Package | com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid |
Class | public class FlexDataGrid |
Inheritance | FlexDataGrid NdgBase mx.core.UIComponent |
Implements | IExtendedFlexDataGrid, mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent, ISpinnerOwner |
Subclasses | OlapFlexDataGrid, PrintFlexDataGrid |
Language Version : | ActionScript 3.0 |
FlexDataGrid is the class name for Flexicious Ultimate, a DataGrid component built for the Flex SDK from the ground up to cater to the needs of UI developers who create complex Line of Business applications. It attempts to provide most of the functionality that is currently available in the Adobe SDK DataGrid, AdvancedDataGrid, and the Flexicious Extensions in addition to a number of unique features.
Although Flexicious Ultimate offers all of the features outlined below, The ones in bold or italic are features that are exclusive to the Flexicious family of products, and not available in the Halo DataGrid/Advanced DataGrid components that ship with the SDK. The features in bold above are exclusive to Flexicious Ultimate. Features in italic are available both in Ultimate, as well as Flexicious Classic. The rest of the features are found in the Flexicious Grids, as well as either the SDK DataGrid or AdvancedDataGrid. Flexicious Ultimate attempts to bring to you a Single Grid, that incorporates all these features in one.
Property | Defined By | ||
additionalFilterArgumentsFunction : Function
Pointer to the TOP level additionalFilterArgumentsFunction
In scenarios where there are detached filters, this function
may be used to add on to the list of arguments before the filter is
run. | FlexDataGrid | ||
allowInteractivity : Boolean
A boolean flag that indicates whether to enable mouse interactions, like hover, click, etc. | NdgBase | ||
allowMultipleRowDrag : Boolean = false
Flag to enable dragging multiple rows. | FlexDataGrid | ||
autoLoadPreferences : Boolean = true | FlexDataGrid | ||
autoRefreshInterval : Number
The number of milliseconds to wait before issuing an autorefresh call. | FlexDataGrid | ||
bodyContainer : FlexDataGridBodyContainer [read-only]
The main scrollable area of the grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
bottomBarLeft : UIComponent
A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns. | FlexDataGrid | ||
bottomBarRight : UIComponent
A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns. | FlexDataGrid | ||
builtInActions : String
Comma delimited string of the following words: edit,delete,moveTo,moveUp,moveDown,addRow,filter
| FlexDataGrid | ||
canExpandDown : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have not expanded to the lowest level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
canExpandUp : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have expanded to a level below 1. | FlexDataGrid | ||
cellBackgroundColorFunction : Function
A function that can be used to control the background color of each cell in this column. | FlexDataGrid | ||
cellBorderFunction : Function
Pointer to the TOP level cellBorderFunction
A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction : Function
Pointer to the TOP level cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction
A function that lets you control the background drawing mechanism for each cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
cellEditableFunction : Function
If this is defined, in addition to checking if the column is editable, this call back is called
for each cell in this column to ensure that the cell is editable. | FlexDataGrid | ||
cellTextColorFunction : Function
A function that can be used to control the Text color of each cell in this column. | FlexDataGrid | ||
changes : Array [read-only]
An array of ChangeInfo objects that contains all the changes made to the data provider using the grid editing mechanism. | FlexDataGrid | ||
childrenCountField : String
Pointer to the TOP level childrenCountField
A property on the object that identifies if the object has children. | FlexDataGrid | ||
childrenField : String
Pointer to the TOP level childrenField
The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearChangesOnDataProviderChange : Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out changes when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are refreshing the grid prior to savign it, set this to false. | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearErrorsOnDataProviderChange : Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out errors when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
clearOpenItemsOnDataProviderChange : Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out openItems when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange : Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
clearSelectionOnFilter : Boolean = false
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the filter changes
Defaults to false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
collapseTooltip : String = Collapse
Tooltip to display when user hovers over collapse icon
| FlexDataGrid | ||
colSpanFunction : Function
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. | FlexDataGrid | ||
columnCount : int [read-only]
Returns the top level columnCount
| FlexDataGrid | ||
columnGroups : Array [read-only]
Returns the list of columns groups at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
columnLevel : FlexDataGridColumnLevel
The Root Column Level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
columnNames : Object [read-only]
Returns the top level column names
| FlexDataGrid | ||
columns : Array
Returns the list of columns at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
contextMenuShown : Boolean = false
Set to true when the context menu is shown. | FlexDataGrid | ||
copyAllRowsMenuText : String = Copy All Rows
Text for the Copy All Rows
| NdgBase | ||
copyCellMenuText : String = Copy Cell
ext for the Copy Cell Menu
| NdgBase | ||
copySelectedRowMenuText : String = Copy Row
Text for the Copy Selected Row
| NdgBase | ||
copySelectedRowsMenuText : String = Copy Selected Rows
Text for the Copy selected Rows
| NdgBase | ||
createRowNumberColumnFunction : Function
A function that takes a IFlexDataGridDataCell object and returns a Number. | FlexDataGrid | ||
currentCell : IFlexDataGridCell
The cell that is the current mouse over. | FlexDataGrid | ||
currentSorts : ArrayCollection [read-only]
Return the FilterSort objects at the top level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
currentTooltip : IUIComponent [read-only]
The current tooltip object. | FlexDataGrid | ||
currentTooltipTrigger : IUIComponent [read-only]
The current tooltip object trigger. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dataProvider : Object
The data provider for the grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dataProviderNoFilters : Object [read-only]
Returns the TOP level data without any filters. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dataProviderNoPaging : Object [read-only]
Returns the TOP level data without any paging, but with filters. | FlexDataGrid | ||
disabledField : String
A property on the object that identifies whether the object is disabled. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dispatchCellCreated : Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_CREATED event
| FlexDataGrid | ||
dispatchCellRenderered : Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_RENDERED event
| FlexDataGrid | ||
dispatchRendererInitialized : Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.RENDERER_INITIALIZED event
| FlexDataGrid | ||
displayOrder : String
A comma seperated list of the following strings:
filter,header,body,footer,pager. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dragAvailableFunction : Function
A function that determines whether drag should be initiated. | NdgBase | ||
dragColumn : FlexDataGridColumn [read-only]
The column that initiated the drag
| FlexDataGrid | ||
dragDropCompleteFunction : Function
A function that gets executed when the drag drop operation is complete. | NdgBase | ||
dragEnabled : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. | NdgBase | ||
dragRowData : Object [read-only]
The row data that is currently being dragged
| NdgBase | ||
dropAcceptRejectFunction : Function
A function that determines whether drop should be shown. | NdgBase | ||
dropEnabled : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. | NdgBase | ||
dropIndicator : Sprite [read-only]
The dropIndicator seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction : Function
Function to determine if the given object has children. | FlexDataGrid | ||
editable : Boolean | FlexDataGrid | ||
editedItemPosition : Object [write-only]
Takes an object that has a rowIndex and a columnIndex property. | FlexDataGrid | ||
elementsToBlur : Array [read-only] | FlexDataGrid | ||
elementToCenter : IUIComponent [read-only] | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableActiveCellHighlight : Boolean = true
Flag to hightlight the active cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableAutoRefresh : Boolean
If flag is set to true, grid will dispatch an AUTO_REFRESH event every autoRefreshInterval milliseconds. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableColumnHeaderOperation : Boolean
Flag to enable column header operations. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableColumnWidthUserOverride : Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to force columns to take the widths that the user specified. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableCopy : Boolean
Flag to enable the context menu copy items. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDataCellOptmization : Boolean = true
Flag to turn on the highly optimized FlexDataGridDataCell3. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDefaultDisclosureIcon : Boolean
By default, the grid draws a set of expand collapse icons on the left locked section. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDelayChange : Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to avoid multiple change events from firing. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDoubleClickEdit : Boolean
Flag to enable edit on doubleclick as opposed to single click. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDoubleClickTimer : Boolean = true
A flag to disable the double click timer mechanism. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDrag : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. | NdgBase | ||
enableDrawAsYouScroll : Boolean
When enableVirtualScroll=true, setting this to true will cause each scroll event to issue a server request.. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDrillDown : Boolean
Flag to control appearance of the drill in and drill out icons in the toolbar. | NdgBase | ||
enableDrop : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. | NdgBase | ||
enableDynamicLevels : Boolean
Flag to enable creation of the next level dynamically as the hierarchy is set. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableEagerDraw : Boolean
By default, the grid renders when the dataprovider is set. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableEditRowHighlight : Boolean = true
Flag to hightlight the edit row. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableExport : Boolean
Flag to enable export to word and excel. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableFillerRows : Boolean
By default, for performance reasons, the grid will only draw one large row to fill up the bottom in case that the grid is taller than
the sum of the row heights. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableFilters : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to show the filter
| FlexDataGrid | ||
enableFooters : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to show the footer
| FlexDataGrid | ||
enableHeightAutoAdjust : Boolean
Flag to size the grid on basis of the number of rows displayed. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableHideBuiltInContextMenuItems : Boolean
Flag to control whether or not to show the built in context menu items. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableHideIfNoChildren : Boolean
Flag to control whether or not an item that has no children is filtered out or not. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableKeyboardNavigation : Boolean
Not applicable for Ultimate - only for Classic Interface compliance. | NdgBase | ||
enableLocalStyles : Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to avoid flicker. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableLockedSectionSeperators : Boolean
Flag to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. | NdgBase | ||
enableMultiColumnSort : Boolean
Flag that indicates whether or not to enable multi column sort. | NdgBase | ||
enableMultiplePreferences : Boolean
A Flag that will enable multiple named versions of preferences to be persisted. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enablePaging : Boolean
Flag to indicate whether or not to enable paging functionality
| FlexDataGrid | ||
enablePreferencePersistence : Boolean
When set to true, causes the grid to look for settings stored
previously in the local shared object store if
preferencePersistenceMode='client' or dispatch an event requesting
settings from the server in preferencePersistenceMode='server'
| FlexDataGrid | ||
enablePrint : Boolean
Enables the print operation. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableRowEdit : Boolean
Flag to enable full row edit behavior. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableSelectionBasedOnSelectedField : Boolean
Flag to enable dataprovider based preselection of data. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableSelectionBubble : Boolean
A flag to bubble up selection from children to parents. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableSelectionCascade : Boolean
Flag to cascade checkbox or row selection down from the selection level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableSelectionExclusion : Boolean = false
Support for selection based on exclusion. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableSplitHeader : Boolean
When enableMultiColumnSort=true, setting this flag to on will enable AdvancedDataGrid like Split headers to enable multi column sort. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableStickyControlKeySelection : Boolean = true
Only applicable when selectionMode=multipleRows or multipleCells
By default, when you click on a row (or cell), the grid will add it to the selection. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableToolbarActions : Boolean
Flag to control appearance of custom actions toolbar. | NdgBase | ||
enableTrackChanges : Boolean = false
Flag to enable change tracking
If set to true, each addition, update(via the grid) or deletion to the data provider will be tracked. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableTriStateCheckbox : Boolean
Flag to enable tristate behavior for selection checkboxes. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableVirtualScroll : Boolean
Flag to enable virtual scroll. | FlexDataGrid | ||
excelOptions : ExportOptions
The Export options object that is used to configure the excel export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
expandCollapseCellRenderer : IFactory
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseCellRenderer
Container for the expand collapse cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer : IFactory
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer
Container for the expand collapse cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
expandCollapseTooltipFunction : Function
Default function will return the value of expandTooltip or collapseTooltip. | FlexDataGrid | ||
expandTooltip : String = Expand
Tooltip to display when user hovers over expand icon
| FlexDataGrid | ||
exportableColumns : Array [read-only]
eturns the columns where excludeFromExport=false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
filterContainer : FlexDataGridHeaderContainer [read-only]
The container for the filter cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterExcludeObjectsWithoutMatchField : Boolean = false
By default, for hierarchical datagrids, when there is a object that does not have the property being searched for, these objects are included in the filter match. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterFunction : Function
Pointer to the TOP level filterFunction
In addition to the filter row, if you wish to apply external filters, or to apply filters at inner nested levels, you may use this property. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterPageSortMode : String
The Filter/Page/Sort Mode. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterRow : DataGridFilterRow [read-only]
Not supported. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterRowHeight : Number
Sets the filter row height at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterRows : Array [read-only]
Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the filter row. | FlexDataGrid | ||
filterVisible : Boolean
Returns true if the filter row is visible at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
footerContainer : FlexDataGridHeaderContainer [read-only]
The container for the footer cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
footerRowHeight : Number
Returns the sum of:
If enableFooters, then footerRowHeight else 0
| FlexDataGrid | ||
footerRows : Array [read-only]
Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the footer row. | FlexDataGrid | ||
footerVisible : Boolean
Returns true if the footer row is visible at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
forcePagerRow : Boolean
Flag to force appearance of the pager row even with enablePaging=false. | FlexDataGrid | ||
generateColumns : Boolean = true
Flag to automatically generate columns. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getChildrenFunction : Function = null
This function basically gives you the opportunity to tie in to the grids hierarchy lookup mechanism. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getRowHeightFunction : Function = null
When variableRowHeight =true, atleast one column needs to have the wordWrap flag set to true. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getRowIndexFunction : Function
A function that takes a IFlexDataGridDataCell object and returns a String. | FlexDataGrid | ||
globalFilterMatchFunction : Function = null
Function to control all the filtering at all levels. | FlexDataGrid | ||
groupedColumns : Array
Returns the list of groupedColumns at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
hasErrors : Boolean = false
A Flag that indicates if there are any errors
| FlexDataGrid | ||
hasFilter : Boolean = false
By default, there is no filter applied. | FlexDataGrid | ||
hasFilterFunction : Boolean [read-only]
returns true if any of the levels have a filter function
| FlexDataGrid | ||
hasGroupedColumns : Boolean [read-only]
Added for Persistence support
| FlexDataGrid | ||
hasRowSpanOrColSpan : Boolean [read-only]
If rowSpanFunction!=null or colSpanFunction!=null
| FlexDataGrid | ||
headerContainer : FlexDataGridHeaderContainer [read-only]
The container for the header cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
headerRowHeight : Number
Pointer to the TOP level headerHeight
Height of the header for this level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
headerSectionHeight : Number [read-only]
Returns the sum of:
If enableFilters, then filterRowHeight else 0 plus
| FlexDataGrid | ||
headerSeperatorWidth : Number
Pointer to the TOP level headerSeperatorWidth
Width to show the resize indicator between columns. | FlexDataGrid | ||
headerSortSeparatorRight : Number [read-only]
Gets the value of the headerSortSeparatorRight property
| FlexDataGrid | ||
headerVisible : Boolean
Returns true if the header row is visible at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
horizontalScrollBar : ScrollBar [read-only]
The horizontal scrollbar associated with the bodyContainer. | FlexDataGrid | ||
horizontalScrollPolicy : String [override]
Whether or not to show the horizontal scroll bar. | FlexDataGrid | ||
horizontalScrollPosition : Number
he horizontal scroll position of the body container. | FlexDataGrid | ||
initialSortAscending : Boolean
If true, initial sort direction for this level is ascending. | FlexDataGrid | ||
initialSortField : String
The property of the object on this level that should be used in the default sort at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
inMultiRowEdit : Boolean = false
When the grid is in a multirow edit mode, we ignore all keyboard interaction. | NdgBase | ||
isCellSelectionMode : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
| NdgBase | ||
isClientFilterPageSortMode : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if the top column level filterPageSortMode is client. | FlexDataGrid | ||
isRowSelectionMode : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW
| NdgBase | ||
itemFilters : Dictionary
A dictionary of all the filters. | FlexDataGrid | ||
itemLoadMode : String
Pointer to the TOP level itemLoadMode
The Item Load Mode. | FlexDataGrid | ||
keyboardListenersPaused : Boolean = false
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters,
so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another. | NdgBase | ||
lastAutoRefresh : Date
Last time the auto refresh timer was triggered
| FlexDataGrid | ||
leftLockedContent : ElasticContainer [read-only]
The container for the left locked data cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
leftLockedFooter : LockedContent [read-only]
The container for the left locked footer cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
leftLockedHeader : LockedContent [read-only]
The container for the left locked filter and header cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
leftLockedVerticalSeperator : Sprite [read-only]
The left locked vertical seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
levelRendererHeight : Number
Pointer to the TOP level levelRendererHeight
Height to assign to the renderer for each level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
lockDisclosureCell : Boolean
A boolean flag that indicates whether to lock the disclosure
cells so that they dont scroll horizontally. | NdgBase | ||
lockedColumnCount : int [read-only]
Unused/Not Applicable. | FlexDataGrid | ||
lockedColumnWidth : int [read-only]
Unused/Not Applicable. | FlexDataGrid | ||
lockedSectionSeperatorDrawFunction : Function
Function to draw a line to the right of the left locked content and a line to the left of the right locked content. | NdgBase | ||
maxAutoAdjustHeight : Number
The maximum height to adjust the grid when enableHeightAutoAdjust is set to true. | FlexDataGrid | ||
maxDepth : int [read-only]
Returns the max depth possible for nested datagrids
| FlexDataGrid | ||
maxHorizontalScrollPosition : Number [read-only]
The max horizontal scroll position of the bodyContainer
| FlexDataGrid | ||
multiColumnSortNumberFields : Number [read-only]
The number of field dropdowns to display in the multi column sort popup. | FlexDataGrid | ||
multiSortRenderer : IFactory
A Class that is responsible for the multi column sort view. | FlexDataGrid | ||
nativeExcelExporter : Exporter
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. | FlexDataGrid | ||
nestIndent : Number
Pointer to the TOP level nestIndent
he indentation to apply to each progressive nest level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer : IFactory
Pointer to the TOP level nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer
Container for the nest indent padding cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
nextLevelRenderer : IFactory
Pointer to the TOP level nextLevelRenderer
A renderer that displays this level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
noDataMessage : String = No Records Found
If enabled (set to a string with length>0), when a dataprovider with zero items is set, or when filter criteria returns no records, a message is shown with this data. | FlexDataGrid | ||
openItems : ArrayCollection
A list of items that the user has opened. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pageIndex : int
Page index at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pager : IPager [read-only]
Returns the top level pager
| FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerCellRenderer : IFactory
Pointer to the TOP level pagerCellRenderer
Container for the footer renderer. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerContainer : FlexDataGridHeaderContainer [read-only]
The container for the pager cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerControl : IExtendedPager [read-only]
Returns the pager control at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerRenderer : IFactory | FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerRowHeight : Number
Gets the pager row height at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pagerVisible : Boolean
Returns true if the pager row is visible at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pageSize : int
The page size of the top(root) level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
pdfOptions : PrintOptions
The Print options object that is used to configure the pdf behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
pdfPrinter : IPDFPrinter
A class that takes the PDF Pages as they are generated. | FlexDataGrid | ||
popupFactoryExportOptions : IFactory
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Word or Excel button - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
popupFactoryOpenSettingsPopup : IFactory
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Open Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
popupFactoryPrintOptions : IFactory
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Print or PDF button - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
popupFactorySaveSettingsPopup : IFactory
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Save Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
popupFactorySettingsPopup : IFactory
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
predefinedFilters : ArrayCollection
A collection of toolbar actions. | NdgBase | ||
preferencePersistenceKey : String
String value that uniquely identifies this grid across the application. | FlexDataGrid | ||
preferencePersistenceMode : String
String value "server" or "client". | FlexDataGrid | ||
preferences : String
Returns an XML representation of the preferences specified in
the preferencesToPersist property and values being the actual
values. | FlexDataGrid | ||
preferencesLoaded : Boolean [read-only]
Returns true if the load preferences has been called. | FlexDataGrid | ||
preferencesSet : Boolean
A flag to indicate that the preferences for this grid
has been set. | FlexDataGrid | ||
preferencesToPersist : String
A comma delimited string of the following values:
Each represents a setting that can potentially be persisted. | FlexDataGrid | ||
preservePager : Boolean
If you set this to true, the next call to rebuild will not rebuild the pager control
Needed in cases where there is user interaction in the pager control that we do not want
to loose, but we want to rebuild the rest of the grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
printableColumns : Array [read-only]
Returns the columns where excludeFromPrint=false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
printComponentFactory : IFactory | FlexDataGrid | ||
printExportData : Object
This is not used. | FlexDataGrid | ||
printExportParameters : Object
Any custom data that you wish to pass into the print/export mechanism.
This will then be available on Print/Export Options
when the Print or Export is run. | NdgBase | ||
printOptions : PrintOptions
The Print options object that is used to configure the print behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid | ||
rebuildGridOnDataProviderChange : Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to rebuild the entire grid on dataprovider change. | FlexDataGrid | ||
recalculateSeedOnEachScroll : Boolean = false
Flag should be set to true when you have large variable height based rows that are potentially
taller than the grid itself. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rightLockedContent : ElasticContainer [read-only]
The container for the right locked data cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rightLockedFooter : LockedContent [read-only]
The container for the right locked footer cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rightLockedHeader : LockedContent [read-only]
he container for the right locked filter and header cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rightLockedVerticalSeperator : Sprite [read-only]
The right locked vertical seperator Sprite. | NdgBase | ||
rightLockedWidth : int [read-only]
Returns the maximum width of right locked columns. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rowCount : int [read-only]
Returns the number of rows currently visible. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rowDisabledFunction : Function
A function that can be used to control the enabled flag of each cell in this level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rowHeight : Number
Gets the height of the data rows at the top level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
rowSelectableFunction : Function
A function that can be used to control whether clicking on any cell in this level will select it. | FlexDataGrid | ||
rowSpanFunction : Function
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectableField : String
This is a boolean flag on the dataprovider that notifies the grid whether or not the grid should allow
interactive selection on the corresponding record. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectAllState : String
If all items from the top level are selected, returns TriStateCheckBox.STATE_CHECKED. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedCells : ArrayCollection [read-only]
A list of CellInfo objects. | NdgBase | ||
selectedField : String
A field on the dataprovider that indicates that this item should be selected
| FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedIndex : int
Only applicable for flat grids. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedIndices : Array [read-only]
Returns dataProvider.indexOf(selectedObjects(0))
| FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedItem : Object
Returns (selectedObjects(0)). | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedItems : Array [read-only]
Returns the top level selectedObjects
| FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedKeyField : String
The concept of selection in Flexicious Ultimate is much more powerful as compared to the basic SDK datagrids in the following ways:
First, It supports selection independant of dataprovider, so when a row is selected in the grid, we store the
the selected object in the selectedObects array collection. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedKeys : ArrayCollection [read-only]
A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectedObjects : ArrayCollection [read-only]
A list of selected objects from the data provider. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectionInfo : SelectionInfo [read-only]
Support for selection based on exclusion. | FlexDataGrid | ||
selectionMode : String
Selection mode for the grid. | NdgBase | ||
settingsColumns : Array [read-only]
Returns the columns where excludeFromSettings=false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
showSpinnerOnCreationComplete : Boolean [read-only]
Returns showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort
| FlexDataGrid | ||
showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort : Boolean
A flag when set, automatically shows the spinner on creation complete and
any filter page or sort operation. | NdgBase | ||
sortableColumns : Array [read-only]
eturns the columns where excludeFromExport=false
| FlexDataGrid | ||
spinner : ISpinner
The spinner component. | FlexDataGrid | ||
spinnerBehavior : SpinnerBehavior | FlexDataGrid | ||
spinnerFactory : IFactory
Factory responsible for instantiating a new spinner. | NdgBase | ||
spinnerLabel : String
The label of the spinner control, you can use styles
to control the appearance. | NdgBase | ||
spinnerParent : Object [read-only] | FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionAddRow : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Add Row Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionDelete : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Delete Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionEdit : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Edit Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionExecutedFunction : Function
A function that gets executed whenever a user clicks on a icon generated by a custom toolbar icon. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarActionFilter : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Filter Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionMoveDown : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in moveDown Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionMoveTo : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Move to Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionMoveUp : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in moveUp Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActions : ArrayCollection
A collection of toolbar actions. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarActionSeparator : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in moveUp Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionSort : ToolbarAction [read-only]
Returns the built in Edit Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarActionValidFunction : Function
A function that gets executed whenever the user selection changes. | NdgBase | ||
toolbarExcelHandlerFunction : Function
Function that actually runs the export to excel. | FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarPdfHandlerFunction : Function
Function that actually runs the pdf. | FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarPrintHandlerFunction : Function
Function that actually runs the print. | FlexDataGrid | ||
toolbarWordHandlerFunction : Function
Function that actually runs the export to word. | FlexDataGrid | ||
tooltipBehavior : TooltipBehavior | FlexDataGrid | ||
totalRecords : int
The total number of records at the root level (needs to be set only in server mode,
because there is no way for the grid to know how many records on
the server match the filter criteria)
In client mode, the count of the data provider is used instead. | FlexDataGrid | ||
useCompactPreferences : Boolean
If set to true, uses the newer preference persistence scheme introduced in
Flexicious 2.0, which stores the preferences as custom string as opposed to XML,
making it a lot less verbose. | FlexDataGrid | ||
useElements : Boolean [read-only]
Whether to use addElement or addChild;
| FlexDataGrid | ||
useModuleFactory : Boolean [read-only]
Flag that indicates to use the module factory of the grid to show popups. | FlexDataGrid | ||
useRollOver : Boolean
Flag that controls whether items are highlighted as the mouse rolls over them. | FlexDataGrid | ||
userSettingsOptionsFunction : Function
Hook for the client to plug in their own UserSettings. | FlexDataGrid | ||
variableHeaderHeight : Boolean = false
When you enable headerWordWrap=true, then we need to set this to true, because
we will dyamically adjust the height of the header row. | FlexDataGrid | ||
variableRowHeight : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether the individual rows can have different height. | FlexDataGrid | ||
variableRowHeightOffset : Number = 0
In case the calculations of the row height with text measurements is not
accurate (Flash player bug) you can use this variable to adjust the calculation
based on your scenario
| FlexDataGrid | ||
variableRowHeightUseRendererForCalculation : Boolean = false
By default, the flexicious Ultimate Grid does not instantiate and
measure each cell renderer when you set variable row heights. | FlexDataGrid | ||
verticalScrollBar : ScrollBar [read-only]
The vertical scrollbar associated with the bodyContainer. | FlexDataGrid | ||
verticalScrollBarOffset : int [read-only]
ot used. | FlexDataGrid | ||
verticalScrollPosition : Number
he vertical scroll position of the body container. | FlexDataGrid | ||
viewMetrics : EdgeMetrics [read-only]
Unused/Not applicable to the Nested DataGrid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
virtualBodyContainer : FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer [read-only] | FlexDataGrid | ||
virtualScrollDelay : uint
Delay in milliseconds before "virtualScroll" event is dispatched. | FlexDataGrid | ||
visibleColumns : Array [read-only]
eturns the columns where visible=true
| FlexDataGrid | ||
wordOptions : ExportOptions
The Export options object that is used to configure the word export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
| FlexDataGrid |
Property | Defined By | ||
autoRefreshTimer : Timer
Timer instance to work with the auto refresh mechanism
| FlexDataGrid | ||
_copyCellContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current cell
| NdgBase | ||
_copyRowContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the current row
| NdgBase | ||
_copyRowSelectedRowsMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the selected rows
| NdgBase | ||
_copyTableContextMenuItem : ContextMenuItem
Context Menu Item to copy the entire page
| NdgBase | ||
defaultRowCount : int = 4
The default number of rows to display. | NdgBase |
Method | Defined By | ||
The constructor is responsible for instantiating the body container, header,footer,filter,pager containers,
as well as the left/right Locked header/footer containers. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Adds the column to the collection of columns at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Adds the provided item to the selection of the top (root) level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
If you modify one or more column groups, calling this method is required so that
inter related column groups can update themselves. | FlexDataGrid | ||
checkIsGroupingCollection(val:Object):Boolean | FlexDataGrid | ||
checkNoDataMessage(force:Boolean = false):void
If a noDataMessage value is specified, and a dataprovider with zero records is set, calls the showMessage function passing in the noDataMessage, which in turn
shows the value of the noDataMessage using the Spinner component with its spinner hidden. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Clears out the following collections
All Open Items
All Errors
Selection (only if clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange==true)
Some internal housekeeping collections
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Clears out all the errors
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Clears filters at all levels and rebuilds the grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Sets changes to an empty array. | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearColumns(rebuild:Boolean = true):void
Clears out all the columns of the grid
If the parameter to rebuild is true, the grid will be rebuilt. | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearErrorByKey(key:*, fld:String):void
Clears the errors for the specified key
| FlexDataGrid | ||
clearErrorByObject(item:Object, fld:String):void
Similar to clearErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Clears the filters at all levels
| FlexDataGrid | ||
clearFilterByField(col:String = null):void
Clears the filters at all levels
| FlexDataGrid | ||
When the dataprovider changes or when new data comes in from the server for lazy loaded grids, you can call this to clear out the flattened cache. | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearPreferences():void | FlexDataGrid | ||
clearSelection():void [override]
Clears the selected rows and cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
| FlexDataGrid | ||
collapseAllColumnGroups(lvl:int = 1):void
For grids with column groups, expands them all. | FlexDataGrid | ||
copyCurrentCellToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy cell menu item
Copies the current cell in tab delimited format into the clipboard
| FlexDataGrid | ||
copyRowToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy row menu item
Copies the current row in tab delimited format into the clipboard
| FlexDataGrid | ||
copySelectedRowsToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item
Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
| FlexDataGrid | ||
copyTableToClipBoard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item
Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
| FlexDataGrid | ||
createBuiltinAction(lbl:String, code:String, requiresSelection:Boolean = false, requiresSingleSelection:Boolean = false):ToolbarAction
Creates a Toolbar Action
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Not supported
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns the top level filter. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Default handler for the Word Export Button. | FlexDataGrid | ||
If grid.openItems.contains(getItemKey(,
return the value of expandTooltip else collapseTooltip
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Default handler for the Print Button. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Default handler for the Print Button. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Default handler for the Word Export Button. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Destroys the current item editor, if there is one. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Handle for the auto refresh. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean [override] | FlexDataGrid | ||
Modifies the columns so the width is distributed equally. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Triggered when drag is starting. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Triggered when the drag is complete. | FlexDataGrid | ||
When enableFillerRows=true, wipes out and recreates the filler rows. | FlexDataGrid | ||
enableDisableToolbarAction(code:String, enable:Boolean):void
In addition to initial enable/disable of toolbar actions, this function
can be used to enable or disable toolbar actions at run time. | FlexDataGrid | ||
ensureLevelsCreated(item:Object = null, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
When enableDynamicLevels=true and there is only one level,
we iterate through the data provider and ensure that the maximum depth
has been accounted for. | FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
| FlexDataGrid | ||
expandAllColumnGroups(lvl:int = 1):void
For grids with column groups, expands them all. | FlexDataGrid | ||
expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Opens or closes all the nodes of the navigation tree below the specified item. | FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
| FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested datagrids, expands all items to the level specified. | FlexDataGrid | ||
or nested datagrids, expands all items one level up
| FlexDataGrid | ||
flatten(depthRequested:int = 1, inclusive:Boolean = true, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false, max:Number = -1):Array
For hierarchical data grids, returns the data provider as a flat list that matches the
specified criteria. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Generates a snapshot of the row for the drag visual indicator
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a code, loops through the toolbarActions, and gets the toolbar action with the given code. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object. | FlexDataGrid | ||
By default, when the grid's creation complete event is dispatched, the grid will go
in and load the saved preference. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a data object and a colum, return the IFlexDataGridDataCell object for the combination
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the cell in the specified direction of the provided cell
| FlexDataGrid | ||
getChildren(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false):Object
If the dataprovider is IHierarchicalCollectionView, calls the getChildren method on the incoming object. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getChildrenLength(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false):Object
Calls getChildren, and if result is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
| FlexDataGrid | ||
eturns the column with the specified datafield, only at the root level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
eturns the column with the specified UniqueIdentifier, only at the root level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a IFlexDataGridCell, returns a container that holds that cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getContainerInDirection(container:String, up:Boolean):FlexDataGridContainerBase
Returns the section above or below the provided section. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a container, returns its displayOrder string equivalent. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the cell that is currently being edited. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the editor that is currently being edited. | FlexDataGrid | ||
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents the currently applied preference
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Called by PrintController and ExportController to get the data on basis of PrintOptions and ExportOptions
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns all columns at all levels. | FlexDataGrid | ||
eturns the filter at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the column with the specified search field
| FlexDataGrid | ||
getFilteredPagedSortedData(dictionary:Dictionary, applyFilter:Boolean = true, applyPaging:Boolean = true, applySort:Boolean = true, pages:Array = null):Object
Returns the data provider, with filter, paging and sorting applied on basis
of the boolean flags specified. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getFilterValue(col:String):* | FlexDataGrid | ||
Used by filter to identify where relative position for each control for tabbing
| FlexDataGrid | ||
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents a list of all preferences saved for this
grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
eturns the RowPosition Info object for the item at the given vertical scroll position
| FlexDataGrid | ||
FlexDataGrid | |||
If arr is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns FlexDataGridColumnLevel object at the specified depth
| FlexDataGrid | ||
getLevelForItem(itemToFind:*, flat:Object = null, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Provided an item, loops through the data provider, and finds
the level associated with the provided item. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a displayOrder string , returns its container equivalent. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a cell if it is a datarow, and it is associated with a column
and the column is at the nest level of the cell, and the column is left locked
and the data item bound to the cell is open, then will return the recursive
count of all open items under this cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns a copy of the open items array. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getParent(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel):Object
Returns the parent object for the passed in object. | FlexDataGrid | ||
eturns the container for the given cell
| FlexDataGrid | ||
getPrintableColumns(options:PrintOptions):Array | FlexDataGrid | ||
ets the filter at the root level
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns a iterable representation of the dataprovider. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getRowHeight(item:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, rowType:int):Number
If variableRowHeight returns the minimum height required to display text of each column without clipping. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a cell, returns it row span based upon how many children are open
Recursively inspects the children to see if any of them are open as well. | FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested datagrids, used to get all records at all levels. | FlexDataGrid | ||
getSelectedObjects(getKey:Boolean = false, unSelected:Boolean = false):Array
For nested datagrids, used to get all items selected at all levels. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the actual button object for the provided toolbar action. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Drag and Drop support, create a image representation of the row. | NdgBase | ||
When enableSelectionExclusion, returns a list of items that the user explicitly unselected. | FlexDataGrid | ||
FlexDataGrid | |||
Goes to the specified horizontal position. | FlexDataGrid | ||
gotoItem(item:Object, highlight:Boolean = true, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Given a data item, scrolls to that item in the datagrid
Flexicious by default will only build RowPositionInfo objects
for open items that the user can visually scroll to. | FlexDataGrid | ||
gotoKey(key:Object, highlight:Boolean = true, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Given a key, scrolls to the item that has the provided value for the selectedKeyField at that level
Flexicious by default will only build RowPositionInfo objects
for open items that the user can visually scroll to. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Given a row index (less than the total number of rows, goes to the row in question). | FlexDataGrid | ||
Goes to the specified vertical position. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns true if the grid defines the border style specified
| NdgBase | ||
Removes the spinner and sets the bodyContainer.alpha back to 1
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Hides the current tooltip. | FlexDataGrid | ||
On basis of the highLight flag, removes or adds highlight to the row in question. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Invalidates the display (Calls invalidateDisplayList of all the cells). | FlexDataGrid | ||
Invalidates the cell widths, so in the next commit properties, we snap to the new column widths. | NdgBase | ||
Queues a call to drawFiller in the next validation cycle
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Invalidates the height, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers,
and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. | NdgBase | ||
Called when you scroll and expand collapse. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Calls the rebuild function, which basically rebuild the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Invalidates the width, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers,
and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. | NdgBase | ||
Is this cell editable? Returns true if:
1) The cell is an IFlexDataGridCell
2) The cells column is editable
3) The cellEditableFunction is null OR cellEditableFunction(fdgCell) returns true.
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Return true if enableStickyControlKeySelection Or (Control Key is down AND (selectionMode is MultipleRows or MultipleCells))
| FlexDataGrid | ||
isToolbarActionValid(action:ToolbarAction, currentTarget:Object, extendedPager:IExtendedPager):Boolean
Evaluates whether the given toolbar action is valid or not. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in
preferencePersistenceMode=client. | FlexDataGrid | ||
measureCellHeight(col:Object, paddingLeft:Number, paddingRight:Number, paddingTop:Number, paddingBottom:Number, itemRenderer:IFactory, ht:Number, txt:String, item:Object, styl:Object):Number
Given a column and padding values, calculate the height required to fully render the text
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Gets the text of the tooltip to show to the user to prompt for the multi column sort. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Creates an instance of the multiSortRenderer and pushes it into view
| FlexDataGrid | ||
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters,
so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another. | FlexDataGrid | ||
persistPreferences(name:String = Default, isDefault:Boolean = false):void
Persists the preferences as Shared Objects when preferencePersistenceMode=client
or dispatches an event with the preference information when preferencePersistenceMode=server
| FlexDataGrid | ||
When you have left or right locked sections, the scroll bar only covers the area occupied by the body container,
or the unlocked columns section. | FlexDataGrid | ||
The grid is composed of the following sections:
Left Locked Header
Left Locked Content
Left Locked Footer
Right Locked Header
Right Locked Content
Right Locked Footer
UnLocked Header
UnLocked Content
UnLocked Footer
On basis of the column lock modes specified, this method will
size each section and place them in the correct location. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Processes filters at the root level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Used by state persistence to load sort settings that were
persisted previously. | FlexDataGrid | ||
quickFind(whatToFind:String, searchCols:Array = null, breakAfterFind:Boolean = true, captureCols:Boolean = false):Array
Iterates through the data provider to get a list of row positions
that match the text provided. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Rebuild the entire grid. | NdgBase | ||
rebuildBody(vupdateTotalRecords:Boolean = false):void
A method that simply rebuilds the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Same as rebuildBody, but ideal for scenarios where you have to call rebuildBody frequently (i.e. | FlexDataGrid | ||
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
A method that simply rebuilds the header as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
A method that simply rebuilds the pager as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Redraws the grid, assuming the data provider is the same, we're just changing column widths or ordinals. | NdgBase | ||
A method that simply redraws the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Calls the refresh cell method on all visible cells in the bodyContainer section. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Updates the visible state of all row selection checkboxes and header checkboxes. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Calls rebuild internally. | NdgBase | ||
Removes all the sorts and calls doInvalidate. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Removes the column from the collection of columns at this level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Runs the given toolbar action. | FlexDataGrid | ||
scrollToExistingRow(vsp:Number, scrollDown:Boolean):void
Scrolls to the row that appears at the specified vertical position
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Selects the provided text in the currently visible cells
that have the default item renderer, or if the item renderer
has the selection property
| FlexDataGrid | ||
setChildData(item:Object, children:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, totalRecords:int = -1, useSelectedKeyField:Boolean = true):void
In lazy loaded grid levels, (filterPageSortMode=server), when
the user expands a level for the first time, since the data
is not loaded, the level dispatches the filterPageSortChange, or itemLoad. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setCurrentPreferenceInfo(val:PreferenceInfo, applyPreferences:Boolean = true):void
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, applies the given preference as the current
preference. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setErrorByKey(key:*, fld:String, errorMsg:String):void
On grids that allow for tracking errors, call this method to highlight the error
using the errorRowStyle, errorContainerRowStyle, and errorMessageStyle. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setErrorByObject(item:Object, fld:String, errorMsg:String):void
Similar to setErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Sets the filter at the top level. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setFilterValue(col:String, val:Object, triggerEvent:Boolean = true):void | FlexDataGrid | ||
setGridPreferencesInfo(val:GridPreferencesInfo, applyPreferences:Boolean = true):void
Sets the multiple preferences array. | FlexDataGrid | ||
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Adds to built in filters and refreshes the toolbar. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setSelectedItemsBasedOnSelectedField(rebuild:Boolean = false, openItems:Boolean = true):void
Sets the open items on basis of the selectedField. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setSelectedKeys(objects:Array, openItems:Boolean = true):void
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setSelectedObjects(objects:Array, openItems:Boolean = true):void
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. | FlexDataGrid | ||
setToolbarActionButtonProperty(toolbarActionCode:String, property:String, value:*):void
Sets a property or a style of the button object associated with the toolbar action
that has the given code. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Adds to toolbar actions, and refreshes the toolbar. | FlexDataGrid | ||
shiftColumns(columnToInsert:FlexDataGridColumn, insertBefore:FlexDataGridColumn, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, movingCg:Boolean = false):void
Inserts the column specified column before the specified column
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones speicified in the list to false. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Displays a message without the spinner label. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones where excludeFromPrint=true. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Shows the spinner with default values defined below:
Label: "Loading please wait"
X Position : center X of the grid
Y Position : center Y of the grid
Grid Alpa when the spinner is active : 0.3
Spinner appearance can be modified using styles . | FlexDataGrid | ||
showToaster(message:String, toasterPosition:String, toasterRenderer:IFactory = null, animationDuration:Number = 1000, visibleDuration:Number = 5000, moveAnimate:Boolean = true, fadeAnimate:Boolean = true):void [override]
Shows the given toaster message
| FlexDataGrid | ||
showTooltip(relativeTo:IUIComponent, tooltip:IUIComponent, dataContext:Object, point:Point = null, leftOffset:Number = 0, topOffset:Number = 0, offScreenMath:Boolean = true, where:String = left, container:Object = null):void
Displays a tooltip for the control in question. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Goes through all the sections and resizes the cells to match the current column widths. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections
| FlexDataGrid | ||
trackChange(changedItem:Object, changeType:String, changeLevel:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null, changedProperty:String = null, previousValue:* = null, newValue:* = null):void
Method to track a change, called by track change API to keep track of additions, deletions and modifications to the data provider. | FlexDataGrid |
Method | Defined By | ||
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer class. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Method to create an instance of the ElasticContainer class. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Method to create an instance of the LockedContent class. | FlexDataGrid | ||
If you set enableRowNumbers=true; the level calls this function to create a FlexDataGridRowNumberColumn
Default function returns new FlexDataGridRowNumberColumn();
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Returns true if the getLength method on the result of the getChildren
method returns more than 0
| FlexDataGrid | ||
For the top level, returns grid.getRootFlat().indexOf(
For other levels, uses level.getChildren(grid.getParent(item)).indexOf(;
| FlexDataGrid | ||
returns UserSettingsOptions.create(this);
| FlexDataGrid | ||
Calls invalidateDisplayList()
| NdgBase | ||
Called when the drag enters over a cell. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dragDrop(event:DragEvent):void [override]
Called when the DragDrop event is dispatched over any of the cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
dragEnter(event:DragEvent):void [override]
Called when the DragEnter event is dispatched over any of the cells. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Corner areas are special containers that exist to hold filter and header on the top
and Pager and Footer on the bottom
If I am filter cell, return 0 if filter is above header (true always)
IF I am header cell, return filterHeight + (headerHeight header Depth)
If I am footer cell, return 0
If I am pager cell, return pager footer height
| FlexDataGrid | ||
getPeristenceKey():String | FlexDataGrid | ||
getRowText(item:Object, cols:Array):String
Iterates through the passed in cols, calls itemToLabel on each of them
passing in the item, and return the resulting string in tab delimited format. | FlexDataGrid | ||
keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void [override]
Support for key board interaction. | FlexDataGrid | ||
onCollectionChange(event:Event):void [override]
By default, when you set the dataprovider, we add a change event listener to it. | FlexDataGrid | ||
In this method, we trap all double click events, walk up the target tree until we hit
a IFlexDataGridDataCell object, and if we indeed double clicked a data cell, we dispatch and ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK event. | FlexDataGrid | ||
onGridResized(event:ResizeEvent):void [override] | FlexDataGrid | ||
onKeyFocusChange(event:FocusEvent):void | FlexDataGrid | ||
Transfers mouse wheel events over the locked left and right sections to scroll events on the body container,
so we scroll when the user mouse wheels over the left or right locked containers. | FlexDataGrid | ||
resumeKeyboardListeners():void | NdgBase | ||
Takes an array collection of preferences and applies them to the grid. | FlexDataGrid | ||
Called to show the drop indicator below the passed in cells row. | FlexDataGrid |
Event | Summary | Defined By | ||
Dispatched when the grid is finished exporting. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the autorefresh interval is hit. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the grid is about to be exported | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the grid is about to be generated for the print, or the preview. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched before the beforePrint event, right prior to the data provider being set. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the cell is rendered completely. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when row selection or cell selection changes. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the columns at this level are resized | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when columns are dragged and dropped to change their position | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when all the cells snap to the calculated column widths. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the dataprovider dispatches a collection change event. | FlexDataGrid | |||
When enableDynamicLevels=true, this event is dispatched whenever all the dynamic levels are created. | FlexDataGrid | |||
When enableDynamicLevels=true, this event is dispatched whenever a new level is created. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the grid's page, sort or filter state changes. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when any header cell is clicked | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user clicks on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user mouse outs on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user mouseovers on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user clicks on a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the use clicks on the disclosure icon to collapse a previously opened item. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when an item is about to close. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user double clicks on a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the editor is instantiated. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the user attempts to edit an item. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the edit session is cancelled. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the edit session ends. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched just before committing the value of the editorDataField property of the editor to the property specified by the datafield property of the column of the item being edited. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the item editor receives focus. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched only in server mode, when an item opens for the first time. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the user clicks on the disclosure icon to expand a previously collapsed item. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when an item is about to open. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user rolls out of a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode (only if rollover on a different item) | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when user rolls over a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode (only if rollover on a different item) | FlexDataGrid | |||
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched whenever the page size is changed. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the user clicks the 'Generate PDF' button on the Print Preview. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Fired when the grid needs to persist its preferences. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched prior to the widths, heights, x, and y of the various sections are calculated. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched by the grid when a prebuilt filter is run. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Fired right before preferences are being loaded and applied. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the grid is sent to the printer. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched only in server mode, when the grid needs to print or export more data than is currently loaded in memory. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the renderer is initialized. | FlexDataGrid | |||
When enableTrackChanges is set to true, this event is dispatched when any change (add,delete or update) is made to the grid. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the content is scrolled. | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when the top level select checkbox is changed | FlexDataGrid | |||
Dispatched when any toolbarAction is executed. | FlexDataGrid | |||
When enablevirtualScroll=true, this event is dispatched whenever the user scrolls. | FlexDataGrid |
Constant | Defined By | ||
Constant to indicate that the drag was initiated by the grid
| NdgBase | ||
MOVE_BOTTOM : String = moveBottom [static] | FlexDataGrid | ||
MOVE_DOWN : String = moveDown [static] | FlexDataGrid | ||
MOVE_TOP : String = moveTop [static] | FlexDataGrid | ||
MOVE_UP : String = moveUp [static] | FlexDataGrid |
additionalFilterArgumentsFunction | property |
Pointer to the TOP level additionalFilterArgumentsFunction
In scenarios where there are detached filters, this function may be used to add on to the list of arguments before the filter is run. The function must take a column level as the only parameter, and return an array collection of the filter expressions. public function get additionalFilterArgumentsFunction():Function
public function set additionalFilterArgumentsFunction(value:Function):void
allowMultipleRowDrag | property |
public var allowMultipleRowDrag:Boolean = false
Flag to enable dragging multiple rows.
autoLoadPreferences | property |
public var autoLoadPreferences:Boolean = true
autoRefreshInterval | property |
The number of milliseconds to wait before issuing an autorefresh call. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds)
public function get autoRefreshInterval():Number
public function set autoRefreshInterval(value:Number):void
autoRefreshTimer | property |
protected var autoRefreshTimer:Timer
Timer instance to work with the auto refresh mechanism
bodyContainer | property |
[read-only] The main scrollable area of the grid. This is an instance of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer class, which derives from FlexDataGridContainerBase. The Body container manages renderer recycling, scrolling, expand collapse, editing, etc. The bodyContainer contains a rows collection, which is a visual representation of the current ViewPort, that is, it shows the currently visible cells based on the vertical and horizontal scroll postions. You can iterate through the currently visible cells via looping through the rows property and going through the cells collection of each RowInfo. Please note, this will only get you the currently visible cells. If you wish to access each cell as it is being initialized (or revived from a recyclable state) please wire up the rendererInitialized event on the grid.
public function get bodyContainer():FlexDataGridBodyContainer
bottomBarLeft | property |
public var bottomBarLeft:UIComponent
A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns.
bottomBarRight | property |
public var bottomBarRight:UIComponent
A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns.
builtInActions | property |
Comma delimited string of the following words: edit,delete,moveTo,moveUp,moveDown,addRow,filter
public function get builtInActions():String
public function set builtInActions(value:String):void
canExpandDown | property |
[read-only] Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have not expanded to the lowest level
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get canExpandDown():Boolean
canExpandUp | property |
[read-only] Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have expanded to a level below 1.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get canExpandUp():Boolean
cellBackgroundColorFunction | property |
A function that can be used to control the background color of each cell in this column. If this function is null or returns null, the cell will use the alternatingItemColors style property. This function should take a IFlexDataGridDataCell object, which has a pointer to the row data (data) as well as other related information found in the documentation of the FlexDataGridDataCell class. This function should return an array of colors for a gradient fill, or a single color hex code (uint) for a single color fill.
public function get cellBackgroundColorFunction():Function
public function set cellBackgroundColorFunction(value:Function):void
cellBorderFunction | property |
Pointer to the TOP level cellBorderFunction
A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. By default, each cell will draw a 1px wide line to its right and bottom ends. This function offers you the opportunity to hook into this mechanism, and draw your own border using the graphics property of the FlexDataGridCell object, that is passed in as a parameter to this function. If this function returns false, the default border is not drawn. public function get cellBorderFunction():Function
public function set cellBorderFunction(value:Function):void
cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction | property |
Pointer to the TOP level cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction
A function that lets you control the background drawing mechanism for each cell. By default, each cell will draw a background on basis of the XXXXColors style property and XXXXRollOverColors style property, where XXXX= header,filter,pager,footer,renderer or blank. This function offers you the opportunity to hook into this mechanism, and draw your own background using the graphics property of the FlexDataGridCell object, that is passed in as a parameter to this function. If this function returns false, the default background is not drawn. public function get cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction():Function
public function set cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction(value:Function):void
cellEditableFunction | property |
public var cellEditableFunction:Function
If this is defined, in addition to checking if the column is editable, this call back is called for each cell in this column to ensure that the cell is editable. This allows you to conditionally define editable flag on a cell basis.
cellTextColorFunction | property |
A function that can be used to control the Text color of each cell in this column. If this function is null or returns null, the cell Text will use the alternatingTextColors style property. This function should take a IFlexDataGridDataCell object, which has a pointer to the row data (data) as well as other related information found in the documentation of the FlexDataGridDataCell class. This function should return a single color hex code (uint).
public function get cellTextColorFunction():Function
public function set cellTextColorFunction(value:Function):void
changes | property |
[read-only] An array of ChangeInfo objects that contains all the changes made to the data provider using the grid editing mechanism.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get changes():Array
childrenCountField | property |
Pointer to the TOP level childrenCountField
A property on the object that identifies if the object has children. Only needed in filterPageSortMode=server In lazy loaded (filterPageSortMode=server) hierarchical grids levels, the child level items are loaded when the user actually expands this level for the first time. In scenarios where it is known initially that there are children, set this property to the value of the object that identifies whether there are children. If this property is set, the expand collapse icon will be drawn only when the value of this property on the object returns an integer greater than zero. Otherwise, the level will always draw the expand collapse icon. public function get childrenCountField():String
public function set childrenCountField(value:String):void
childrenField | property |
Pointer to the TOP level childrenField
The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. This is only required if the collection is not a hierarchical view. Please note, in server mode, this property is also the "storage" for the lazy loaded children. See the Partially and Lazy Loaded Server Grid examples for more details public function get childrenField():String
public function set childrenField(value:String):void
clearChangesOnDataProviderChange | property |
public var clearChangesOnDataProviderChange:Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out changes when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are refreshing the grid prior to savign it, set this to false.
clearErrorsOnDataProviderChange | property |
public var clearErrorsOnDataProviderChange:Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out errors when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearOpenItemsOnDataProviderChange | property |
public var clearOpenItemsOnDataProviderChange:Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out openItems when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange | property |
public var clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange:Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearSelectionOnFilter | property |
public var clearSelectionOnFilter:Boolean = false
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the filter changes Defaults to false
collapseTooltip | property |
public var collapseTooltip:String = Collapse
Tooltip to display when user hovers over collapse icon
colSpanFunction | property |
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. -1 indicates that the row should span the entire width of the grid. Please note, rowspans and col spans are only supported for data rows. Since this function is defined on the grid, it will get a IFlexDataGridCell object that you should use to return a rowSpan or colSpan.
public function get colSpanFunction():Function
public function set colSpanFunction(value:Function):void
columnCount | property |
[read-only] Returns the top level columnCount
public function get columnCount():int
columnGroups | property |
[read-only] Returns the list of columns groups at the root level. The grid always has at least one column level. This is also referred to as the top level, or the root level. In flat grids (non hierarchical), this is the only level. But in nested grids, you could have any number of nested levels. The column groups collection actually belongs to the columnLevel, and since there is one root level, the column groups collection of the grid basically points to the column groups collection of this root level.
public function get columnGroups():Array
columnLevel | property |
The Root Column Level. This is a property of type "FlexDataGridColumnLevel". This grid always has at least one column level. This is also referred to as the top level, or the root level. In flat grids (non hierarchical), this is the only level. But in nested grids, you could have any number of nested levels. The columns collection actually belongs to the columnLevel, and since there is one root level, the columns collection of the grid basically points to the columns collection of this root level. The FlexDataGridColumnLevel class has a "nextLevel" property, which is a pointer to another instance of the same class, or a "nextLevelRenderer" property, which is a reference to a ClassFactory the next level. Please note, currently, if you specify nextLevelRenderer, the nextLevel is ignored. This means, at the same level, you cannot have both a nested subgrid as well as a level renderer.
public function get columnLevel():FlexDataGridColumnLevel
public function set columnLevel(value:FlexDataGridColumnLevel):void
columnNames | property |
[read-only] Returns the top level column names
public function get columnNames():Object
columns | property |
Returns the list of columns at the root level. The grid always has at least one column level. This is also referred to as the top level, or the root level. In flat grids (non hierarchical), this is the only level. But in nested grids, you could have any number of nested levels. The columns collection actually belongs to the columnLevel, and since there is one root level, the columns collection of the grid basically points to the columns collection of this root level. Note : If you set the columns or the grouped columns dynamically, ensure you call grid.columnLevel.initializeLevel(grid);
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get columns():Array
public function set columns(value:Array):void
contextMenuShown | property |
public var contextMenuShown:Boolean = false
Set to true when the context menu is shown.
createRowNumberColumnFunction | property |
public var createRowNumberColumnFunction:Function
A function that takes a IFlexDataGridDataCell object and returns a Number.
currentCell | property |
public var currentCell:IFlexDataGridCell
The cell that is the current mouse over. This could be any type of a cell, including header, footer, filter, pager or data cell. If enableActiveCellHighlight is set to true, this cell will be highlighted using the activeCellColor style property.
currentSorts | property |
[read-only] Return the FilterSort objects at the top level
public function get currentSorts():ArrayCollection
currentTooltip | property |
[read-only] The current tooltip object.
public function get currentTooltip():IUIComponent
currentTooltipTrigger | property |
[read-only] The current tooltip object trigger.
public function get currentTooltipTrigger():IUIComponent
dataProvider | property |
The data provider for the grid. Needs to be a ListCollectionView. (ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection) or a HierarchicalCollectionView.
Please note, for hierarchical data, hierarchy is setup in the Grid itself, so it is not necessary to provide a HierarchicalCollectionView in order to display Hierarchical Nested Data. Flexicious Ultimate was designed with multi Level Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Hierarchical Data in mind, so we do not have the need to implement a customized data structure to morph object graphs into nested data. We are able to consume flat ArrayCollections, and display a hierarchical UI. We provide numerous examples of this concept in our sample project.
The Grid provides the concept of "columnLevels". In fact, a non-hierarchical Flexicious Ultimate Grid is simply a grid with just one column level. Please refer to the documentation of the FlexDataGridColumnLevel class.
When you have multiple levels of data (i.e. multiple Column Levels), you can just assign a flat collection to the top level, and within the flat collection specify which property contains the next level of data, via the childrenField property.
If you specify a HierarchicalCollectionView, the grid will probe call its getChildren() method until it reaches the depth of the inner most FlexDataGridColumnLevel. If you specify an ArrayCollection, the grid uses the childrenField property to get the next level of data. If you specify an XMLListCollection, the grid calls children() method on the XML object to get the next level of data.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get dataProvider():Object
public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void
dataProviderNoFilters | property |
[read-only] Returns the TOP level data without any filters.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get dataProviderNoFilters():Object
dataProviderNoPaging | property |
[read-only] Returns the TOP level data without any paging, but with filters.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get dataProviderNoPaging():Object
disabledField | property |
A property on the object that identifies whether the object is disabled.
public function get disabledField():String
public function set disabledField(value:String):void
dispatchCellCreated | property |
public var dispatchCellCreated:Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_CREATED event
dispatchCellRenderered | property |
public var dispatchCellRenderered:Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_RENDERED event
dispatchRendererInitialized | property |
public var dispatchRendererInitialized:Boolean = false
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.RENDERER_INITIALIZED event
displayOrder | property |
A comma seperated list of the following strings: filter,header,body,footer,pager. Changes the order in which the grid displays the filter,header,body,footer,pager The order in which the various sections of the grid are laid out. Defaults to pager,filter,body,footer
public function get displayOrder():String
public function set displayOrder(value:String):void
dragColumn | property |
[read-only] The column that initiated the drag
public function get dragColumn():FlexDataGridColumn
dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction | property |
Function to determine if the given object has children. Defaults to the defaultDynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction method of the grid. For grouped nested datagrids where the Nest Hierarchy is not known at the outset, set enableDynamicLevels to true. When the grid hits the last "predefined" level, the grid calls the dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction function on the grid to see if there are more children. If this function returns true, a FlexDataGridColumnLevel object will automatically be created.
private function hasChildren(target:Object):Boolean{ //your code here }
public function get dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction():Function
public function set dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction(value:Function):void
editable | property |
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get editable():Boolean
public function set editable(value:Boolean):void
editedItemPosition | property |
[write-only] Takes an object that has a rowIndex and a columnIndex property. Finds the cell at that position, and emulates a click event on that cell. This event, in turn will begin an edit session for editable cells.
public function set editedItemPosition(value:Object):void
elementsToBlur | property |
[read-only] public function get elementsToBlur():Array
elementToCenter | property |
[read-only] public function get elementToCenter():IUIComponent
enableActiveCellHighlight | property |
public var enableActiveCellHighlight:Boolean = true
Flag to hightlight the active cell. If set to true (default) the cell under the mouse or if navigating via keyboard, the current reference cell will be highlighted with the activeCellColor style.
enableAutoRefresh | property |
If flag is set to true, grid will dispatch an AUTO_REFRESH event every autoRefreshInterval milliseconds.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get enableAutoRefresh():Boolean
public function set enableAutoRefresh(value:Boolean):void
enableColumnHeaderOperation | property |
Flag to enable column header operations.
public function get enableColumnHeaderOperation():Boolean
public function set enableColumnHeaderOperation(value:Boolean):void
enableColumnWidthUserOverride | property |
public var enableColumnWidthUserOverride:Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to force columns to take the widths that the user specified. Once the user resizes the column, the column widths basically are set to "fixed".
enableCopy | property |
Flag to enable the context menu copy items. If set to true, three custom context menu items will be added. 1) The copy Cell context menu item, text controlled via the copyCellMenuText property. Will call itemToLabel on the column associated with the current cell under the mouse passing in the rowData object of the rowInfo. 2) The copy Row context menu item, text controlled via the copyRowMenuText property. Will call itemToLabel on all the visible columns associated with the level of the current cell under the mouse passing in the rowData object of the rowInfo. 3) The copy All Rows context menu item, text controlled via the copyAllRowsMenuText property. Will basically perform a inbuilt export to TXT The result of the copy operation is pasted to the clipboard
public function get enableCopy():Boolean
public function set enableCopy(value:Boolean):void
enableDataCellOptmization | property |
public var enableDataCellOptmization:Boolean = true
Flag to turn on the highly optimized FlexDataGridDataCell3. FlexDataGridDataCell3 is a light weight class introduced in Flexicious 2.7, that renders 30% faster than its predecessor, FlexDataGridDataCell2. Since it is very lightweight, it only supports the basics of text rendering, like fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle ,color, background, textAlign, and textDecoration. In most cases, this covers the range of things that a typical application developer needs. But incase you need advanced text capabilities, like TLF fonts, RTL, etc, you may need to turn off this flag either on the grid, or on specific columns that you need advanced features on. Once FDG3 is fully settled in the field, this flag will be removed and we will retire FDGC2. As of right now, the FDGC3 cannot handle wordwrap, doubleclick, truncateToFit, handCursor. The grid automatically swaps out the FDG3 with FDG when you set any of these flags. If you notice any inconsistency when you enable this flag, you can turn this same flag off for the column that you notice the inconsistency on, and the grid will fall back to the older mechanism to display that column. Please send a message to support
enableDefaultDisclosureIcon | property |
By default, the grid draws a set of expand collapse icons on the left locked section. In case when you have a column with enableExpandCollapseIcon=true, you may choose to set this flag to false.
public function get enableDefaultDisclosureIcon():Boolean
public function set enableDefaultDisclosureIcon(value:Boolean):void
enableDelayChange | property |
public var enableDelayChange:Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to avoid multiple change events from firing.
enableDoubleClickEdit | property |
Flag to enable edit on doubleclick as opposed to single click. Editable columns begin edit when the user clicks on their cells. In cases where you have a cell based selection mode, this conflicts with the user gesture of selecting a cell. In scenarios like this, you may wish to set enableDoubleClickEdit=true
The default value is false
public function get enableDoubleClickEdit():Boolean
public function set enableDoubleClickEdit(value:Boolean):void
enableDoubleClickTimer | property |
public var enableDoubleClickTimer:Boolean = true
A flag to disable the double click timer mechanism. When the user double clicks on a row, it typically has the net effect of 2 clicks, which selects and then unselects that row. To combat this, we have a timer that discards the second click. However, in scenarios where this is not the desired behavior, you can set this flag to false, and the timer will no longer execute.
enableDrawAsYouScroll | property |
When enableVirtualScroll=true, setting this to true will cause each scroll event to issue a server request.. When this is set to false, the grid will only dispatch a virtualScroll event when the uses pauses scroll, as opposed to continuously as they scroll.
The default value is false
public function get enableDrawAsYouScroll():Boolean
public function set enableDrawAsYouScroll(value:Boolean):void
enableDynamicLevels | property |
Flag to enable creation of the next level dynamically as the hierarchy is set. For grouped nested datagrids where the Nest Hierarchy is not known at the outset, set this to true. When the grid hits the last "predefined" level, it calls the dynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction function on the grid to see if there are more children. If this function returns true, a FlexDataGridColumnLevel object will automatically be created. This level will be a clone of the base level.
The default value is false
public function get enableDynamicLevels():Boolean
public function set enableDynamicLevels(value:Boolean):void
enableEagerDraw | property |
By default, the grid renders when the dataprovider is set. This might lead to a blank area being shown while the data is being fetched. If you set this flag to true, the grid will draw the columns, filter, pager, etc and then re-render when the data is fetched. This might add to the overall render time, but would be a better user experience if there is a slower backed with a significant lag in data load time. For faster backends, it is recommended that this flag remain false, for slower backends, it should be set to true. It is also recommended that you set the showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort flag to true, so a spinning animation will be shown while the data is being fetched.
public function get enableEagerDraw():Boolean
public function set enableEagerDraw(value:Boolean):void
enableEditRowHighlight | property |
public var enableEditRowHighlight:Boolean = true
Flag to hightlight the edit row. If set to true (default) the edit row will be highlighted with the editItemColors style.
enableExport | property |
Flag to enable export to word and excel.
public function get enableExport():Boolean
public function set enableExport(value:Boolean):void
enableFillerRows | property |
By default, for performance reasons, the grid will only draw one large row to fill up the bottom in case that the grid is taller than the sum of the row heights. However, for consistency with the MX grids, setting this property to true will cause the grid to draw blank rows similar to the other data rows.
public function get enableFillerRows():Boolean
public function set enableFillerRows(value:Boolean):void
enableFilters | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to show the filter
public function get enableFilters():Boolean
public function set enableFilters(value:Boolean):void
enableFooters | property |
Flag that indicates whether or not to show the footer
public function get enableFooters():Boolean
public function set enableFooters(value:Boolean):void
enableHeightAutoAdjust | property |
Flag to size the grid on basis of the number of rows displayed. When set to true, the grid will shrink or expand to show all the rows displayed, upto a maximum of the maxAutoAdjustHeight (which defaults to 500).
The default value is false
public function get enableHeightAutoAdjust():Boolean
public function set enableHeightAutoAdjust(value:Boolean):void
enableHideBuiltInContextMenuItems | property |
Flag to control whether or not to show the built in context menu items.
The default value is true
public function get enableHideBuiltInContextMenuItems():Boolean
public function set enableHideBuiltInContextMenuItems(value:Boolean):void
enableHideIfNoChildren | property |
Flag to control whether or not an item that has no children is filtered out or not.
The default value is false
public function get enableHideIfNoChildren():Boolean
public function set enableHideIfNoChildren(value:Boolean):void
enableLocalStyles | property |
public var enableLocalStyles:Boolean = true
Added in 2.9 to avoid flicker.
enableMultiplePreferences | property |
A Flag that will enable multiple named versions of preferences to be persisted. The UI will be modified to allow for this to happen. This is new functionality introduced in v2.9. The default renderers for the different popups can be retrieved from the 2.9 blog post.
public function get enableMultiplePreferences():Boolean
public function set enableMultiplePreferences(value:Boolean):void
enablePaging | property |
Flag to indicate whether or not to enable paging functionality
public function get enablePaging():Boolean
public function set enablePaging(value:Boolean):void
enablePreferencePersistence | property |
When set to true, causes the grid to look for settings stored previously in the local shared object store if preferencePersistenceMode='client' or dispatch an event requesting settings from the server in preferencePersistenceMode='server'
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get enablePreferencePersistence():Boolean
public function set enablePreferencePersistence(value:Boolean):void
enablePrint | property |
Enables the print operation. This is simply a flag that the pager control looks for to show or hide the print and pdf buttons.
public function get enablePrint():Boolean
public function set enablePrint(value:Boolean):void
enableRowEdit | property |
Flag to enable full row edit behavior. In this mode, editing a cell causes the entire row to present its editors.
public function get enableRowEdit():Boolean
public function set enableRowEdit(value:Boolean):void
enableSelectionBasedOnSelectedField | property |
public var enableSelectionBasedOnSelectedField:Boolean
Flag to enable dataprovider based preselection of data. Please ensure you set selectedField at all appropriate columns levels.
enableSelectionBubble | property |
A flag to bubble up selection from children to parents. If this is set to true, If all of the parents children are selected, the parent will be added to its corresponding levels selectedObjects property If any of the children are unselected, the parent will be removed from its corresponding levels selectedObjects Property, in addition to the child being removed from its corresponding level. Please note - if your dataprovider is a flat array collection, along with childrenfield, you will also need to specify a parentField that exists on the children object to point back to the parent. Post 2.6, this property works in tandem with enableSelectionCascade and enableTristateCheckbox. Setting this to true requires that you also set enableSelectionCascade and enableTristateCheckbox to true
The default value is true
public function get enableSelectionBubble():Boolean
public function set enableSelectionBubble(value:Boolean):void
enableSelectionCascade | property |
Flag to cascade checkbox or row selection down from the selection level. Post 2.6, this property works in tandem with enableSelectionBubble and enableTristateCheckbox. Setting this to true requires that you also set enableSelectionBubble and enableTristateCheckbox to true
The default value is true
public function get enableSelectionCascade():Boolean
public function set enableSelectionCascade(value:Boolean):void
enableSelectionExclusion | property |
public var enableSelectionExclusion:Boolean = false
Support for selection based on exclusion. In scenarios where you have lazy loaded grids, selection cascade and select all will simply set flags on the selectionInfo object. The selectedObjects and selectedKeys no longer contain references to data that is selected Instead, they contain the items that the user explicitly selected. unSelectedObjects will contain items that the user explicitly unselected. This helps maintain selection across very large lazy loaded datasets. When you set the enableSelectionExclusion flag to true, use the selectionInfo object to access the selection (or build a query on the server) to identify the objects user selected. Selection
enableSplitHeader | property |
When enableMultiColumnSort=true, setting this flag to on will enable AdvancedDataGrid like Split headers to enable multi column sort.
public function get enableSplitHeader():Boolean
public function set enableSplitHeader(value:Boolean):void
enableStickyControlKeySelection | property |
public var enableStickyControlKeySelection:Boolean = true
Only applicable when selectionMode=multipleRows or multipleCells By default, when you click on a row (or cell), the grid will add it to the selection. If you click again, the grid will remove it from selection. If you click on another row (or cell), the grid will add that row/cell to the selection. When you set this to false, when you click on a row, the grid will add it to selection, If you click again nothing will happen. If you click with the control key down the grid will remove it from selection. If you click another row/cell, the originally selected row/cell will be unselected. If you CTRL click on another row, the grid will add that row in addition to the previously selected row. In short, the grid will behave like the SDK MX datagrid.
The default value is true
enableTrackChanges | property |
public var enableTrackChanges:Boolean = false
Flag to enable change tracking If set to true, each addition, update(via the grid) or deletion to the data provider will be tracked. These can then be retrieved using the changes collection on the grid. The Changes Collection is an array of ChangeInfo objects that contains all the changes made to the data provider using the grid editing mechanism.
enableTriStateCheckbox | property |
Flag to enable tristate behavior for selection checkboxes. Applicable in nested grids, where if you select a child, the parent goes into middle state, indicating visually that atleast one of the children is selected. Post 2.6, this property works in tandem with enableSelectionBubble and enableSelectionCascade. Setting this to true requires that you also set enableSelectionBubble and enableSelectionCascade to true
The default value is true
public function get enableTriStateCheckbox():Boolean
public function set enableTriStateCheckbox(value:Boolean):void
enableVirtualScroll | property |
Flag to enable virtual scroll. This property can only be set at initialization time. In other words, changing this at runtime has no impact. Please note, when you set virtual scroll, you cannot set variableRowHeight. Printing and Export will work only if you wire up the printExportDataRequest event, and the grid will print only what you return in the printExportDataRequest event. For an example of how this is used, see the "Remoting Example" grid. Selection cascade, bubble and tristate will only work with enableSelectionExclusion. This blog post has more information about selection exclusion: Please refer for more information.
public function get enableVirtualScroll():Boolean
public function set enableVirtualScroll(value:Boolean):void
excelOptions | property |
public var excelOptions:ExportOptions
The Export options object that is used to configure the excel export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
expandCollapseCellRenderer | property |
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseCellRenderer
Container for the expand collapse cell. Needs to inherit from FlexDataGridExpandCollapseCell. Defaults to FlexDataGridExpandCollapseCell public function get expandCollapseCellRenderer():IFactory
public function set expandCollapseCellRenderer(value:IFactory):void
expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer | property |
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer
Container for the expand collapse cell. Needs to inherit from FlexDataGridExpandCollapseHeaderCell. Defaults to FlexDataGridExpandCollapseHeaderCell public function get expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer():IFactory
public function set expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer(value:IFactory):void
expandCollapseTooltipFunction | property |
public var expandCollapseTooltipFunction:Function
Default function will return the value of expandTooltip or collapseTooltip. Should take a IFlexDataGridCell object
expandTooltip | property |
public var expandTooltip:String = Expand
Tooltip to display when user hovers over expand icon
exportableColumns | property |
[read-only] eturns the columns where excludeFromExport=false
public function get exportableColumns():Array
filterContainer | property |
[read-only] The container for the filter cells. This is an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. This class manages cell initialization, recycling, mouse events on each cell, etc. The rows collection of this object will aways contain a single RowInfo object, which has a cells collection. This will be a series of ComponentInfo objects, which has a component property that will be an instance of FlexDataGridFilterCell Although the parent property of each of the cells could be either the leftLockedHeader, rightLockedHeader or the filterContainer, the rowInfo is the same, so the cells will include left, right, and unlocked cells.
public function get filterContainer():FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
filterExcludeObjectsWithoutMatchField | property |
public var filterExcludeObjectsWithoutMatchField:Boolean = false
By default, for hierarchical datagrids, when there is a object that does not have the property being searched for, these objects are included in the filter match. Set this flag to true to exclude such objects
filterFunction | property |
Pointer to the TOP level filterFunction
In addition to the filter row, if you wish to apply external filters, or to apply filters at inner nested levels, you may use this property. Works just like ListCollectionView.filterFunction public function get filterFunction():Function
public function set filterFunction(value:Function):void
filterPageSortMode | property |
The Filter/Page/Sort Mode. Can be either "server" or "client". In client mode, the grid will take care of paging, sorting and filtering once the dataprovider is set. In server mode, the grid will fire a named filterPageSortChange that should be used to construct an appropriate query to be sent to the backend.
public function get filterPageSortMode():String
public function set filterPageSortMode(value:String):void
See also
filterRow | property |
[read-only] Not supported. Use the filterContainer.rows property instead.
public function get filterRow():DataGridFilterRow
filterRowHeight | property |
Sets the filter row height at the top level.
public function get filterRowHeight():Number
public function set filterRowHeight(value:Number):void
filterRows | property |
[read-only] Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the filter row.
public function get filterRows():Array
filterVisible | property |
Returns true if the filter row is visible at the top level.
public function get filterVisible():Boolean
public function set filterVisible(value:Boolean):void
footerContainer | property |
[read-only] The container for the footer cells. This is an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. This class manages cell initialization, recycling, mouse events on each cell, etc. The rows collection of this object will aways contain a single RowInfo object, which has a cells collection. This will be a series of ComponentInfo objects, which has a component property that will be an instance of FlexDataGridFooterCell Although the parent property of each of the cells could be either the leftLockedFooter, rightLockedFooteror the footerContainer, the rowInfo is the same, so the cells will include left, right, and unlocked cells.
public function get footerContainer():FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
footerRowHeight | property |
Returns the sum of: If enableFooters, then footerRowHeight else 0
public function get footerRowHeight():Number
public function set footerRowHeight(value:Number):void
footerRows | property |
[read-only] Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the footer row.
public function get footerRows():Array
footerVisible | property |
Returns true if the footer row is visible at the top level.
public function get footerVisible():Boolean
public function set footerVisible(value:Boolean):void
forcePagerRow | property |
Flag to force appearance of the pager row even with enablePaging=false. Use this flag to show the pager control even if the enablePaging is set to false. This is used in a scenario where you wish to show buttons other than the paging buttons in the pager bar.
public function get forcePagerRow():Boolean
public function set forcePagerRow(value:Boolean):void
generateColumns | property |
public var generateColumns:Boolean = true
Flag to automatically generate columns. If the data provider is set, has atleast one item, and there are no columns specified the grid will attempt to introspect the first item and create columns on basis of the properties on the first item. Set this flag to false if you do not want this behavior.
getChildrenFunction | property |
public var getChildrenFunction:Function = null
This function basically gives you the opportunity to tie in to the grids hierarchy lookup mechanism. By default, the grid will call the getChildren method on this class to get the children of any object when it is time to draw the hierarchy. By defining a custom getChildrenFunction, you can intercept this mechanism to provide your own implementation of retrieving children. The signature of this function should be like below: getChildren(object:Object,level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel):Object
getRowHeightFunction | property |
public var getRowHeightFunction:Function = null
When variableRowHeight =true, atleast one column needs to have the wordWrap flag set to true. If you use custom item rendereres, these are not accounted for in the height measurement for performance reasons. In this case, you should define a getRowHeightFunction and provide your own implementation which is optimized for your situation. It should take the following parameters
getRowIndexFunction | property |
public var getRowIndexFunction:Function
A function that takes a IFlexDataGridDataCell object and returns a String.
globalFilterMatchFunction | property |
public var globalFilterMatchFunction:Function = null
Function to control all the filtering at all levels. If you specify this, all built in filtering mechanics are ignored. This allows you to have full control over filtering.
groupedColumns | property |
Returns the list of groupedColumns at the root level. The grid always has at least one column level. This is also referred to as the top level, or the root level. In flat grids (non hierarchical), this is the only level. But in nested grids, you could have any number of nested levels. The groupedColumns collection actually belongs to the columnLevel, and since there is one root level, the groupedColumns collection of the grid basically points to the groupedColumns collection of this root level. Note : If you set the columns or the grouped columns dynamically, ensure you call grid.columnLevel.initializeLevel(grid);
public function get groupedColumns():Array
public function set groupedColumns(value:Array):void
hasErrors | property |
public var hasErrors:Boolean = false
A Flag that indicates if there are any errors
hasFilter | property |
public var hasFilter:Boolean = false
By default, there is no filter applied. This is used by enableHideIfNoChildren, to hide items if there is a filter and no children qualify.
hasFilterFunction | property |
[read-only] returns true if any of the levels have a filter function
public function get hasFilterFunction():Boolean
hasGroupedColumns | property |
[read-only] Added for Persistence support
public function get hasGroupedColumns():Boolean
hasRowSpanOrColSpan | property |
[read-only] If rowSpanFunction!=null or colSpanFunction!=null
public function get hasRowSpanOrColSpan():Boolean
headerContainer | property |
[read-only] The container for the header cells. This is an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. This class manages cell initialization, recycling, mouse events on each cell, etc. The rows collection of this object will aways contain a single RowInfo object, which has a cells collection. This will be a series of ComponentInfo objects, which has a component property that will be an instance of FlexDataGridHeaderCell Although the parent property of each of the cells could be either the leftLockedHeader, rightLockedHeader or the headerContainer, the rowInfo is the same, so the cells will include left, right, and unlocked cells.
public function get headerContainer():FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
headerRowHeight | property |
Pointer to the TOP level headerHeight
Height of the header for this level. Defaults to 25 public function get headerRowHeight():Number
public function set headerRowHeight(value:Number):void
headerSectionHeight | property |
[read-only] Returns the sum of: If enableFilters, then filterRowHeight else 0 plus headerHeight
public function get headerSectionHeight():Number
headerSeperatorWidth | property |
Pointer to the TOP level headerSeperatorWidth
Width to show the resize indicator between columns. Defaults to 4 public function get headerSeperatorWidth():Number
public function set headerSeperatorWidth(value:Number):void
headerSortSeparatorRight | property |
[read-only] Gets the value of the headerSortSeparatorRight property
public function get headerSortSeparatorRight():Number
headerVisible | property |
Returns true if the header row is visible at the top level.
public function get headerVisible():Boolean
public function set headerVisible(value:Boolean):void
horizontalScrollBar | property |
[read-only] The horizontal scrollbar associated with the bodyContainer. The body container is the only section to have a scroll bar. The left and right locked containers scroll along with it.
public function get horizontalScrollBar():ScrollBar
horizontalScrollPolicy | property |
Whether or not to show the horizontal scroll bar.
Please note, this behavior also controls the behavior when a column is resized.
If horizontalScrollPolicy
is "none"
increasing the size of a column reduces the size of other columns
in the grid. Decreasing the size does the opposite. This makes the grid have
a predictable width, and eliminates the need for a horizontal scroll bar.
Default is "off", but if you specify any column as left or right locked, it becomes
public function get horizontalScrollPolicy():String
public function set horizontalScrollPolicy(value:String):void
horizontalScrollPosition | property |
he horizontal scroll position of the body container.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(value:Number):void
initialSortAscending | property |
If true, initial sort direction for this level is ascending. Defaults to true.
public function get initialSortAscending():Boolean
public function set initialSortAscending(value:Boolean):void
initialSortField | property |
The property of the object on this level that should be used in the default sort at the root level. In nested levels, this property can be set on inner levels as well.
public function get initialSortField():String
public function set initialSortField(value:String):void
isClientFilterPageSortMode | property |
[read-only] Returns true if the top column level filterPageSortMode is client.
public function get isClientFilterPageSortMode():Boolean
itemFilters | property |
A dictionary of all the filters. An item with null key maps to the filters at the root level. For nested hierarchical items, the parent object is the key.
public function get itemFilters():Dictionary
public function set itemFilters(value:Dictionary):void
itemLoadMode | property |
Pointer to the TOP level itemLoadMode
The Item Load Mode. Can be either "server" or "client". In client mode, the grid will assume that the children of items at this level are prefreched. In server mode, the grid will dispatch a ITEM_LOAD event (itemLoad) that should be used to construct an appropriate query to be sent to the backend, to retrieve the child objects at this level. Once the results are retrieved, please call the "setChildData" method on the grid to set the results at this level. Please note, the "childrenField" is still required at this level, because that is where the setChildData method persists the loaded children. Future itemOpen events do not result in itemLoads because the data for this particular entity has already been loaded and persisted. public function get itemLoadMode():String
public function set itemLoadMode(value:String):void
lastAutoRefresh | property |
Last time the auto refresh timer was triggered
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get lastAutoRefresh():Date
public function set lastAutoRefresh(value:Date):void
leftLockedContent | property |
[read-only] The container for the left locked data cells. This is an instance of the ElasticContainer class, which basically attaches to the owner component (which is the bodyContainer) and scrolls vertically along with it. The horizontal scroll of this component is set to off) To access all the data cells, please use the rows collection of the bodyContainer This contains RowInfo objects, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get leftLockedContent():ElasticContainer
leftLockedFooter | property |
[read-only] The container for the left locked footer cells. This is an instance of the LockedContent class, which basically is an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visiblity, heights, and the y positions. To access all the footer cells, please use the rows collection of the footerContainer This contains a single RowInfo object, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get leftLockedFooter():LockedContent
leftLockedHeader | property |
[read-only] The container for the left locked filter and header cells. This is an instance of the LockedContent class, which basically is an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visiblity, heights, and the y positions. To access all the filter/header cells, please use the rows collection of the headerContainer or filterContainer. This contains a single RowInfo object, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get leftLockedHeader():LockedContent
levelRendererHeight | property |
Pointer to the TOP level levelRendererHeight
Height to assign to the renderer for each level. If not specified, a new instance of the level renderer is created, and the height is defaulted to the height of that one instance. The same height is then reused for subsequent renderers of the same type. public function get levelRendererHeight():Number
public function set levelRendererHeight(value:Number):void
lockedColumnCount | property |
[read-only] Unused/Not Applicable. For legacy purposes only
public function get lockedColumnCount():int
lockedColumnWidth | property |
[read-only] Unused/Not Applicable. For legacy purposes only. For flexicious Ultimate, the columnLockMode is set on the FlexDataGridColumn object itself.
public function get lockedColumnWidth():int
maxAutoAdjustHeight | property |
The maximum height to adjust the grid when enableHeightAutoAdjust is set to true. When enableHeightAutoAdjust set to true, the grid will shrink or expand to show all the rows displayed, upto a maximum of the maxAutoAdjustHeight (which defaults to 500).
The default value is 500
public function get maxAutoAdjustHeight():Number
public function set maxAutoAdjustHeight(value:Number):void
maxDepth | property |
[read-only] Returns the max depth possible for nested datagrids
public function get maxDepth():int
maxHorizontalScrollPosition | property |
[read-only] The max horizontal scroll position of the bodyContainer
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number
multiColumnSortNumberFields | property |
[read-only] The number of field dropdowns to display in the multi column sort popup.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get multiColumnSortNumberFields():Number
multiSortRenderer | property |
A Class that is responsible for the multi column sort view. Defaults to MultiColumnSortRenderer. You can provide your own implementation by specifying a custom MultiColumnSortRenderer.
public function get multiSortRenderer():IFactory
public function set multiSortRenderer(value:IFactory):void
nativeExcelExporter | property |
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. This property lets you hook in a native excel exporter using a libary like as3xls. Just like Alive PDF, as3xls is not embedded in to the core flexicious library, instead it is distributed as a part of the sample. Just like for pdf, you hook up the AlivePdfPrinter, you use the nativeExcelExporter to hookup an implementation of the flexicious expoter that interfaces with the as3xls library to provide native excel export
public function get nativeExcelExporter():Exporter
public function set nativeExcelExporter(value:Exporter):void
nestIndent | property |
Pointer to the TOP level nestIndent
he indentation to apply to each progressive nest level. public function get nestIndent():Number
public function set nestIndent(value:Number):void
nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer | property |
Pointer to the TOP level nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer
Container for the nest indent padding cell. Needs to inherit from FlexDataGridExpandCollapseHeaderCell. Defaults to FlexDataGridExpandCollapseCell public function get nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer():IFactory
public function set nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer(value:IFactory):void
nextLevelRenderer | property |
Pointer to the TOP level nextLevelRenderer
A renderer that displays this level. If you specify a value for this, the columns are ignored, and instead of drawing a nested data grid at this level, an instance of the levelRenderer is displayed. All paging, footers, headers and other properties related to hierarchical display are also ignored. A level that has a levelRenderer cannot have subsequent levels. So, this is usually the innermost level. Please ensure that you explictly specify a levelRendererHeight so the vertical height of the grid can be correctly calculated. public function get nextLevelRenderer():IFactory
public function set nextLevelRenderer(value:IFactory):void
noDataMessage | property |
public var noDataMessage:String = No Records Found
If enabled (set to a string with length>0), when a dataprovider with zero items is set, or when filter criteria returns no records, a message is shown with this data. To disable this functionality, please set this property to a blank string.
openItems | property |
A list of items that the user has opened. Only applicable grids with nested column levels. If you programatically modify this collection, call the rebuild method. Please see the documentation of setOpenKeys for instructions on maintaining grid expand/collapse state post a data provider refresh.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get openItems():ArrayCollection
public function set openItems(value:ArrayCollection):void
pageIndex | property |
Page index at the top level.
public function get pageIndex():int
public function set pageIndex(value:int):void
pager | property |
[read-only] Returns the top level pager
public function get pager():IPager
pagerCellRenderer | property |
Pointer to the TOP level pagerCellRenderer
Container for the footer renderer. Needs to inherit from FlexDataGridPagerCell. Defaults to FlexDataGridPagerCell public function get pagerCellRenderer():IFactory
public function set pagerCellRenderer(value:IFactory):void
pagerContainer | property |
[read-only] The container for the pager cells. This is an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. This will contain a rows collection, which will contain a single RowInfo object. The Single RowInfo object has a cells Collection that will contain a single FlexDataGridPagerCell. The actual IPager is the renderer property of the FlexDataGridPagerCell.
public function get pagerContainer():FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
pagerControl | property |
[read-only] Returns the pager control at the root level.
public function get pagerControl():IExtendedPager
pagerRenderer | property |
public function get pagerRenderer():IFactory
public function set pagerRenderer(value:IFactory):void
pagerRowHeight | property |
Gets the pager row height at the top level.
public function get pagerRowHeight():Number
public function set pagerRowHeight(value:Number):void
pagerVisible | property |
Returns true if the pager row is visible at the top level.
public function get pagerVisible():Boolean
public function set pagerVisible(value:Boolean):void
pageSize | property |
The page size of the top(root) level. To control page sizes at inner levels, set the pageSize property on the inner level.
public function get pageSize():int
public function set pageSize(value:int):void
pdfOptions | property |
public var pdfOptions:PrintOptions
The Print options object that is used to configure the pdf behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
pdfPrinter | property |
A class that takes the PDF Pages as they are generated. This functionality was introduced in 2.9 to provide a responsive UI during the generation of the PDF. Previously, the print controller created image snapshots in memory, and handed them all to the pdf engine, which processed them individually by adding them to the display tree in one go. Instead, now, the step of the snapshot itself adds the image to the pdf doc and this whole thing runs inside a timer so the UI has an opportunity to update itself. First, you specify a class that implements IPDFPrinter as the pdfPrinter property. The AlivePdfPrinter is a sample implementation of IPDFPrinter. This class should expose the methods defined in the IPDFPrinter which are used as such: The beginDocument method is called when the Print controller is ready to send out the pages. For each page generated by the Print Controller, the addPage method is called. Once all pages are added to the doc, the endDocument method is called.
public function get pdfPrinter():IPDFPrinter
public function set pdfPrinter(value:IPDFPrinter):void
popupFactoryExportOptions | property |
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Word or Excel button - currently only supported in Ultimate
public function get popupFactoryExportOptions():IFactory
public function set popupFactoryExportOptions(value:IFactory):void
popupFactoryOpenSettingsPopup | property |
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Open Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
public function get popupFactoryOpenSettingsPopup():IFactory
public function set popupFactoryOpenSettingsPopup(value:IFactory):void
popupFactoryPrintOptions | property |
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Print or PDF button - currently only supported in Ultimate
public function get popupFactoryPrintOptions():IFactory
public function set popupFactoryPrintOptions(value:IFactory):void
popupFactorySaveSettingsPopup | property |
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Save Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
public function get popupFactorySaveSettingsPopup():IFactory
public function set popupFactorySaveSettingsPopup(value:IFactory):void
popupFactorySettingsPopup | property |
The renderer that shows up when the user clicks on the Settings button - currently only supported in Ultimate
public function get popupFactorySettingsPopup():IFactory
public function set popupFactorySettingsPopup(value:IFactory):void
preferencePersistenceKey | property |
String value that uniquely identifies this grid across the application. If you have multiple grids' with enablePreferencePersistence, and they happen to share the same value for the id field, e.g. id="grid1" they might overwrite each others' preferences. To combat this situation, we provide a property, which defaults to the id of the grid, but you can override to provide a globally unique key.
public function get preferencePersistenceKey():String
public function set preferencePersistenceKey(value:String):void
preferencePersistenceMode | property |
String value "server" or "client". When this property is set to client(default), the grid uses a shared object on the client to store preference settings. When it is set to server, the grid fires an event, preferencesChanged, which contains a XML string representation of the preference values. This can then be persisted on the backend, tied to a specific user id.
public function get preferencePersistenceMode():String
public function set preferencePersistenceMode(value:String):void
preferences | property |
Returns an XML representation of the preferences specified in the preferencesToPersist property and values being the actual values. When
public function get preferences():String
public function set preferences(value:String):void
preferencesLoaded | property |
[read-only] Returns true if the load preferences has been called.
public function get preferencesLoaded():Boolean
preferencesSet | property |
A flag to indicate that the preferences for this grid has been set. Used by the clear preferences button to enable or disable itself.
public function get preferencesSet():Boolean
public function set preferencesSet(value:Boolean):void
preferencesToPersist | property |
A comma delimited string of the following values: columnOrder,columnVisiblity,columnWidth,filter,sort,verticalScroll,horizontalScroll Each represents a setting that can potentially be persisted.
public function get preferencesToPersist():String
public function set preferencesToPersist(value:String):void
preservePager | property |
If you set this to true, the next call to rebuild will not rebuild the pager control Needed in cases where there is user interaction in the pager control that we do not want to loose, but we want to rebuild the rest of the grid.
public function get preservePager():Boolean
public function set preservePager(value:Boolean):void
printableColumns | property |
[read-only] Returns the columns where excludeFromPrint=false
public function get printableColumns():Array
printComponentFactory | property |
public var printComponentFactory:IFactory
printExportData | property |
This is not used.
public function get printExportData():Object
public function set printExportData(value:Object):void
printOptions | property |
public var printOptions:PrintOptions
The Print options object that is used to configure the print behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
rebuildGridOnDataProviderChange | property |
public var rebuildGridOnDataProviderChange:Boolean = true
Flag that controls whether or not to rebuild the entire grid on dataprovider change. If you set this to false, only the body will be rebuilt.
recalculateSeedOnEachScroll | property |
public var recalculateSeedOnEachScroll:Boolean = false
Flag should be set to true when you have large variable height based rows that are potentially taller than the grid itself. The first row in view is the reference view. As you scroll, newer rows become the reference rows and the view port end updated. However, when you have rows that are taller than the grid, or when they account for a disproportionate amount of the viewport the grid no longer renders view port end becuase the reference row is large and has not scrolled out of view. This flag is used to instruct the grid to check after each scroll gesture whether or not additional rows have come into view.
rightLockedContent | property |
[read-only] The container for the right locked data cells. This is an instance of the ElasticContainer class, which basically attaches to the owner component (which is the bodyContainer) and scrolls vertically along with it. The horizontal scroll of this component is set to off) To access all the data cells, please use the rows collection of the bodyContainer This contains RowInfo objects, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get rightLockedContent():ElasticContainer
rightLockedFooter | property |
[read-only] The container for the right locked footer cells. This is an instance of the LockedContent class, which basically is an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visiblity, heights, and the y positions. To access all the footer cells, please use the rows collection of the footerContainer. This contains a single RowInfo object, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get rightLockedFooter():LockedContent
rightLockedHeader | property |
[read-only] he container for the right locked filter and header cells. This is an instance of the LockedContent class, which basically is an extended UIComponent that manages the filter and footer cell visiblity, heights, and the y positions. To access all the filter/header cells, please use the rows collection of the headerContainer or filterContainer. This contains a single RowInfo object, which contains a cells collection. The cells collection contains ComponentInfo objects, that has a component property, which is an instance of one of the subclasses of FlexDataGridCell. The cell will have a renderer property which is the actual UI control that is being displayed.
public function get rightLockedHeader():LockedContent
rightLockedWidth | property |
[read-only] Returns the maximum width of right locked columns. If there are multiple levels, goes through each of the levels and gets the maximum
public function get rightLockedWidth():int
rowCount | property |
[read-only] Returns the number of rows currently visible.
public function get rowCount():int
rowDisabledFunction | property |
A function that can be used to control the enabled flag of each cell in this level. If this function is null or returns null, the cell will be enabled, selectable, and rollovers will work. If this function returns false, the cell will not be selectable, the item renderers will be disabled and it will have no rollovers. This function has two parameters: 1) IFlexDataGridDataCell : Cell object which has a pointer to the row data (data) as well as other related information found in the documentation of the FlexDataGridDataCell class. This parameter can be null, when the function is called as a response to a higher level checkbox select. For example, when the user hits select all. In this case, we do not always have a cell, and it will be passed in as null 2) The actual data object bound to the row. This function should true or false. For example: private function rowDisabledFunction(cell:FlexDataGridCell,data:Object):Boolean{ return data.enabledl }
public function get rowDisabledFunction():Function
public function set rowDisabledFunction(value:Function):void
rowHeight | property |
Gets the height of the data rows at the top level
public function get rowHeight():Number
public function set rowHeight(value:Number):void
rowSelectableFunction | property |
A function that can be used to control whether clicking on any cell in this level will select it. If this function is null or returns false, clicking on the cell will not result in the row being selected. If this function returns true, clicking on the cell will result in the row being selected in row selection modes only. This function has two parameters: 1) IFlexDataGridDataCell : Cell object which has a pointer to the row data (data) as well as other related information found in the documentation of the IFlexDataGridDataCell class. This parameter can be null, when the function is called as a response to a higher level checkbox select. For example, when the user hits select all. In this case, we do not always have a cell, and it will be passed in as null 2) The actual data object bound to the row. This function should true or false. For example: private function rowSelectableFunction(cell:FlexDataGridCell,data:Object):Boolean{ return data.enabled; }
public function get rowSelectableFunction():Function
public function set rowSelectableFunction(value:Function):void
rowSpanFunction | property |
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. -1 indicates that the row should span the entire height of the grid. Please note, rowspans and col spans are only supported for data rows.
public function get rowSpanFunction():Function
public function set rowSpanFunction(value:Function):void
selectableField | property |
This is a boolean flag on the dataprovider that notifies the grid whether or not the grid should allow interactive selection on the corresponding record.
public function get selectableField():String
public function set selectableField(value:String):void
selectAllState | property |
If all items from the top level are selected, returns TriStateCheckBox.STATE_CHECKED. If none are selected, returns TriStateCheckBox.STATE_UNCHECKED else returns TriStateCheckBox.STATE_MIDDLE
public function get selectAllState():String
public function set selectAllState(value:String):void
selectedField | property |
A field on the dataprovider that indicates that this item should be selected
public function get selectedField():String
public function set selectedField(value:String):void
selectedIndex | property |
Only applicable for flat grids. Selectd Index holds no meaning for hierarchical grids. This function will run a filter
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedIndex():int
public function set selectedIndex(value:int):void
selectedIndices | property |
[read-only] Returns dataProvider.indexOf(selectedObjects(0))
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedIndices():Array
selectedItem | property |
Returns (selectedObjects(0)).
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedItem():Object
public function set selectedItem(value:Object):void
selectedItems | property |
[read-only] Returns the top level selectedObjects
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedItems():Array
selectedKeyField | property |
The concept of selection in Flexicious Ultimate is much more powerful as compared to the basic SDK datagrids in the following ways:
public function get selectedKeyField():String
public function set selectedKeyField(value:String):void
selectedKeys | property |
[read-only] A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. Returns the selected keys for the top column level. Please NOTE - this is a read only collection. Adding to this does nothing. If you want to programatically modify the selection, use the selectedObjects instead. Please note, for hierarchical grids, each level has its own collection of selected keys. The grid.selectedKeys returns the selectedKeys at the top level. To access the selected keys at a lower level, you may navigate to that level using grid.columnLevel.nextLevel...nextLevel.selectedKeys You can also call grid.getSelectedObjects to get selected objects at all levels.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedKeys():ArrayCollection
selectedObjects | property |
[read-only] A list of selected objects from the data provider. This is the sdk equivalent of selectedItems. We do not have selectedItems, but selectedObjects will almost always be the same as selectedItems. The only exception is when you use server side paging. In this case, selectedObjects will contain all the items selected, on all pages. When a row is selected in the grid, we store the the selected object in the selectedObects array collection. This allows for multiple pages of data that comes down from the server and not maintained in memory to still keep track of the objects that were selected on other pages. Please note, for hierarchical grids, each level has its own collection of selected keys. The grid.selectedObjects returns the selectedKeys at the top level. To access the selected keys at a lower level, you may navigate to that level using grid.columnLevel.nextLevel...nextLevel.selectedKeys You can also call grid.getSelectedObjects to get selected objects at all levels.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get selectedObjects():ArrayCollection
selectionInfo | property |
[read-only] Support for selection based on exclusion. In scenarios where you have lazy loaded grids, selection cascade and select all will simply set flags on the selectionInfo object. The selectedObjects and selectedKeys no longer contain references to data that is selected Instead, they contain the items that the user explicitly selected. unSelectedObjects will contain items that the user explicitly unselected. This helps maintain selection across very large lazy loaded datasets. When you set the enableSelectionExclusion flag to true, use the selectionInfo object to access the selection (or build a query on the server) to identify the objects user selected. Selection
public function get selectionInfo():SelectionInfo
settingsColumns | property |
[read-only] Returns the columns where excludeFromSettings=false
public function get settingsColumns():Array
showSpinnerOnCreationComplete | property |
[read-only] Returns showSpinnerOnFilterPageSort
public function get showSpinnerOnCreationComplete():Boolean
sortableColumns | property |
[read-only] eturns the columns where excludeFromExport=false
public function get sortableColumns():Array
spinner | property |
The spinner component. Will be null unless showSpinner is called.
public function get spinner():ISpinner
public function set spinner(value:ISpinner):void
spinnerBehavior | property |
public var spinnerBehavior:SpinnerBehavior
spinnerParent | property |
[read-only] public function get spinnerParent():Object
toolbarActionAddRow | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Add Row Action
public function get toolbarActionAddRow():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionDelete | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Delete Action
public function get toolbarActionDelete():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionEdit | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Edit Action
public function get toolbarActionEdit():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionFilter | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Filter Action
public function get toolbarActionFilter():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionMoveDown | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in moveDown Action
public function get toolbarActionMoveDown():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionMoveTo | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Move to Action
public function get toolbarActionMoveTo():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionMoveUp | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in moveUp Action
public function get toolbarActionMoveUp():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionSeparator | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in moveUp Action
public function get toolbarActionSeparator():ToolbarAction
toolbarActionSort | property |
[read-only] Returns the built in Edit Action
public function get toolbarActionSort():ToolbarAction
toolbarExcelHandlerFunction | property |
public var toolbarExcelHandlerFunction:Function
Function that actually runs the export to excel. Defaults to defaultExcelHandlerFunction
toolbarPdfHandlerFunction | property |
public var toolbarPdfHandlerFunction:Function
Function that actually runs the pdf. Defaults to defaultPdfHandlerFunction
toolbarPrintHandlerFunction | property |
public var toolbarPrintHandlerFunction:Function
Function that actually runs the print. Defaults to defaultPrintHandlerFunction
toolbarWordHandlerFunction | property |
public var toolbarWordHandlerFunction:Function
Function that actually runs the export to word. Defaults to defaultWordHandlerFunction
tooltipBehavior | property |
public var tooltipBehavior:TooltipBehavior
totalRecords | property |
The total number of records at the root level (needs to be set only in server mode, because there is no way for the grid to know how many records on the server match the filter criteria) In client mode, the count of the data provider is used instead.
public function get totalRecords():int
public function set totalRecords(value:int):void
useCompactPreferences | property |
If set to true, uses the newer preference persistence scheme introduced in Flexicious 2.0, which stores the preferences as custom string as opposed to XML, making it a lot less verbose.
public function get useCompactPreferences():Boolean
public function set useCompactPreferences(value:Boolean):void
useElements | property |
[read-only] Whether to use addElement or addChild;
public function get useElements():Boolean
useModuleFactory | property |
[read-only] Flag that indicates to use the module factory of the grid to show popups. Use this when you are using modules and your parent application is not under your control. Please note, you will still need to ensure that the parent application imports PopupManager.
public function get useModuleFactory():Boolean
useRollOver | property |
Flag that controls whether items are highlighted as the mouse rolls over them. If true, rows are highlighted as the mouse rolls over them. If false, rows are highlighted only when selected.
The default value is true
public function get useRollOver():Boolean
public function set useRollOver(value:Boolean):void
userSettingsOptionsFunction | property |
Hook for the client to plug in their own UserSettings. See the UserSettingsOptions class for details.
public function get userSettingsOptionsFunction():Function
public function set userSettingsOptionsFunction(value:Function):void
variableHeaderHeight | property |
public var variableHeaderHeight:Boolean = false
When you enable headerWordWrap=true, then we need to set this to true, because we will dyamically adjust the height of the header row. Please be advised, currently, (as of 2.9) columnGroups get the same height as the header cells.
variableRowHeight | property |
A flag that indicates whether the individual rows can have different height. Please note, atleast one column needs to have the wordWrap flag set to true. If you use custom item rendereres, these are not accounted for in the height measurement for performance reasons. In this case, you should override the getRowHeight method or define a getRowHeightFunction and provide your own implementation which is optimized for your situation.
public function get variableRowHeight():Boolean
public function set variableRowHeight(value:Boolean):void
variableRowHeightOffset | property |
public var variableRowHeightOffset:Number = 0
In case the calculations of the row height with text measurements is not accurate (Flash player bug) you can use this variable to adjust the calculation based on your scenario
variableRowHeightUseRendererForCalculation | property |
public var variableRowHeightUseRendererForCalculation:Boolean = false
By default, the flexicious Ultimate Grid does not instantiate and measure each cell renderer when you set variable row heights. It just uses the measureText functionality to estimate the height required to fit the given text. In case where you have custom item renderers that have other flex components that affect the heights of the cells, the grid does not take these into consideration, for performance reasons. This flag, introduced in 2.8 will change this behavior so such cells will be taken in to account and a renderer will be instantiated. The grid will instantiate a renderer, set its data, and then measure it to calculate the height required to render it. Please note, this may slightly degrade performance, so set this flag to true only if you need it. Specifying a getRowHeightFunction and estimating the height without involving display objects will be usually faster.
verticalScrollBar | property |
[read-only] The vertical scrollbar associated with the bodyContainer. The body container is the only section to have a scroll bar. The left and right locked containers scroll along with it.
public function get verticalScrollBar():ScrollBar
verticalScrollBarOffset | property |
[read-only] ot used.
public function get verticalScrollBarOffset():int
verticalScrollPosition | property |
he vertical scroll position of the body container. The body container is the only section to have a scroll bar. The left and right locked containers scroll along with it.
This property can be used as the source for data binding.
public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number
public function set verticalScrollPosition(value:Number):void
viewMetrics | property |
[read-only] Unused/Not applicable to the Nested DataGrid.
public function get viewMetrics():EdgeMetrics
virtualBodyContainer | property |
[read-only] public function get virtualBodyContainer():FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer
virtualScrollDelay | property |
Delay in milliseconds before "virtualScroll" event is dispatched.
public function get virtualScrollDelay():uint
public function set virtualScrollDelay(value:uint):void
visibleColumns | property |
[read-only] eturns the columns where visible=true
public function get visibleColumns():Array
wordOptions | property |
public var wordOptions:ExportOptions
The Export options object that is used to configure the word export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate
FlexDataGrid | () | Constructor |
public function FlexDataGrid()
The constructor is responsible for instantiating the body container, header,footer,filter,pager containers, as well as the left/right Locked header/footer containers.
addColumn | () | method |
public function addColumn(col:FlexDataGridColumn):void
Adds the column to the collection of columns at the root level.
col:FlexDataGridColumn |
addSelectedItem | () | method |
public function addSelectedItem(val:Object):void
Adds the provided item to the selection of the top (root) level.
val:Object |
alignColumnGroups | () | method |
public function alignColumnGroups():void
If you modify one or more column groups, calling this method is required so that inter related column groups can update themselves.
checkIsGroupingCollection | () | method |
public function checkIsGroupingCollection(val:Object):Boolean
val:Object |
Boolean |
checkNoDataMessage | () | method |
public function checkNoDataMessage(force:Boolean = false):void
If a noDataMessage value is specified, and a dataprovider with zero records is set, calls the showMessage function passing in the noDataMessage, which in turn shows the value of the noDataMessage using the Spinner component with its spinner hidden.
force:Boolean (default = false )
clearAllCollections | () | method |
public function clearAllCollections():void
Clears out the following collections
clearAllErrors | () | method |
public function clearAllErrors():void
Clears out all the errors
clearAllFilters | () | method |
public function clearAllFilters():void
Clears filters at all levels and rebuilds the grid.
clearChanges | () | method |
public function clearChanges():void
Sets changes to an empty array.
clearColumns | () | method |
public function clearColumns(rebuild:Boolean = true):void
Clears out all the columns of the grid If the parameter to rebuild is true, the grid will be rebuilt. Otherwise, just the columns will be cleared, and the consumer code should rebuild the grid.
rebuild:Boolean (default = true )
clearErrorByKey | () | method |
public function clearErrorByKey(key:*, fld:String):void
Clears the errors for the specified key
key:* | |
fld:String |
clearErrorByObject | () | method |
public function clearErrorByObject(item:Object, fld:String):void
Similar to clearErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents.
item:Object | |
fld:String |
clearFilter | () | method |
public function clearFilter():void
Clears the filters at all levels
clearFilterByField | () | method |
public function clearFilterByField(col:String = null):void
Clears the filters at all levels
col:String (default = null )
clearFlattenedCache | () | method |
public function clearFlattenedCache():void
When the dataprovider changes or when new data comes in from the server for lazy loaded grids, you can call this to clear out the flattened cache.
clearPreferences | () | method |
public function clearPreferences():void
clearSelection | () | method |
override public function clearSelection():void
Clears the selected rows and cells.
collapseAll | () | method |
public function collapseAll():void
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
collapseAllColumnGroups | () | method |
public function collapseAllColumnGroups(lvl:int = 1):void
For grids with column groups, expands them all.
lvl:int (default = 1 )
copyCurrentCellToClipboard | () | method |
public function copyCurrentCellToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy cell menu item Copies the current cell in tab delimited format into the clipboard
event:ContextMenuEvent (default = null )
copyRowToClipboard | () | method |
public function copyRowToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy row menu item Copies the current row in tab delimited format into the clipboard
event:ContextMenuEvent (default = null )
copySelectedRowsToClipboard | () | method |
public function copySelectedRowsToClipboard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
event:ContextMenuEvent (default = null )
copyTableToClipBoard | () | method |
public function copyTableToClipBoard(event:ContextMenuEvent = null):void
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
event:ContextMenuEvent (default = null )
createBodyContainer | () | method |
protected function createBodyContainer():FlexDataGridBodyContainer
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer class. In case you need to implement custom logic by extending the FlexDataGridBodyContainer you will need to override this method. Creates an instance of FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer if enableVirtualScroll, else creates FlexDataGridBodyContainer
ReturnsFlexDataGridBodyContainer |
createBuiltinAction | () | method |
public function createBuiltinAction(lbl:String, code:String, requiresSelection:Boolean = false, requiresSingleSelection:Boolean = false):ToolbarAction
Creates a Toolbar Action
lbl:String — The label to apply to the action
| |
code:String — The code to associate with the action
| |
requiresSelection:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether or not the action requires an item to be selected within the grid.
| |
requiresSingleSelection:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether or not the action requires a single item to be selected within the grid.
ToolbarAction |
createChromeContainer | () | method |
protected function createChromeContainer():FlexDataGridHeaderContainer
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. In case you need to implement custom logic by extending the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer you will need to override this method.
ReturnsFlexDataGridHeaderContainer |
createCollectionManipulator | () | method |
public function createCollectionManipulator():CollectionManipulator
Not supported
ReturnsCollectionManipulator |
createElasticContainer | () | method |
protected function createElasticContainer():ElasticContainer
Method to create an instance of the ElasticContainer class. In case you need to implement custom logic by extending the ElasticContainer you will need to override this method. The Left Locked Content, and Right Locked Content are instances of ElasticContainer
ReturnsElasticContainer |
createFilter | () | method |
createLockedContent | () | method |
protected function createLockedContent():LockedContent
Method to create an instance of the LockedContent class. In case you need to implement custom logic by extending the LockedContent you will need to override this method. The Left Locked Header, Left Locked Footer,Right Locked Header, and Right Locked Footer are all instance of LockedContent
ReturnsLockedContent |
createPrintComponentFactory | () | method |
public function createPrintComponentFactory():IFactory
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
ReturnsIFactory —
defaultCreateRowNumberColumn | () | method |
protected function defaultCreateRowNumberColumn():Object
If you set enableRowNumbers=true; the level calls this function to create a FlexDataGridRowNumberColumn Default function returns new FlexDataGridRowNumberColumn();
ReturnsObject |
defaultDynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction | () | method |
protected function defaultDynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction(item:Object):Boolean
Returns true if the getLength method on the result of the getChildren method returns more than 0
item:Object |
Boolean —
defaultExcelHandlerFunction | () | method |
public function defaultExcelHandlerFunction():void
Default handler for the Word Export Button. Calls ExtendedExportController.instance().export(this.grid,ExportOptions.create())
defaultExpandCollapseTooltipFunction | () | method |
public function defaultExpandCollapseTooltipFunction(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):String
If grid.openItems.contains(getItemKey(, return the value of expandTooltip else collapseTooltip
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
String |
defaultGetRowIndex | () | method |
protected function defaultGetRowIndex(cell:IFlexDataGridDataCell):String
For the top level, returns grid.getRootFlat().indexOf( For other levels, uses level.getChildren(grid.getParent(item)).indexOf(;
cell:IFlexDataGridDataCell |
String |
defaultPdfHandlerFunction | () | method |
public function defaultPdfHandlerFunction():void
Default handler for the Print Button. Calls var po:PrintOptions=PrintOptions.create(true); po.printOptionsViewrenderer = new ClassFactory(ExtendedPrintOptionsView); ExtendedPrintController.instance().print(this.grid,po)
defaultPrintHandlerFunction | () | method |
public function defaultPrintHandlerFunction():void
Default handler for the Print Button. Calls var po:PrintOptions=PrintOptions.create(); po.printOptionsViewrenderer = new ClassFactory(ExtendedPrintOptionsView); ExtendedPrintController.instance().print(this.grid,po)
defaultUseSettingsOptionsFunction | () | method |
protected function defaultUseSettingsOptionsFunction():UserSettingsOptions
returns UserSettingsOptions.create(this);
ReturnsUserSettingsOptions |
defaultWordHandlerFunction | () | method |
public function defaultWordHandlerFunction():void
Default handler for the Word Export Button. Calls ExtendedExportController.instance().export(this.grid,ExportOptions.create(ExportOptions.DOC_EXPORT))
destroyItemEditor | () | method |
public function destroyItemEditor():void
Destroys the current item editor, if there is one.
dispatchAutoRefreshEvent | () | method |
public function dispatchAutoRefreshEvent(event:Event):void
Handle for the auto refresh.
event:Event |
dispatchEvent | () | method |
override public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
event:Event |
Boolean |
distributeColumnWidthsEqually | () | method |
public function distributeColumnWidthsEqually():void
Modifies the columns so the width is distributed equally. Columns that are fixedWidth are not updated.
dragAcceptReject | () | method |
protected function dragAcceptReject(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):void
Called when the drag enters over a cell. Use the dropAcceptRejectFunction to control behavior
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
dragBegin | () | method |
public function dragBegin(event:MouseEvent):void
Triggered when drag is starting. Use the dragAvailableFunction to control whether drag proceeds
event:MouseEvent |
dragComplete | () | method |
public function dragComplete(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):void
Triggered when the drag is complete. Does nothing. Use the dragDropCompleteFunction to wire up custom logic.
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
dragDrop | () | method |
override protected function dragDrop(event:DragEvent):void
Called when the DragDrop event is dispatched over any of the cells. The event is passes in as is.
event:DragEvent |
dragEnter | () | method |
override protected function dragEnter(event:DragEvent):void
Called when the DragEnter event is dispatched over any of the cells. The event is passes in as is.
event:DragEvent |
drawFiller | () | method |
public function drawFiller():void
When enableFillerRows=true, wipes out and recreates the filler rows. The grid automatically calls this method when any column widths change, dataprovider changes, size changes, or when expand/collapse happen.
enableDisableToolbarAction | () | method |
public function enableDisableToolbarAction(code:String, enable:Boolean):void
In addition to initial enable/disable of toolbar actions, this function can be used to enable or disable toolbar actions at run time.
code:String | |
enable:Boolean |
ensureLevelsCreated | () | method |
public function ensureLevelsCreated(item:Object = null, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
When enableDynamicLevels=true and there is only one level, we iterate through the data provider and ensure that the maximum depth has been accounted for.
item:Object (default = null )
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null )
expandAll | () | method |
public function expandAll():void
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
expandAllColumnGroups | () | method |
public function expandAllColumnGroups(lvl:int = 1):void
For grids with column groups, expands them all.
lvl:int (default = 1 )
expandChildrenOf | () | method |
public function expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Opens or closes all the nodes of the navigation tree below the specified item.
item:Object — An Object defining the branch node. This Object contains the
data provider element for the branch node.
| |
open:Boolean — Specify true to open the items,
and false to close them.
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null ) — Level at which the item exists. If null is specified, defaults to the top level
expandDown | () | method |
public function expandDown():void
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
expandToLevel | () | method |
public function expandToLevel(level:int):void
For nested datagrids, expands all items to the level specified.
level:int |
expandUp | () | method |
public function expandUp():void
or nested datagrids, expands all items one level up
flatten | () | method |
public function flatten(depthRequested:int = 1, inclusive:Boolean = true, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false, max:Number = -1):Array
For hierarchical data grids, returns the data provider as a flat list that matches the specified criteria.
depthRequested:int (default = 1 ) — The depth until which to recurse.
| |
inclusive:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether to add the parent object to the resulting
| |
filter:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether to run filter while getting children of parent objects
| |
page:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether to page while getting children of parent objects
| |
sort:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether to sort while getting children of parent objects
| |
max:Number (default = -1 ) — The maximum number of records to return
Array —
generateImageForDrag | () | method |
public function generateImageForDrag(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):Image
Generates a snapshot of the row for the drag visual indicator
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
Image —
getActionByCode | () | method |
public function getActionByCode(code:String):ToolbarAction
Given a code, loops through the toolbarActions, and gets the toolbar action with the given code.
code:String |
ToolbarAction —
getAllErrorString | () | method |
public function getAllErrorString():String
Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object.
ReturnsString |
getAutoLoadPreferences | () | method |
public function getAutoLoadPreferences():Boolean
By default, when the grid's creation complete event is dispatched, the grid will go in and load the saved preference. This works well in most cases, but in some cases, where the data needed to build selection comboboxes (for filters) is built from the dataprovider, it makes sense to wait until the dataprovider is loaded to parse and set the preferences, otherwise the grid will end up ignoring saved preferences for filters that have dropdown based UI. In this case set autoLoadPreferences to true, and manually call loadPreferences when the data is received from the server and the dataprovider is set. grid:FlexDataGrid autoLoadPreferences=”false” And then, when you set the dataprovider: dgReport.dataProvider=dp; if(!dgReport.preferencesLoaded){ dgReport.loadPreferences(); }
ReturnsBoolean |
getCellForRowColumn | () | method |
public function getCellForRowColumn(data:Object, column:FlexDataGridColumn):IFlexDataGridDataCell
Given a data object and a colum, return the IFlexDataGridDataCell object for the combination
data:Object — The row data
| |
column:FlexDataGridColumn — The FlexDataGridColumn
IFlexDataGridDataCell |
getCellInDirection | () | method |
public function getCellInDirection(cell:IFlexDataGridCell, direction:String):IFlexDataGridCell
Gets the cell in the specified direction of the provided cell
cell:IFlexDataGridCell — The cell to start searching at.
| |
direction:String — The direction to search. Should be one of FlexDataGrid.CELL_POSITION_XXXX constants
IFlexDataGridCell — The cell, if one matches the provided criteria, or null
getChildren | () | method |
public function getChildren(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false):Object
If the dataprovider is IHierarchicalCollectionView, calls the getChildren method on the incoming object. If object is XMLList or XML, returns the result of its "children" method. Else returns the value of the level.childrenField property on the object being passed in Prior to returning, applies filter, page or sort as specified by the parameters. You can intercept calls to this function by defining a custom getChildrenFunction
object:Object | |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel | |
filter:Boolean (default = false )
| |
page:Boolean (default = false )
| |
sort:Boolean (default = false )
Object |
getChildrenLength | () | method |
public function getChildrenLength(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, filter:Boolean = false, page:Boolean = false, sort:Boolean = false):Object
Calls getChildren, and if result is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
object:Object | |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel | |
filter:Boolean (default = false )
| |
page:Boolean (default = false )
| |
sort:Boolean (default = false )
Object |
getColumnByDataField | () | method |
public function getColumnByDataField(fld:String):FlexDataGridColumn
eturns the column with the specified datafield, only at the root level
fld:String |
FlexDataGridColumn |
getColumnByUniqueIdentifier | () | method |
public function getColumnByUniqueIdentifier(fld:String):FlexDataGridColumn
eturns the column with the specified UniqueIdentifier, only at the root level
fld:String |
FlexDataGridColumn |
getContainerForCell | () | method |
public function getContainerForCell(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):FlexDataGridContainerBase
Given a IFlexDataGridCell, returns a container that holds that cell.
cell:IFlexDataGridCell — The IFlexDataGridCell object to get the container for.
FlexDataGridContainerBase — The container that holds the provided cell. Can be either one of the below:
getContainerInDirection | () | method |
public function getContainerInDirection(container:String, up:Boolean):FlexDataGridContainerBase
Returns the section above or below the provided section. Based on the displayOrder property, the grid will stack the various sections in order specified by the user. This method uses the displayOrder property to figure out which container exists above or below the specified section.
container:String — Name of the section. Must be one of the displayOrder strings (filter,header,body,footer,pager).
| |
up:Boolean — Whether to return the section above or below
FlexDataGridContainerBase — A FlexDataGridContainerBase object
getContainerName | () | method |
public function getContainerName(container:FlexDataGridContainerBase):String
Given a container, returns its displayOrder string equivalent. Based on the displayOrder property, the grid will stack the various sections in order specified by the user. This method uses the takes a container and returns the associated displayOrder property. Container Should be one of the following:
container:FlexDataGridContainerBase — The container to look for.
String |
getCornerY | () | method |
protected function getCornerY(comp:ComponentInfo):int
Corner areas are special containers that exist to hold filter and header on the top and Pager and Footer on the bottom If I am filter cell, return 0 if filter is above header (true always) IF I am header cell, return filterHeight + (headerHeight header Depth) If I am footer cell, return 0 If I am pager cell, return pager footer height
comp:ComponentInfo |
int |
getCurrentEditingCell | () | method |
public function getCurrentEditingCell():IFlexDataGridCell
Gets the cell that is currently being edited.
ReturnsIFlexDataGridCell |
getCurrentEditor | () | method |
public function getCurrentEditor():UIComponent
Gets the editor that is currently being edited.
ReturnsUIComponent |
getCurrentPreferenceInfo | () | method |
public function getCurrentPreferenceInfo():PreferenceInfo
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents the currently applied preference
ReturnsPreferenceInfo |
getDataForPrintExport | () | method |
public function getDataForPrintExport(printOptions:PrintExportOptions):Object
Called by PrintController and ExportController to get the data on basis of PrintOptions and ExportOptions
printOptions:PrintExportOptions |
Object |
getError | () | method |
public function getError(item:Object):Object
Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object.
item:Object |
Object |
getExportableColumns | () | method |
public function getExportableColumns(exportOptions:ExportOptions):Array
Returns all columns at all levels.
exportOptions:ExportOptions |
Array —
getFilterArguments | () | method |
public function getFilterArguments():ArrayCollection
eturns the filter at the top level.
ReturnsArrayCollection |
getFilterColumn | () | method |
public function getFilterColumn(searchField:String):Object
Gets the column with the specified search field
searchField:String |
Object |
getFilteredPagedSortedData | () | method |
public function getFilteredPagedSortedData(dictionary:Dictionary, applyFilter:Boolean = true, applyPaging:Boolean = true, applySort:Boolean = true, pages:Array = null):Object
Returns the data provider, with filter, paging and sorting applied on basis of the boolean flags specified. The passed in dictionary contains a map of each item in the resulting collection to the level that it belongs to.
dictionary:Dictionary — Map of each item in the resulting collection to the level that it belongs to
| |
applyFilter:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether or not to apply the filter
| |
applyPaging:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether or not to apply paging
| |
applySort:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether or not to apply sort
| |
pages:Array (default = null ) — Which pages to get, only needed if you want a page range. specify null(default) if you want only the current page.
Object — A flat array of all items that match the criteria generated on basis of the parameters above.
getFilterValue | () | method |
public function getFilterValue(col:String):*
col:String |
* |
getFilterX | () | method |
public function getFilterX(renderer:IFilterControl):Number
Used by filter to identify where relative position for each control for tabbing
renderer:IFilterControl |
Number |
getGridPreferencesInfo | () | method |
public function getGridPreferencesInfo():GridPreferencesInfo
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents a list of all preferences saved for this grid.
ReturnsGridPreferencesInfo |
getItemAtPosition | () | method |
public function getItemAtPosition(position:Number):RowPositionInfo
eturns the RowPosition Info object for the item at the given vertical scroll position
position:Number |
RowPositionInfo |
getItemFilter | () | method |
public function getItemFilter(level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, item:Object):Filter
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel | |
item:Object |
Filter |
getLength | () | method |
public function getLength(arr:Object):int
If arr is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length;
arr:Object |
int |
getLevel | () | method |
public function getLevel(levelDepth:int):FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Returns FlexDataGridColumnLevel object at the specified depth
levelDepth:int |
FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
getLevelForItem | () | method |
public function getLevelForItem(itemToFind:*, flat:Object = null, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):FlexDataGridColumnLevel
Provided an item, loops through the data provider, and finds the level associated with the provided item. Let the level and flat be null.
itemToFind:* | |
flat:Object (default = null )
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null )
FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
getNamedContainer | () | method |
public function getNamedContainer(name:String):FlexDataGridContainerBase
Given a displayOrder string , returns its container equivalent. Based on the displayOrder property, the grid will stack the various sections in order specified by the user. This method uses the takes a displayOrder string and returns the associated container. Display Order String Should be one of the following:
name:String |
FlexDataGridContainerBase |
getOpenItemCount | () | method |
public function getOpenItemCount(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):int
Given a cell if it is a datarow, and it is associated with a column and the column is at the nest level of the cell, and the column is left locked and the data item bound to the cell is open, then will return the recursive count of all open items under this cell.
cell:IFlexDataGridCell — The cell to check
int — integer
getOpenKeys | () | method |
public function getOpenKeys():Array
A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. For hierarchical datagrids, used to get all open(expanded) records at all levels. Please NOTE - this is a read only collection. Adding to this does nothing. If you want to programatically modify the collapse expand, use the setOpenKeys instead, or add directly to the open items.
ReturnsArray |
getOpenObjects | () | method |
public function getOpenObjects():Array
Returns a copy of the open items array.
ReturnsArray |
getParent | () | method |
public function getParent(object:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel):Object
Returns the parent object for the passed in object. Please note, if your data provider is xml or hierarchical collection view, grid will use the getParent method or getParentItem method on such data providers respectively. If you have specified a parentField, which is a pointer on the object that points back to the parent, the grid will use that. If none of the above is true, the grid will use its built in map of hierarchical data, but this has a limitation of only being able to return parents of items that are on the current page of data.
object:Object | |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Object |
getParentContainer | () | method |
public function getParentContainer(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):FlexDataGridContainerBase
eturns the container for the given cell
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
FlexDataGridContainerBase |
getPeristenceKey | () | method |
protected function getPeristenceKey():String
ReturnsString |
getPrintableColumns | () | method |
public function getPrintableColumns(options:PrintOptions):Array
options:PrintOptions |
Array |
getRootFilter | () | method |
getRootFlat | () | method |
public function getRootFlat():Object
Returns a iterable representation of the dataprovider. If it is a hierarchical collection view, returns the source property of the underlying Hierarchical Data object else returns dataprovider as is.
ReturnsObject |
getRowHeight | () | method |
public function getRowHeight(item:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, rowType:int):Number
If variableRowHeight returns the minimum height required to display text of each column without clipping. Please note, atleast one column needs to have the wordWrap flag set to true. If you use custom item rendereres, these are not accounted for in the height measurement for performance reasons. In this case, you should override the getRowHeight method and provide your own implementation which is optimized for your situation.
item:Object — The item being displayed
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel — The FlexDataGridColumnLevel object that the item belongs to
| |
rowType:int — The type of the row, one of the RowPositionInfo.ROW_TYPE_XXXX constants
Number — Height of the row
getRowSpanBasedOnOpenItemCount | () | method |
public function getRowSpanBasedOnOpenItemCount(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):int
Given a cell, returns it row span based upon how many children are open Recursively inspects the children to see if any of them are open as well.
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
int —
getRowText | () | method |
protected function getRowText(item:Object, cols:Array):String
Iterates through the passed in cols, calls itemToLabel on each of them passing in the item, and return the resulting string in tab delimited format. Converts an objects properties into tab delimited format
item:Object | |
cols:Array |
String |
getSelectedKeys | () | method |
public function getSelectedKeys():Array
For nested datagrids, used to get all records at all levels. Please see the documentation of setSelectedKeys for instructions on maintaining grid selection post a data provider refresh.
ReturnsArray |
getSelectedObjects | () | method |
public function getSelectedObjects(getKey:Boolean = false, unSelected:Boolean = false):Array
For nested datagrids, used to get all items selected at all levels. If you specify getKey=true, the resulting array will only contain the value of the selectedKeyField at each level.
getKey:Boolean (default = false )
| |
unSelected:Boolean (default = false )
Array |
getToolbarActionButton | () | method |
public function getToolbarActionButton(code:String):UIComponent
Gets the actual button object for the provided toolbar action.
code:String |
UIComponent —
getUnSelectedKeys | () | method |
public function getUnSelectedKeys():Array
When enableSelectionExclusion, returns a list of items that the user explicitly unselected.
ReturnsArray |
getUserSettingsController | () | method |
gotoHorizontalPosition | () | method |
public function gotoHorizontalPosition(vsp:Number):void
Goes to the specified horizontal position. Going to a specified horizontal scroll position requires the renderers to recycle if the set of visible columns changes.
vsp:Number |
gotoItem | () | method |
public function gotoItem(item:Object, highlight:Boolean = true, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Given a data item, scrolls to that item in the datagrid Flexicious by default will only build RowPositionInfo objects for open items that the user can visually scroll to. So items that are closed, or are on a different page, will not be built, and cannot be scrolled to. This function will will inspect the data provider to find the item in question, and build the RowPositionInfo for it if its not found in the currently built RowPositionInfo objects.
item:Object | |
highlight:Boolean (default = true )
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null )
gotoKey | () | method |
public function gotoKey(key:Object, highlight:Boolean = true, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null):void
Given a key, scrolls to the item that has the provided value for the selectedKeyField at that level Flexicious by default will only build RowPositionInfo objects for open items that the user can visually scroll to. So items that are closed, or are on a different page, will not be built, and cannot be scrolled to. This function will will inspect the data provider to find the item in question, and build the RowPositionInfo for it if its not found in the currently built RowPositionInfo objects.
key:Object | |
highlight:Boolean (default = true )
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null )
gotoRow | () | method |
public function gotoRow(rowIndex:int):void
Given a row index (less than the total number of rows, goes to the row in question). Row index becomes the first visible row. Please note this is a 1 based index.
rowIndex:int |
gotoVerticalPosition | () | method |
public function gotoVerticalPosition(vsp:Number):void
Goes to the specified vertical position. Going to a specified horizontal scroll position requires the renderers to recycle if the set of visible rows changes.
vsp:Number |
hideSpinner | () | method |
public function hideSpinner():void
Removes the spinner and sets the bodyContainer.alpha back to 1
hideTooltip | () | method |
public function hideTooltip():void
Hides the current tooltip.
highlightRow | () | method |
public function highlightRow(cell:IFlexDataGridCell, row:RowInfo, highLight:Boolean, highLightColor:uint = 0):void
On basis of the highLight flag, removes or adds highlight to the row in question. Triggered in response to a rollover event. Sets the currentBackgroundColors property is a result of the following logic. When highLight=true
cell:IFlexDataGridCell — The IFlexDataGridCell to highligh or remove the highlight from
| |
row:RowInfo — The rowInfo object associated with this cell.
| |
highLight:Boolean — Whether to add a highlight or remove the highlight
| |
highLightColor:uint (default = 0 ) — If you want to override the color that is calculated using the logic above.
invalidateCells | () | method |
public function invalidateCells():void
Invalidates the display (Calls invalidateDisplayList of all the cells). This will re-evaluate the backgroud and borders of each cell. There are four functions that you can use to redraw the grid, on basis of what your needs are.
invalidateFiller | () | method |
public function invalidateFiller():void
Queues a call to drawFiller in the next validation cycle
invalidateHorizontalScroll | () | method |
public function invalidateHorizontalScroll():void
Called when you scroll and expand collapse. When you do this, previously drawn rows may have been drawn with a different horizontal scroll position. So the cells that are currently in view may not have been drawn. This method will ensure that a pass at the horizontal recycle runs at the next update and we render the correct cells.
invalidateList | () | method |
public function invalidateList():void
Calls the rebuild function, which basically rebuild the entire grid. This is also the most expensive functions. There are four functions that you can use to redraw the grid, on basis of what your needs are.
isCellEditable | () | method |
public function isCellEditable(fdgCell:IFlexDataGridCell):Boolean
Is this cell editable? Returns true if: 1) The cell is an IFlexDataGridCell 2) The cells column is editable 3) The cellEditableFunction is null OR cellEditableFunction(fdgCell) returns true.
fdgCell:IFlexDataGridCell |
Boolean |
isCtrlKeyDownOrSticky | () | method |
public function isCtrlKeyDownOrSticky(event:Event):Boolean
Return true if enableStickyControlKeySelection Or (Control Key is down AND (selectionMode is MultipleRows or MultipleCells))
event:Event |
Boolean |
isToolbarActionValid | () | method |
public function isToolbarActionValid(action:ToolbarAction, currentTarget:Object, extendedPager:IExtendedPager):Boolean
Evaluates whether the given toolbar action is valid or not. If toolbarActionValidFunction is not null, returns the result of the function passing in the given ToolbarAction. Else returns true.
action:ToolbarAction | |
currentTarget:Object | |
extendedPager:IExtendedPager |
Boolean |
keyDownHandler | () | method |
override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
Support for key board interaction. First, if allowInteractivity or enableKeyboardNavigation flags are not set, then we do not handle any keyboard interaction. If the body container is in edit mode, keyboard interaction that is handled is limited to the TAB and Enter keys, which will end the edit session and move on to the next cell or row on basis of which key has been selected. If we are in any of the filter control, the TAB and SHIFT TAB keys will move between the filter controls. Once you focus on a filter control, all keyboard interaction except TAB, SHIFT TAB and Arrow Keys is handled by the Filter Control in question. These are all Flex SDK controls, and you should refer to the the documentation of the SDK control for more information about its keyboard interaction. Arrow keys will move focus out of the filter control and highlight the next cell (for down arrow) or the header (for up arrow) on basis of what the displayOrder property of the grid specifies. For TextInput Filter control where filterTriggerEvent=enterKeyUp, hitting the enter key will cause the filter to run. For the most part, the Flexicious Ultimate grid's keyboard interactions are similar to the SDK datagrid, with one important difference. We have a concept of an active cell, which is the cell that is currently active either via a mouseover gesture, or via a arrow key navigation gesture. You can style this color of the active cell via the activeCellColor style. You can completely disable the active cell tracking by setting enableActiveCellHighlight to false. When the grid is not in edit mode, and focus is not on the filter but on a specific grid cell, the following keyboard interactions are available:
event:KeyboardEvent |
loadPreferences | () | method |
public function loadPreferences():void
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client. In server mode, you can directly set the preferences property to the string XML value persisted earlier.
measureCellHeight | () | method |
public function measureCellHeight(col:Object, paddingLeft:Number, paddingRight:Number, paddingTop:Number, paddingBottom:Number, itemRenderer:IFactory, ht:Number, txt:String, item:Object, styl:Object):Number
Given a column and padding values, calculate the height required to fully render the text
col:Object — The column to render. The width of this column is used to calculate the height.
| |
paddingLeft:Number — The left padding to apply while calculating the height
| |
paddingRight:Number — The right padding to apply while calculating the height
| |
paddingTop:Number — The top padding to apply while calculating the height
| |
paddingBottom:Number — The bottom padding to apply while calculating the height
| |
itemRenderer:IFactory — The renderer to use - for data cells uses itemRenderer for header cells uses headerRenderer
| |
ht:Number — The previously calculated max height. The ht will return this value if the calculated height is less than the passed in ht.
| |
txt:String — The text to render.
| |
item:Object — The item (or row data) object that will be applied to the data property of the renderer
| |
styl:Object |
Number — If the calculated height is greater than ht parameter, returns the calculated height. Else returns the value of the ht parameter
multiColumnSortGetTooltip | () | method |
public function multiColumnSortGetTooltip(cell:FlexDataGridHeaderCell):String
Gets the text of the tooltip to show to the user to prompt for the multi column sort.
cell:FlexDataGridHeaderCell |
String |
multiColumnSortShowPopup | () | method |
public function multiColumnSortShowPopup():void
Creates an instance of the multiSortRenderer and pushes it into view
onCollectionChange | () | method |
override protected function onCollectionChange(event:Event):void
By default, when you set the dataprovider, we add a change event listener to it. When you reset the collection, this method will clear out the selection, and check for no data, and issue a rebuild. When you add an item to the data provider, it will call the trackChange method (see enableChangeTracking) and issue a rebuild. When you remove an item from the data provider, it will call the trackChange method (see enableChangeTracking) and issue a rebuild, and if the item is selected, remove it from the selection. Finally, it will dispatct a dataProviderChange event. Keep in mind, the rebuildGridOnDataProviderChange is not taken into account if you reset the dataprovider. That flag is only applied if you explicitly replace the dataprovider using grid.dataProvider = newDataProvider;
event:Event |
onDoubleClick | () | method |
protected function onDoubleClick(event:MouseEvent):void
In this method, we trap all double click events, walk up the target tree until we hit a IFlexDataGridDataCell object, and if we indeed double clicked a data cell, we dispatch and ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK event.
event:MouseEvent |
onGridResized | () | method |
override protected function onGridResized(event:ResizeEvent):void
event:ResizeEvent |
onKeyFocusChange | () | method |
protected function onKeyFocusChange(event:FocusEvent):void
event:FocusEvent |
onMouseWheel | () | method |
protected function onMouseWheel(event:MouseEvent):void
Transfers mouse wheel events over the locked left and right sections to scroll events on the body container, so we scroll when the user mouse wheels over the left or right locked containers.
event:MouseEvent |
pauseKeyboardListeners | () | method |
public function pauseKeyboardListeners(filterRenderer:Object):void
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters, so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another.
filterRenderer:Object |
persistPreferences | () | method |
public function persistPreferences(name:String = Default, isDefault:Boolean = false):void
Persists the preferences as Shared Objects when preferencePersistenceMode=client or dispatches an event with the preference information when preferencePersistenceMode=server
name:String (default = Default )
| |
isDefault:Boolean (default = false )
placeBottomBar | () | method |
public function placeBottomBar():void
When you have left or right locked sections, the scroll bar only covers the area occupied by the body container, or the unlocked columns section. So we do not show a blank whitespace in the area of the scroll bar in the locked sections, we place two sprites there, and this method is responsible for drawing and positioning these sprites.
placeSections | () | method |
public function placeSections():void
The grid is composed of the following sections: Left Locked Header Left Locked Content Left Locked Footer Right Locked Header Right Locked Content Right Locked Footer UnLocked Header UnLocked Content UnLocked Footer On basis of the column lock modes specified, this method will size each section and place them in the correct location.
processFilter | () | method |
public function processFilter():void
Processes filters at the root level. 1) Ensures the root filter exists 2) In filterPageSortMode="client", invalidates the row position info objects, so they are rebuilt 3) In filterPageSortMode="client", Calls the create components method on each of the container sections. 4) In Server mode, gathers the filter information, and dispatches a filterPageSortChange event, for the client code to listen to.
processSort | () | method |
public function processSort(sorts:ArrayCollection):void
Used by state persistence to load sort settings that were persisted previously.
sorts:ArrayCollection |
quickFind | () | method |
public function quickFind(whatToFind:String, searchCols:Array = null, breakAfterFind:Boolean = true, captureCols:Boolean = false):Array
Iterates through the data provider to get a list of row positions that match the text provided.
whatToFind:String | |
searchCols:Array (default = null )
| |
breakAfterFind:Boolean (default = true )
| |
captureCols:Boolean (default = false )
Array |
rebuildBody | () | method |
public function rebuildBody(vupdateTotalRecords:Boolean = false):void
A method that simply rebuilds the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. Please note, that this method is not a "deferred" execution method. In that, if you call this multiple times, the performance will get affected negatively. If you have rapidly changing data, consider using the refreshCells method, if new records are not being added, or existing records are not being deleted. If new records are being added/deleted use rebuildBodyDeferred;
vupdateTotalRecords:Boolean (default = false )
rebuildBodyDeferred | () | method |
public function rebuildBodyDeferred():void
Same as rebuildBody, but ideal for scenarios where you have to call rebuildBody frequently (i.e. more than once within a validation/invalidation cycle).
rebuildFilter | () | method |
public function rebuildFilter():void
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid.
rebuildFooter | () | method |
public function rebuildFooter():void
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid.
rebuildHeader | () | method |
public function rebuildHeader():void
A method that simply rebuilds the header as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid.
rebuildPager | () | method |
public function rebuildPager():void
A method that simply rebuilds the pager as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid.
redrawBody | () | method |
public function redrawBody():void
A method that simply redraws the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. As opposed to rebuild, does not recalculate row positions and heights, just refreshes the currently drawn rows.
refreshCells | () | method |
public function refreshCells():void
Calls the refresh cell method on all visible cells in the bodyContainer section. The refreshCell method re-evaulates the following properties:
refreshCheckBoxes | () | method |
public function refreshCheckBoxes():void
Updates the visible state of all row selection checkboxes and header checkboxes.
removeAllSorts | () | method |
public function removeAllSorts():void
Removes all the sorts and calls doInvalidate.
removeColumn | () | method |
public function removeColumn(col:FlexDataGridColumn):void
Removes the column from the collection of columns at this level.
col:FlexDataGridColumn |
runToolbarAction | () | method |
public function runToolbarAction(action:ToolbarAction, currentTarget:Object, extendedPager:IExtendedPager):void
Runs the given toolbar action. Dispatches the toolbarActionExecuted event. If you call prevent default in this event, the default handling code does not execute.
action:ToolbarAction | |
currentTarget:Object | |
extendedPager:IExtendedPager |
scrollToExistingRow | () | method |
public function scrollToExistingRow(vsp:Number, scrollDown:Boolean):void
Scrolls to the row that appears at the specified vertical position
vsp:Number — Vertical Position to Scroll to
| |
scrollDown:Boolean — Whether you are scrolling up or down
selectText | () | method |
public function selectText(txt:String):void
Selects the provided text in the currently visible cells that have the default item renderer, or if the item renderer has the selection property
txt:String |
setChildData | () | method |
public function setChildData(item:Object, children:Object, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, totalRecords:int = -1, useSelectedKeyField:Boolean = true):void
In lazy loaded grid levels, (filterPageSortMode=server), when the user expands a level for the first time, since the data is not loaded, the level dispatches the filterPageSortChange, or itemLoad. This event is then handled by client code, and when the data is retreieved from the server, this method should be called with the item being expanded, and children to insert.
item:Object — The item that is being expanded. You can pass in an ID value if you set useSelectedKeyField=true (default)
| |
children:Object — The list of items to add to the children collection of the item being expanded
| |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel — Total number of child records. Only applicable if the filterPageSortMode for the child level is server. Use this parameter to tell the level that you are showing the first page of totalRecords records
| |
totalRecords:int (default = -1 ) — The parent level (the level at which the item object is located).
| |
useSelectedKeyField:Boolean (default = true ) — Flag to indicate whether to use the selectedKeyField to identify the item being expanded, or
to compare against the item directly against the list of items pending expansion.
setCurrentPreferenceInfo | () | method |
public function setCurrentPreferenceInfo(val:PreferenceInfo, applyPreferences:Boolean = true):void
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, applies the given preference as the current preference.
val:PreferenceInfo | |
applyPreferences:Boolean (default = true )
setErrorByKey | () | method |
public function setErrorByKey(key:*, fld:String, errorMsg:String):void
On grids that allow for tracking errors, call this method to highlight the error using the errorRowStyle, errorContainerRowStyle, and errorMessageStyle. Pass in the key of the object (that is matched using the selectedKeyField) the dataField of the column that is supposed to show the error, and the error message text. Please note - starting 2.8, the default cell does not support error highlighting. To use this function, please set the "enableDataCellOptimization" flag on the column that you need error highlighting on to false.
key:* | |
fld:String | |
errorMsg:String |
setErrorByObject | () | method |
public function setErrorByObject(item:Object, fld:String, errorMsg:String):void
Similar to setErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents.
item:Object | |
fld:String | |
errorMsg:String |
setFilterFocus | () | method |
public function setFilterFocus(fld:String):Boolean
Sets the filter at the top level.
fld:String — The string to match the searchField property of the filter control with.
Boolean — True if focus was set, false if otherwise.
Focus may not be set if the given search field does not exist,
or if the filter control for the given search field does not
implement IFocusManagerComponent.
setFilterValue | () | method |
public function setFilterValue(col:String, val:Object, triggerEvent:Boolean = true):void
col:String | |
val:Object | |
triggerEvent:Boolean (default = true )
setGridPreferencesInfo | () | method |
public function setGridPreferencesInfo(val:GridPreferencesInfo, applyPreferences:Boolean = true):void
Sets the multiple preferences array. On basis of the applyPreferences parameter, loops through the preferences and sets the preferences value to the first preference where isDefault=true.
val:GridPreferencesInfo | |
applyPreferences:Boolean (default = true )
setOpenKeys | () | method |
public function setOpenKeys(keys:Array):void
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. Iterates through the data provider, matching each object, and if matches, adds the object to the grid.openItems When you reset the dataprovider via server call, the original objects that we were tracking with openItems are gone, so the grid no longer has a handle to know which items to retain open. To combat this, you may use the following snippet:
var openKeys:Array=grid.getOpenKeys(); grid.dataProvider=yourNewDataProvider; grid.setOpenKeys(openKeys);
Please note, these API calls rely on the selectedKeyField being defined at each level, as well as the key values being unique.Parameters
keys:Array |
setPredefinedFilters | () | method |
public function setPredefinedFilters(filters:Array):void
Adds to built in filters and refreshes the toolbar.
filters:Array |
setPreferences | () | method |
protected function setPreferences(arrayCollection:ArrayCollection):void
Takes an array collection of preferences and applies them to the grid.
arrayCollection:ArrayCollection |
setSelectedItemsBasedOnSelectedField | () | method |
public function setSelectedItemsBasedOnSelectedField(rebuild:Boolean = false, openItems:Boolean = true):void
Sets the open items on basis of the selectedField.
rebuild:Boolean (default = false ) — Flag to rebuild the grid. Set to true if calling from your code, unless rebuild is being called else where.
| |
openItems:Boolean (default = true )
setSelectedKeys | () | method |
public function setSelectedKeys(objects:Array, openItems:Boolean = true):void
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. Iterates through the data provider, matching each object, and if matches, adds the object to the selectedObjects for the level. Ensure that the selectedKeyField is set at the level. When you reset the dataprovider via server call, the original objects that we were tracking with selected objects are gone, so the grid no longer has a handle to know which items to retain selected. To combat this, you may use the following snippet:
var selectedKeys:Array=grid.getSelectedKeys(); grid.dataProvider=yourNewDataProvider; grid.setSelectedKeys(selectedKeys);
Please note, these API calls rely on the selectedKeyField being defined at each level, as well as the key values being unique.Parameters
objects:Array | |
openItems:Boolean (default = true )
setSelectedObjects | () | method |
public function setSelectedObjects(objects:Array, openItems:Boolean = true):void
For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. Iterates through the data provider, matching each object, and if matches, adds the object to the selectedObjects for the level Please see the documentation of setSelectedKeys for instructions on maintaining grid selection post a data provider refresh.
objects:Array | |
openItems:Boolean (default = true )
setToolbarActionButtonProperty | () | method |
public function setToolbarActionButtonProperty(toolbarActionCode:String, property:String, value:*):void
Sets a property or a style of the button object associated with the toolbar action that has the given code.
toolbarActionCode:String | |
property:String | |
value:* |
setToolbarActions | () | method |
public function setToolbarActions(actions:Array):void
Adds to toolbar actions, and refreshes the toolbar.
actions:Array |
shiftColumns | () | method |
public function shiftColumns(columnToInsert:FlexDataGridColumn, insertBefore:FlexDataGridColumn, level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, movingCg:Boolean = false):void
Inserts the column specified column before the specified column
columnToInsert:FlexDataGridColumn | |
insertBefore:FlexDataGridColumn | |
level:FlexDataGridColumnLevel | |
movingCg:Boolean (default = false )
showColumns | () | method |
public function showColumns(colsToShow:ArrayCollection):void
Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones speicified in the list to false.
colsToShow:ArrayCollection |
showDropIndicator | () | method |
protected function showDropIndicator(cell:IFlexDataGridCell):void
Called to show the drop indicator below the passed in cells row. IF you wish to see custom drop signs, override this function.
cell:IFlexDataGridCell |
showMessage | () | method |
public function showMessage(msg:String):void
Displays a message without the spinner label.
msg:String |
showPrintableColumns | () | method |
public function showPrintableColumns():void
Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones where excludeFromPrint=true.
showSpinner | () | method |
public function showSpinner(msg:String):void
Shows the spinner with default values defined below: Label: "Loading please wait" X Position : center X of the grid Y Position : center Y of the grid Grid Alpa when the spinner is active : 0.3 Spinner appearance can be modified using styles .
msg:String |
showToaster | () | method |
override public function showToaster(message:String, toasterPosition:String, toasterRenderer:IFactory = null, animationDuration:Number = 1000, visibleDuration:Number = 5000, moveAnimate:Boolean = true, fadeAnimate:Boolean = true):void
Shows the given toaster message Shows the given toaster message
message:String — The message to display in the toaster notification
| |
toasterPosition:String (default = NaN ) — A classfactory for the actual renderer control. Defaults to DefaultToasterRenderer.
| |
toasterRenderer:IFactory (default = null ) — Number of milli seconds to animate the move or the fade animation for the toaster to appear and disappear. Defaults to 1000
| |
animationDuration:Number (default = 1000 ) — Number of milli seconds to keep the toaster visible. Defaults to 5000
| |
visibleDuration:Number (default = 5000 ) — The position for the toaster. One of the Toaster.POSITION_XXXX constants. Defaults to Toaster.POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT
| |
moveAnimate:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether to use the move animation.
| |
fadeAnimate:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether to use the fade animation.
showTooltip | () | method |
public function showTooltip(relativeTo:IUIComponent, tooltip:IUIComponent, dataContext:Object, point:Point = null, leftOffset:Number = 0, topOffset:Number = 0, offScreenMath:Boolean = true, where:String = left, container:Object = null):void
Displays a tooltip for the control in question. The tooltip will disappear if the mouse moves over an area that is not the 'relativeTo' component or the tooltip component..
relativeTo:IUIComponent — Which component to position the popup relative to
| |
tooltip:IUIComponent — The popup to display
| |
dataContext:Object — If the popup has a data property, it will be set to this value
| |
point:Point (default = null ) — If you specify this, the relativeTo is ignored, and the popup appears at the exact point you specify. Please ensure that the X and Y are relative to the Grid.
| |
leftOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Whether to shift the popup left after calculating the positions, for customizing the actual position
| |
topOffset:Number (default = 0 ) — Whether to shift the popup top after calculating the positions, for customizing the actual position
| |
offScreenMath:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether or not to adjust the popup if it appears off screen
| |
where:String (default = left ) — One of three values, left, right or none. If left, positions to bottom left, if right, positions to bottom right, if none, positions right below the relativeTo component.
| |
container:Object (default = null ) — The holder for the tooltip, defaults to UIUtils.getTopLevelApplication(). You may need to override in multi window Air apps.
By default, the tooltip will go away once you hover the mouse out of the trigger cell or the tooltip and stayed that way for tooltipWatcherTimeout. You may also
manually remove the tooltip by calling the hideToolTip() function.
snapToColumnWidths | () | method |
public function snapToColumnWidths():void
Goes through all the sections and resizes the cells to match the current column widths. If you update the column widths programatically, call this to resize the currently visible cells.
synchronizeHorizontalScroll | () | method |
public function synchronizeHorizontalScroll():void
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections
synchronizeLockedVerticalScroll | () | method |
public function synchronizeLockedVerticalScroll():void
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections
trackChange | () | method |
public function trackChange(changedItem:Object, changeType:String, changeLevel:FlexDataGridColumnLevel = null, changedProperty:String = null, previousValue:* = null, newValue:* = null):void
Method to track a change, called by track change API to keep track of additions, deletions and modifications to the data provider.
changedItem:Object — Item being changed
| |
changeType:String — Type of the change
| |
changeLevel:FlexDataGridColumnLevel (default = null ) — Nest Level of the level being changed
| |
changedProperty:String (default = null ) — The property being changed
| |
previousValue:* (default = null ) — The value prior to the change
| |
newValue:* (default = null ) — The new value.
afterExport | Event |
Dispatched when the grid is finished exporting. At this point, the textWritten variable of the dispatched event is available to you, to customize the generated text if you need to.
autoRefresh | Event |
Dispatched when the autorefresh interval is hit.
beforeExport | Event |
Dispatched when the grid is about to be exported
beforePrint | Event |
Dispatched when the grid is about to be generated for the print, or the preview. The event has a handle to the grid that is being printed, as well as the PrintDataGrid instance. This lets you perform custom logic on the PrintDataGrid before the print occurs.
beforePrintProviderSet | Event |
Dispatched before the beforePrint event, right prior to the data provider being set.
cellRendered | Event |
Dispatched when the cell is rendered completely. That is, the background and borders are drawn, the renderers are placed Use this event to perform post processing of the cell after the grid has applied all its formatting and positioning
change | Event |
Dispatched when row selection or cell selection changes.
clearPreferences | Event |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences.
columnsResized | Event |
Dispatched when the columns at this level are resized
columnsShift | Event |
Dispatched when columns are dragged and dropped to change their position
componentsCreated | Event |
Dispatched when all the cells snap to the calculated column widths.
dataProviderChange | Event |
Dispatched when the dataprovider dispatches a collection change event.
dynamicAllLevelsCreated | Event |
When enableDynamicLevels=true, this event is dispatched whenever all the dynamic levels are created.
dynamicLevelCreated | Event |
When enableDynamicLevels=true, this event is dispatched whenever a new level is created. This event can be used to initialize the newly created level.
filterPageSortChange | Event |
Dispatched when the grid's page, sort or filter state changes. Also Dispatched when an item, that was not previously opened is opened. Used in lazy loaded (filterPageSortMode=server) grids, to load a specific page of data from the backend.
headerClicked | Event |
Dispatched when any header cell is clicked
iconClick | Event |
Dispatched when user clicks on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column
iconMouseOut | Event |
Dispatched when user mouse outs on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column
iconMouseOver | Event |
Dispatched when user mouseovers on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column
itemClick | Event |
Dispatched when user clicks on a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode
itemClose | Event |
Dispatched when the use clicks on the disclosure icon to collapse a previously opened item.
itemClosing | Event |
Dispatched when an item is about to close. If you call preventDefault() on the event, the item will not close
itemDoubleClick | Event |
Dispatched when user double clicks on a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode
itemEditBegin | Event |
Dispatched when the editor is instantiated.
itemEditBeginning | Event |
Dispatched when the user attempts to edit an item. If you call preventDefault on this event, the edit session will not begin.
itemEditCancel | Event |
Dispatched when the edit session is cancelled.
itemEditEnd | Event |
Dispatched when the edit session ends.
itemEditValueCommit | Event |
Dispatched just before committing the value of the editorDataField property of the editor to the property specified by the datafield property of the column of the item being edited. If you call preventDefault on the event, the value will not be committed.
itemFocusIn | Event |
Dispatched when the item editor receives focus.
itemLoad | Event |
Dispatched only in server mode, when an item opens for the first time. Used to wire up an event handler to load the next level of data in lazy loaded grids.
itemOpen | Event |
Dispatched when the user clicks on the disclosure icon to expand a previously collapsed item.
itemOpening | Event |
Dispatched when an item is about to open. If you call preventDefault() on the event, the item will not open
itemRollOut | Event |
Dispatched when user rolls out of a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode (only if rollover on a different item)
itemRollOver | Event |
Dispatched when user rolls over a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode (only if rollover on a different item)
loadPreferences | Event |
Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=server , when the grid needs to load its preferences. Fired In preferencePersistenceMode=client , when the grid has successfully loaded preferences.
pageSizeChanged | Event |
Dispatched whenever the page size is changed.
pdfBytesReady | Event |
Dispatched when the user clicks the 'Generate PDF' button on the Print Preview. In response to this user action, the grid simply prints it output to a byte array of page images. This byte array can then be sent to any pdf generation library either on the client or the server, for example Alive PDF. We provide integration code for AlivePDF out of the box.
persistPreferences | Event |
Fired when the grid needs to persist its preferences.
placingSections | Event |
Dispatched prior to the widths, heights, x, and y of the various sections are calculated. By sections, we mean the left locked,right locked and unlocked content, header, footer, and body sections.
prebuiltFilterRun | Event |
Dispatched by the grid when a prebuilt filter is run.
preferencesLoading | Event |
Fired right before preferences are being loaded and applied.
printComplete | Event |
Dispatched when the grid is sent to the printer.
printExportDataRequest | Event |
Dispatched only in server mode, when the grid needs to print or export more data than is currently loaded in memory.
rendererInitialized | Event |
Dispatched when the renderer is initialized. Please note, any changes you made to the renderer stay in place when the renderer is recycled. So if you make any changes, please ensure that the changes are rolled back in the event handler first. For example, if you set the text to bold if a condition is met, then you should first set it to normal, check for the condition, and then set it to bold. This will ensure that if the renderer was previously used to display something that match the condition, and the current item does not, then we do not display bold text.
rowChanged | Event |
When enableTrackChanges is set to true, this event is dispatched when any change (add,delete or update) is made to the grid. Only the updates made via the grid editors are tracked.
scroll | Event |
Dispatched when the content is scrolled.
selectAllCheckBoxChanged | Event |
Dispatched when the top level select checkbox is changed
toolbarActionExecuted | Event |
Dispatched when any toolbarAction is executed. Wrapper events' data contains the action being executed. If you call prevent default in this event, the default handling code does not execute
virtualScroll | Event |
When enablevirtualScroll=true, this event is dispatched whenever the user scrolls.
MOVE_BOTTOM | Constant |
public static const MOVE_BOTTOM:String = moveBottom
MOVE_DOWN | Constant |
public static const MOVE_DOWN:String = moveDown
MOVE_TOP | Constant |
public static const MOVE_TOP:String = moveTop
MOVE_UP | Constant |
public static const MOVE_UP:String = moveUp