Package | com.flexicious.lic |
Class | public class NdgBase |
Inheritance | NdgBase ![]() |
Subclasses | FlexDataGrid |
Property | Defined By | ||
allowInteractivity : Boolean
A boolean flag that indicates whether to enable mouse interactions, like hover, click, etc. | NdgBase | ||
copyAllRowsMenuText : String = Copy All Rows
Text for the Copy All Rows
| NdgBase | ||
copyCellMenuText : String = Copy Cell
ext for the Copy Cell Menu
| NdgBase | ||
copySelectedRowMenuText : String = Copy Row
Text for the Copy Selected Row
| NdgBase | ||
copySelectedRowsMenuText : String = Copy Selected Rows
Text for the Copy selected Rows
| NdgBase | ||
dragAvailableFunction : Function
A function that determines whether drag should be initiated. | NdgBase | ||
dragDropCompleteFunction : Function
A function that gets executed when the drag drop operation is complete. | NdgBase | ||
dragEnabled : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. | NdgBase | ||
dragRowData : Object [read-only]
The row data that is currently being dragged
| NdgBase | ||
dropAcceptRejectFunction : Function
A function that determines whether drop should be shown. | NdgBase | ||
dropEnabled : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. | NdgBase | ||
dropIndicator : Sprite [read-only]
The dropIndicator seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
enableDrag : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. | NdgBase | ||
enableDrillDown : Boolean
Flag to control appearance of the drill in and drill out icons in the toolbar. | NdgBase | ||
enableDrop : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. | NdgBase | ||
enableKeyboardNavigation : Boolean
Not applicable for Ultimate - only for Classic Interface compliance. | NdgBase | ||
enableLockedSectionSeperators : Boolean
Flag to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. | NdgBase | ||
enableMultiColumnSort : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to enable multi column sort. | NdgBase | ||
enableToolbarActions : Boolean
Flag to control appearance of custom actions toolbar. | NdgBase | ||
inMultiRowEdit : Boolean = false
When the grid is in a multirow edit mode, we ignore all keyboard interaction. | NdgBase | ||
isCellSelectionMode : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
| NdgBase | ||
isRowSelectionMode : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
| NdgBase | ||
keyboardListenersPaused : Boolean = false
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters,
so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another. | NdgBase | ||
leftLockedVerticalSeperator : Sprite [read-only]
The left locked vertical seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
lockDisclosureCell : Boolean
A boolean flag that indicates whether to lock the disclosure
cells so that they dont scroll horizontally. | NdgBase | ||
lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction : Function
Function to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. | NdgBase | ||
predefinedFilters : ArrayCollection
A collection of toolbar actions. | NdgBase | ||
printExportParameters : Object
Any custom data that you wish to pass into the print/export mechanism.
This will then be available on Print/Export Options
when the Print or Export is run. | NdgBase | ||
rightLockedVerticalSeperator : Sprite [read-only]
The right locked vertical seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
selectedCells : ArrayCollection [read-only]
A list of CellInfo objects. | NdgBase | ||
selectionMode : String
Selection mode for the grid. | NdgBase | ||
showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort : Boolean
A flag when set, automatically shows the spinner on creation complete and
any filter page or sort operation. | NdgBase | ||
spinnerFactory : IFactory
Factory responsible for instantiating a new spinner. | NdgBase | ||
spinnerLabel : String
The label of the spinner control, you can use styles
to control the appearance. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarActionExecutedFunction : Function
A function that gets executed whenever a user clicks on a icon generated by a custom toolbar icon. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarActions : ArrayCollection
A collection of toolbar actions. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarActionValidFunction : Function
A function that gets executed whenever the user selection changes. | NdgBase |
Property | Defined By | ||
_copyCellContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current cell
| NdgBase | ||
_copyRowContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current row
| NdgBase | ||
_copyRowSelectedRowsMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the selected rows
| NdgBase | ||
_copyTableContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the entire page
| NdgBase | ||
defaultRowCount : int = 4
The default number of rows to display. | NdgBase |
Method | Defined By | ||
NdgBase() | NdgBase | ||
Drag and Drop support, create a image representation of the row. | NdgBase | ||
Returns true if the grid defines the border style specified
| NdgBase | ||
Invalidates the cell widths, so in the next commit properties, we snap to the new column widths. | NdgBase | ||
Invalidates the height, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers,
and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. | NdgBase | ||
Invalidates the width, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers,
and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. | NdgBase | ||
Rebuild the entire grid. | NdgBase | ||
Redraws the grid, assuming the data provider is the same, we're just changing column widths or ordinals. | NdgBase | ||
Calls rebuild internally. | NdgBase | ||
showToaster(message:String, toasterPosition:String = BOTTOM_RIGHT, toasterRenderer:IFactory = null, animationDuration:Number = 1000, visibleDuration:Number = 5000, moveAnimate:Boolean = true, fadeAnimate:Boolean = true):void | NdgBase |
Method | Defined By | ||
Calls invalidateDisplayList()
| NdgBase | ||
On grid resized, we reposition the cells. | NdgBase | ||
resumeKeyboardListeners():void | NdgBase |
Constant | Defined By | ||
Constant to indicate that the drag was initiated by the grid
| NdgBase |
_copyCellContextMenuItem | property |
protected var _copyCellContextMenuItem:ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current cell
_copyRowContextMenuItem | property |
protected var _copyRowContextMenuItem:ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current row
_copyRowSelectedRowsMenuItem | property |
protected var _copyRowSelectedRowsMenuItem:ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the selected rows
_copyTableContextMenuItem | property |
protected var _copyTableContextMenuItem:ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the entire page
allowInteractivity | property |
A boolean flag that indicates whether to enable mouse interactions, like hover, click, etc.
The default value is true
public function get allowInteractivity():Boolean
public function set allowInteractivity(value:Boolean):void
copyAllRowsMenuText | property |
public var copyAllRowsMenuText:String = Copy All Rows
Text for the Copy All Rows
copyCellMenuText | property |
public var copyCellMenuText:String = Copy Cell
ext for the Copy Cell Menu
copySelectedRowMenuText | property |
public var copySelectedRowMenuText:String = Copy Row
Text for the Copy Selected Row
copySelectedRowsMenuText | property |
public var copySelectedRowsMenuText:String = Copy Selected Rows
Text for the Copy selected Rows
defaultRowCount | property |
protected var defaultRowCount:int = 4
The default number of rows to display.
dragAvailableFunction | property |
A function that determines whether drag should be initiated. Function should take an IFlexDataGridDataCell object, and return true or false.
public function get dragAvailableFunction():Function
public function set dragAvailableFunction(value:Function):void
dragDropCompleteFunction | property |
A function that gets executed when the drag drop operation is complete. Takes 2 IFlexDataGridDataCell objects, the initiator, and the target.
public function get dragDropCompleteFunction():Function
public function set dragDropCompleteFunction(value:Function):void
dragEnabled | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. Same as enableDrag, property provided for consistency with sdk counterpart
public function get dragEnabled():Boolean
public function set dragEnabled(value:Boolean):void
dragRowData | property |
[read-only] The row data that is currently being dragged
public function get dragRowData():Object
dropAcceptRejectFunction | property |
A function that determines whether drop should be shown. Function should take an IFlexDataGridDataCell object, and return true or false.
public function get dropAcceptRejectFunction():Function
public function set dropAcceptRejectFunction(value:Function):void
dropEnabled | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. Same as enableDrag, property provided for consistency with sdk counterpart
public function get dropEnabled():Boolean
public function set dropEnabled(value:Boolean):void
dropIndicator | property |
[read-only] The dropIndicator seperator Sprite. To style this, please use the dropIndicatorColor and dropIndicatorSeperatorThickness. You can also customize this by extending the grid and overriding the showDropIndicator function.
public function get dropIndicator():Sprite
enableDrag | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. Same as the dragEnabled flag.
public function get enableDrag():Boolean
public function set enableDrag(value:Boolean):void
enableDrillDown | property |
Flag to control appearance of the drill in and drill out icons in the toolbar. If true, shows a pair of zoom in and zoom out icons for the user to expand to a higher or lower level as well as an icon to expand all as well as collapse all items Please note, it is not advisable to set enableDrillDown on lazy loaded grids, because this will result in too many server calls being issued.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get enableDrillDown():Boolean
public function set enableDrillDown(value:Boolean):void
enableDrop | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. Same as the dropEnabled flag.
public function get enableDrop():Boolean
public function set enableDrop(value:Boolean):void
enableKeyboardNavigation | property |
Not applicable for Ultimate - only for Classic Interface compliance.
public function get enableKeyboardNavigation():Boolean
public function set enableKeyboardNavigation(value:Boolean):void
enableLockedSectionSeperators | property |
Flag to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. By default, it will draw a one pixel wide black line. You can customize this by defining a lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction.
The default value is false
public function get enableLockedSectionSeperators():Boolean
public function set enableLockedSectionSeperators(value:Boolean):void
enableMultiColumnSort | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to enable multi column sort.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get enableMultiColumnSort():Boolean
public function set enableMultiColumnSort(value:Boolean):void
enableToolbarActions | property |
Flag to control appearance of custom actions toolbar. Use the addCustomAction function on the grid to add custom actions once you set this to true. Also ensure to wireup toolbarActionExecutedFunction and toolbarActionValidFunction .
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get enableToolbarActions():Boolean
public function set enableToolbarActions(value:Boolean):void
inMultiRowEdit | property |
public var inMultiRowEdit:Boolean = false
When the grid is in a multirow edit mode, we ignore all keyboard interaction.
isCellSelectionMode | property |
[read-only] Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
public function get isCellSelectionMode():Boolean
isRowSelectionMode | property |
[read-only] Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
public function get isRowSelectionMode():Boolean
keyboardListenersPaused | property |
public var keyboardListenersPaused:Boolean = false
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters, so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another.
leftLockedVerticalSeperator | property |
[read-only] The left locked vertical seperator Sprite. To style this, please use the lockedSeperatorColor and lockedSeperatorThickness. You can also customize this by extending the grid and overrideing the drawDefaultSeperators function.
public function get leftLockedVerticalSeperator():Sprite
lockDisclosureCell | property |
A boolean flag that indicates whether to lock the disclosure cells so that they dont scroll horizontally.
The default value is true
public function get lockDisclosureCell():Boolean
public function set lockDisclosureCell(value:Boolean):void
lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction | property |
Function to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. By default, it will draw a one pixel wide black line. You can customize this by defining a lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction. If enableLockedSectionSeperators=true and this function is null or returns true, a line will be drawn. Otherwise, no line is drawn.
public function get lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction():Function
public function set lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction(value:Function):void
predefinedFilters | property |
A collection of toolbar actions.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get predefinedFilters():ArrayCollection
public function set predefinedFilters(value:ArrayCollection):void
printExportParameters | property |
Any custom data that you wish to pass into the print/export mechanism. This will then be available on Print/Export Options when the Print or Export is run.
public function get printExportParameters():Object
public function set printExportParameters(value:Object):void
rightLockedVerticalSeperator | property |
[read-only] The right locked vertical seperator Sprite. To style this, please use the lockedSeperatorColor and lockedSeperatorThickness. You can also customize this by extending the grid and overrideing the drawDefaultSeperators function.
public function get rightLockedVerticalSeperator():Sprite
selectedCells | property |
A list of CellInfo
objects. When grid.selectionMode=SINGLE_CELL, this collection contains only one item
public function get selectedCells():ArrayCollection
selectionMode | property |
Selection mode for the grid. The grid supports the following selection modes:
The default value is MULTIPLE_ROWS
public function get selectionMode():String
public function set selectionMode(value:String):void
showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort | property |
A flag when set, automatically shows the spinner on creation complete and any filter page or sort operation. Hides automatically on collection reset. Defaults to false. If you wish to manually control when the spinner appears, leave this as false, and call showSpinner and hideSpinner as required.
public function get showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort():Boolean
public function set showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort(value:Boolean):void
spinnerFactory | property |
Factory responsible for instantiating a new spinner. Defaults to com.flexicious.Spinner. Needs to implement com.flexicious.interfaces.ISpinner, and extend UIComponent
public function get spinnerFactory():IFactory
public function set spinnerFactory(value:IFactory):void
spinnerLabel | property |
The label of the spinner control, you can use styles to control the appearance.
public function get spinnerLabel():String
public function set spinnerLabel(value:String):void
toolbarActionExecutedFunction | property |
A function that gets executed whenever a user clicks on a icon generated by a custom toolbar icon. Deprecated. Use the toolbarActionExecuted event instead. The data object of the toolbarActionExecuted event contains the action being executed. This function should take a ToolbarAction object, a target object (which could be the ImageButton that triggered the action), and a IExtendedPager object and return void. Example:
private function toolbarActionExecuted(action:ToolbarAction, target:Object, toolbar:IExtendedPager):void{ //your code here }
public function get toolbarActionExecutedFunction():Function
public function set toolbarActionExecutedFunction(value:Function):void
toolbarActions | property |
A collection of toolbar actions.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get toolbarActions():ArrayCollection
public function set toolbarActions(value:ArrayCollection):void
toolbarActionValidFunction | property |
A function that gets executed whenever the user selection changes. This function should take a ToolbarAction object, a target object (which could be the ImageButton that triggered the action), and a IExtendedPager object and return void. Example:
private function toolbarActionValidFunction(action:ToolbarAction, target:Object, toolbar:IExtendedPager):Boolean{ //your code here }
public function get toolbarActionValidFunction():Function
public function set toolbarActionValidFunction(value:Function):void
NdgBase | () | Constructor |
public function NdgBase()
doInvalidate | () | method |
protected function doInvalidate():void
Calls invalidateDisplayList()
getUIComponentBitmapData | () | method |
public function getUIComponentBitmapData(target:IUIComponent):Image
Drag and Drop support, create a image representation of the row.
target:IUIComponent |
Image —
hasBorderSide | () | method |
public function hasBorderSide(side:String):Boolean
Returns true if the grid defines the border style specified
side:String |
Boolean —
invalidateCellWidths | () | method |
public function invalidateCellWidths():void
Invalidates the cell widths, so in the next commit properties, we snap to the new column widths.
invalidateHeight | () | method |
public function invalidateHeight():void
Invalidates the height, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers, and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn.
invalidateWidth | () | method |
public function invalidateWidth():void
Invalidates the width, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers, and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn.
onGridResized | () | method |
protected function onGridResized(event:ResizeEvent):void
On grid resized, we reposition the cells.
event:ResizeEvent |
rebuild | () | method |
public function rebuild():void
Rebuild the entire grid. Iterates through the data provider, re-evaluvates the vertical positions of each item, Drops and recreates all cells. There are four functions that you can use to redraw the grid, on basis of what your needs are.
reDraw | () | method |
public function reDraw():void
Redraws the grid, assuming the data provider is the same, we're just changing column widths or ordinals. There are four functions that you can use to redraw the grid, on basis of what your needs are.
refreshLayout | () | method |
public function refreshLayout():void
Calls rebuild internally.
resumeKeyboardListeners | () | method |
protected function resumeKeyboardListeners():void
showToaster | () | method |
public function showToaster(message:String, toasterPosition:String = BOTTOM_RIGHT, toasterRenderer:IFactory = null, animationDuration:Number = 1000, visibleDuration:Number = 5000, moveAnimate:Boolean = true, fadeAnimate:Boolean = true):void
message:String | |
toasterPosition:String (default = BOTTOM_RIGHT )
| |
toasterRenderer:IFactory (default = null )
| |
animationDuration:Number (default = 1000 )
| |
visibleDuration:Number (default = 5000 )
| |
moveAnimate:Boolean (default = true )
| |
fadeAnimate:Boolean (default = true )
DRAG_FORMAT_KEY | Constant |
public const DRAG_FORMAT_KEY:String = NDG_DRAG_KEY
Constant to indicate that the drag was initiated by the grid