string
| UIUtils | ||
isStringNumeric(str:String):Boolean [static]
Checks to see if the passed in value is a string representation of a numeric value
| UIUtils | ||
labelObjectProperty(item:Object, column:Object):String [static]
Parses the value of a complex property and return its String equivalent
| UIUtils | ||
labelObjectPropertyList(item:Object, column:Object):String [static]
Parses the value of a complex list property, concatenating string values of all elements. | UIUtils | ||
max(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String = auto):Object [static]
Returns the maximum value in the specified data provider
| UIUtils | ||
min(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String = auto):Object [static]
Returns the minimum value in the specified data provider
| UIUtils | ||
openBrowserPopup(url:String, options:String = width=800,height=600,lef t=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=Yes,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No, useNew:Boolean = true):void [static]
Opens a browser popup
| UIUtils | ||
pasteToClipBoard(strToPaste:String):void [static]
Pastes the passed in data to the clipboard. | UIUtils | ||
positionBelow(popup:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:IUIComponent, leftOffset:Number = 0, topOffset:Number = 0, offScreenMath:Boolean = true, where:String = left):void [static]
Positions the provided popup window below the provided parent object. | UIUtils | ||
removeAllChildren(parent:Object):void [static]
Removes all children
| UIUtils | ||
removeChild(parent:Object, child:Object):void [static]
| UIUtils | ||
removeFromArray(array:Array, itemToRemove:Object):Array [static]
Removes the supplied item from the supplied array,
and returns that array
| UIUtils | ||
removePopUp(window:IFlexDisplayObject):void [static]
Removes the popup
| UIUtils | ||
resolveExpression(host:Object, expression:String):Object [static]
Resolves expressions in format
| UIUtils | ||
showConfirm(msg:String, result:Function, callingComponent:Object, title:String = Confirm, flags:uint = 3, parent:Sprite = null):void [static]
A utility function that encapsulates the task of showing a confirmation popup. | UIUtils | ||
showError(errorMessage:String, errorTitle:String = Error Occurred):void [static]
Shows a popup with an error message
| UIUtils | ||
showMessage(message:String, title:String = Message):void [static]
Shows a popup with an informational message
| UIUtils | ||
showValidationErrors(errors:Array, errorTitle:String = Please correct the following errors:):void [static]
If you pass in an array of Validation Result Events, loops through
the validation result objects, concatenates them to make a string and
displays them in the Alert control
| UIUtils | ||
sum(dataProvider:Object, fld:String):Number [static]
Returns the sum of all items the specified data provider
| UIUtils | ||
toPersistenceString(host:Object):String [static]
Returns a specially formatted string that stores information about the
type. | UIUtils | ||
toString(host:Object):String [static]
Returns the string value of the passed in object, or if null, returns an empty string. | UIUtils | ||
transferPrimitiveProps(from:Object, to:Object, propsToExclude:Array = null):void [static] | UIUtils | ||
transferProps(from:Object, to:Object, propsToTransfer:Array = null):void [static] | UIUtils | ||
transferStyles(from:Object, to:Object, stylesToTransfer:Array = null):void [static] | UIUtils |
expressionCache | property |
public static var expressionCache:Object
addChild | () | method |
public static function addChild(parent:Object, child:Object):void
Adds a child to the provided display object. Takes into account the scenario where the parent is a Spark application.
parent:Object | |
child:Object |
addPopUp | () | method |
public static function addPopUp(window:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:DisplayObject, modal:Boolean = false, childList:String = null, triggerEvent:MouseEvent = null, moduleFactory:Object = null):void
window:IFlexDisplayObject | |
parent:DisplayObject | |
modal:Boolean (default = false )
| |
childList:String (default = null )
| |
triggerEvent:MouseEvent (default = null )
| |
moduleFactory:Object (default = null )
areArraysEqual | () | method |
public static function areArraysEqual(a1:Array, a2:Array):Boolean
Iterates through each array and returns false if either contains an element not contained within the other.
a1:Array | |
a2:Array |
Boolean —
average | () | method |
public static function average(dataProvider:Object, fld:String):Number
Returns the average of all items the specified data provider
dataProvider:Object | |
fld:String |
Number —
concatenateList | () | method |
public static function concatenateList(list:ArrayCollection, propertyName:String, delimiter:String = , ):String
Generates single string from collection of items, delimited by delimiter
list:ArrayCollection — array of objects
| |
propertyName:String — name of a property to be included, may be a complex "." delimited property name
| |
delimiter:String (default = , ) — a delimiter between elements in the string, by default it's ", "
String |
createDateFilter | () | method |
public static function createDateFilter(description:String, fld:String, dateRange:String, start:Date = null, end:Date = null):Filter
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create date filter
description:String — Name of the filter (to show in filter dropdown)
| |
fld:String — DataField of the column to apply filter to
| |
dateRange:String — One of the DateRange constants (See the DateRange object)
| |
start:Date (default = null ) — If you specify DateRange=Custom, the start date for the custom range
| |
end:Date (default = null ) — If you specify DateRange=Custom, the end date for the custom range
Filter — A Filter object that contains the passed in fld and date range in the arguments collection.
createListFilter | () | method |
public static function createListFilter(description:String, fld:String, values:Array):Filter
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create list based filters (ComboBox, MSCB)
description:String — Name of the filter (to show in filter dropdown)
| |
fld:String — DataField of the column to apply filter to
| |
values:Array — An array of strings that represents the dataField of the filter list control
Filter — A Filter object that contains the passed in fld and values in the arguments collection.
createRenderer | () | method |
public static function createRenderer(renderer:Class, properties:Object):IFactory
Used to create a filter renderer along with initialization properties
renderer:Class — Class factory to be used as the generator
| |
properties:Object — Initialization properties.
IFactory — The created renderer factory
dataGridFormatCurrencyLabelFunction | () | method |
public static function dataGridFormatCurrencyLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String
Datagrid function to format the currency column in a grid.
item:Object | |
dgColumn:Object |
String — A formatted currency string
dataGridFormatDateLabelFunction | () | method |
public static function dataGridFormatDateLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String
Datagrid function to format the date column in a grid.
item:Object | |
dgColumn:Object |
String — A formatted date string
dataGridFormatYesNoLabelFunction | () | method |
public static function dataGridFormatYesNoLabelFunction(item:Object, dgColumn:Object):String
Datagrid function to format the yes no column in a grid.
item:Object | |
dgColumn:Object |
String — A formatted boolean string
dictionaryToArrayCollection | () | method |
public static function dictionaryToArrayCollection(obj:Object):ArrayCollection
Converts a dictionary (a Java Hashmap) into a bindable name value array collection
obj:Object — Dictionary to convert
ArrayCollection |
doesArrayContainObjectValue | () | method |
public static function doesArrayContainObjectValue(array:Object, valFld:String, compareVal:Object):Object
Iterates through an array to see if the "valFld" property of any of the items in the a1 array equals "compareVal"
array:Object — Array to search
| |
valFld:String — Property of the objects in the array
| |
compareVal:Object — The value to compare against.
Object — The first object that matches the search criteria, null if no match
doesArrayContainStringValue | () | method |
public static function doesArrayContainStringValue(array:Object, compareVal:String):Object
Iterates through an array to see if the "toString" methods of any of the items in the a1 array equals "compareVal"
array:Object — Array to search
| |
compareVal:String — The value to compare against.
Object — The first object that matches the search criteria, null if no match
doesArrayContainValue | () | method |
public static function doesArrayContainValue(array:Object, valFld:String, compareVal:String):Object
Iterates through an array to see if the toString of the "valFld" property of any of the items in the array array equals "compareVal"
array:Object — Array to search
| |
valFld:String — Property of the objects in the array
| |
compareVal:String — The value to compare against.
Object —
emptyIfNull | () | method |
public static function emptyIfNull(val:Object):String
val:Object |
String |
ensureWithinView | () | method |
public static function ensureWithinView(popup:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:IUIComponent):void
popup:IFlexDisplayObject | |
parent:IUIComponent |
extractPropertyValues | () | method |
public static function extractPropertyValues(source:Object, propertyToExtract:String):ArrayCollection
Given an array collection of complex objects, and a property, returns an array collection of the propertyToExtract values of each object within the array collection
source:Object — A list of objects that contain the property to extract
| |
propertyToExtract:String — The name of the property to extract
ArrayCollection — An array collection of the extracted property values
formatBoolean | () | method |
public static function formatBoolean(val:Boolean):String
Takes in a boolean, returns a Yes or No
val:Boolean — Boolean indicator to format
String — The formatted yes or no string
formatCurrency | () | method |
public static function formatCurrency(val:Number, currencySymbol:String):String
Takes in a number, and returns it formatted as Currency
val:Number — The number to format
| |
currencySymbol:String |
String — The formatted currency string
formatDate | () | method |
public static function formatDate(date:Date, formatString:String = MMM-DD-YYYY):String
Takes in a date, and returns it formatted as MM/DD/YY
date:Date — The date to format
| |
formatString:String (default = MMM-DD-YYYY )
String — The formatted date string
fromPersistenceString | () | method |
public static function fromPersistenceString(host:String):*
Takes in a specifically formatted strings and spits out an object that was used to make that string.
host:String |
* |
getArrayCollection | () | method |
public static function getArrayCollection(val:*):ArrayCollection
If passed in value is array collection, returns it, else if it is an array returns an arraycollection wrapping the array else throws invalid input exception.
val:* |
ArrayCollection |
getGroupForColumn | () | method |
public static function getGroupForColumn(grid:Object, col:Object):Object
Goes through columns of the passed in grid (or level for Ultimate) and checks to see if the given column is in a columnGroup. If yes, returns the top level Column Group for it. Added for Printing support of column groups
grid:Object — EADG, FDG or FDGCL
| |
col:Object — EADGC or FDGC
Object — ADGCG or FDGCG
getLength | () | method |
public static function getLength(arr:Object):int
If arr is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
arr:Object |
int |
getObjectProperty | () | method |
public static function getObjectProperty(data:Object, property:String):Object
Returns property or subproperty (dot delimited) of an object
data:Object — The source object
| |
property:String — The name of the property with the path if dot-delimited
Object |
getRandom | () | method |
public static function getRandom(minNum:Number, maxNum:Number):Number
minNum:Number | |
maxNum:Number |
Number |
getScreen | () | method |
public static function getScreen(parent:IUIComponent):Rectangle
Gets the screen object for the current ui comp.
parent:IUIComponent |
Rectangle —
getServerUrl | () | method |
public static function getServerUrl():String
Gets the current browser URL
ReturnsString —
getTopLevelApplication | () | method |
public static function getTopLevelApplication():Object
Returns the top level application.
ReturnsObject —
isChildRecursive | () | method |
public static function isChildRecursive(grp:Object, col:Object):Boolean
Is col a child of grp or any of its children? Added for Printing support of column groups
grp:Object | |
col:Object |
Boolean —
isPrimitive | () | method |
public static function isPrimitive(input:*):Boolean
Returns true if passed in object is a boolean, number or string
input:* |
Boolean |
isStringNumeric | () | method |
public static function isStringNumeric(str:String):Boolean
Checks to see if the passed in value is a string representation of a numeric value
str:String — The string representation to check
Boolean — True if str is a string representation of a number value
labelObjectProperty | () | method |
public static function labelObjectProperty(item:Object, column:Object):String
Parses the value of a complex property and return its String equivalent
item:Object — the source object
| |
column:Object — the DataGridColumn object. Its dataField property gets the property path with name
String |
labelObjectPropertyList | () | method |
public static function labelObjectPropertyList(item:Object, column:Object):String
Parses the value of a complex list property, concatenating string values of all elements. To specify field name and display field name use dataField="dataField/displayPropertyName/delimiter", where "dataField" is the field name, and "displayPropertyName" is the display field of elements in the list, and "delimiter" is the delimiter string to be used (optional).
item:Object — the source object
| |
column:Object — the DataGridColumn object. Its dataField property gets the property path with name
String |
max | () | method |
public static function max(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String = auto):Object
Returns the maximum value in the specified data provider
dataProvider:Object | |
fld:String | |
comparisionType:String (default = auto )
Object —
min | () | method |
public static function min(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String = auto):Object
Returns the minimum value in the specified data provider
dataProvider:Object | |
fld:String | |
comparisionType:String (default = auto )
Object —
openBrowserPopup | () | method |
public static function openBrowserPopup(url:String, options:String = width=800,height=600,lef t=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=Yes,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No, useNew:Boolean = true):void
Opens a browser popup
url:String — The URL to open
| |
options:String (default = width=800,height=600,lef t=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=Yes,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No ) — Options string, defaults to width=800,height=600,lef t=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=Yes,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No
| |
useNew:Boolean (default = true ) — If true, creates a new window, else reuses the existing one. Defaults to true
pasteToClipBoard | () | method |
public static function pasteToClipBoard(strToPaste:String):void
Pastes the passed in data to the clipboard.
strToPaste:String |
positionBelow | () | method |
public static function positionBelow(popup:IFlexDisplayObject, parent:IUIComponent, leftOffset:Number = 0, topOffset:Number = 0, offScreenMath:Boolean = true, where:String = left):void
Positions the provided popup window below the provided parent object. Used by the Dynamic Filter Popup
popup:IFlexDisplayObject — The popup that you wish to position
| |
parent:IUIComponent — The control that you wish to position the popup relative to
| |
leftOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Whether to shift the popup left after calculating the positions, for customizing the actual position
| |
topOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Whether to shift the popup top after calculating the positions, for customizing the actual position
| |
offScreenMath:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether or not to adjust the popup if it appears off screen
| |
where:String (default = left ) — One of three values, left, right or none. If left, positions to bottom left, if right, positions to bottom right, if none, positions right below.
removeAllChildren | () | method |
public static function removeAllChildren(parent:Object):void
Removes all children
parent:Object |
removeChild | () | method |
public static function removeChild(parent:Object, child:Object):void
parent:Object | |
child:Object |
removeFromArray | () | method |
public static function removeFromArray(array:Array, itemToRemove:Object):Array
Removes the supplied item from the supplied array, and returns that array
array:Array — The array to remove the item from
| |
itemToRemove:Object — The item to remove
Array |
removePopUp | () | method |
public static function removePopUp(window:IFlexDisplayObject):void
Removes the popup
window:IFlexDisplayObject |
resolveExpression | () | method |
public static function resolveExpression(host:Object, expression:String):Object
Resolves expressions in format x.y[2]
host:Object | |
expression:String |
Object — The result of the expression
showConfirm | () | method |
public static function showConfirm(msg:String, result:Function, callingComponent:Object, title:String = Confirm, flags:uint = 3, parent:Sprite = null):void
A utility function that encapsulates the task of showing a confirmation popup.
msg:String — Text string that appears in the Alert control.
| |
result:Function — Event handler that is called when any button on the Alert control is pressed.
| |
callingComponent:Object — The component that is passed into the result function, so you can call methods on it.
| |
title:String (default = Confirm ) — Text string that appears in the title bar.
| |
flags:uint (default = 3 ) — Which buttons to place in the Alert control.
| |
parent:Sprite (default = null ) — Object upon which the Alert control centers itself.
showError | () | method |
public static function showError(errorMessage:String, errorTitle:String = Error Occurred):void
Shows a popup with an error message
errorMessage:String — Text string that appears in the Alert control.
| |
errorTitle:String (default = Error Occurred ) — Text string that appears in the title bar.
showMessage | () | method |
public static function showMessage(message:String, title:String = Message):void
Shows a popup with an informational message
message:String — Text string that appears in the Alert control.
| |
title:String (default = Message ) — Text string that appears in the title bar.
showValidationErrors | () | method |
public static function showValidationErrors(errors:Array, errorTitle:String = Please correct the following errors:):void
If you pass in an array of Validation Result Events, loops through the validation result objects, concatenates them to make a string and displays them in the Alert control
errors:Array — The errors to display. Can be a list of strings or ValidationResultEvents
| |
errorTitle:String (default = Please correct the following errors: ) — Text string that appears in the title bar.
sum | () | method |
public static function sum(dataProvider:Object, fld:String):Number
Returns the sum of all items the specified data provider
dataProvider:Object | |
fld:String |
Number —
toPersistenceString | () | method |
public static function toPersistenceString(host:Object):String
Returns a specially formatted string that stores information about the type. Used by preference persistence serialization, can handle array, arraycollection and primitives.
host:Object |
String |
toString | () | method |
public static function toString(host:Object):String
Returns the string value of the passed in object, or if null, returns an empty string.
host:Object |
String |
transferPrimitiveProps | () | method |
public static function transferPrimitiveProps(from:Object, to:Object, propsToExclude:Array = null):void
from:Object | |
to:Object | |
propsToExclude:Array (default = null )
transferProps | () | method |
public static function transferProps(from:Object, to:Object, propsToTransfer:Array = null):void
from:Object | |
to:Object | |
propsToTransfer:Array (default = null )
transferStyles | () | method |
public static function transferStyles(from:Object, to:Object, stylesToTransfer:Array = null):void
from:Object | |
to:Object | |
stylesToTransfer:Array (default = null )