A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
m — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.Spinner |
| |
maskLabelFunction(val:Date) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateField |
| |
max — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.PlotPoint |
| |
max(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
Returns the maximum value in the specified data provider
MAX — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.FooterRowOperations |
| |
MAX — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell |
| |
maxAutoAdjustHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The maximum height to adjust the grid when enableHeightAutoAdjust is set to true. |
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.BreadCrumb |
The maximum number of breadcrumbs that can be added to this list
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The maximum depth to draw. |
maxDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the max depth possible for nested datagrids
maxDisclosureCellWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Gets the max disclosure cell width. |
maxHorizontalScrollPosition — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The max horizontal scroll position of the bodyContainer
maxHorizontalScrollPosition — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridHeaderContainer |
| |
maximize — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository |
| |
maximize() — method, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow |
Maximizes the component. |
maximize(dashlet:com.flexicious.components.dashboard:Dashlet) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Maximizes the provided dashlet. |
maximize() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Maximizes the dashlet. |
MaximizeButtonSkin — class, package com.flexicious.skins.container |
| The default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component. |
MaximizeButtonSkin() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.skins.container.MaximizeButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
maximizeChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized or restored
maximizeChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized or restored
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow |
Dispatched when the titlewindow is maximized
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized
maximized — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Dispatched when the dashlet is maximized
maximizedContentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardSkin |
| |
maximizedContentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashboardSkin |
| |
maximizedContentGroup — Skin Part, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
| An optional skin part that defines the Group where the maximized dashlet gets pushed into and laid out. |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the maximized dashlet gets pushed into and laid out. |
maximizedContentLayoutFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Layout of the maximized Content Group. |
maximizeRelativeToComponent — Property, class com.flexicious.components.container.ExtendedTitleWindow |
The component that we should use to maximize the title window relative to. |
maxPaddingCellWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Gets the width of the padding cell. |
maxRadius — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.BubbleSeries |
The radius of the largest item renderered in this series. |
maxSquares — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
Dont draw more than these many child tiles. |
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The minimum value for the color field
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox |
Maximum value for the date picker
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
Returns the maximum value of the range
maxValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox |
Returns the maximum value of the range
MCS_BTN_APPLY_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_BTN_CANCEL_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_BTN_CLEAR_ALL_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_LBL_HEADER_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_LBL_SORT_BY_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_LBL_TITLE_TEXT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_RBN_ASCENDING_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
MCS_RBN_DESCENDING_LABEL — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
measure() — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GradientCircle |
Just give the GradientCircle a default size 50x50. |
measure() — method, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
| |
measureCellHeight(col:Object, paddingLeft:Number, paddingRight:Number, paddingTop:Number, paddingBottom:Number, itemRenderer:mx.core:IFactory, ht:Number, txt:String, item:Object, styl:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Given a column and padding values, calculate the height required to fully render the text
menu — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
The menu to setup
menuButtonClick — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar.ToolbarMenu |
Dispatched when we click the custom menu button. |
message — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.toaster.DefaultRenderer |
| |
message — Property, interface com.flexicious.controls.toaster.IToasterMessageRenderer |
| |
middle — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox |
| |
middleIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox |
| Name of the class to use as the icon when a toggle button is not selected and the mouse is not over the button. |
| |
militaryTime — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker.DateTimePicker |
Boolean flag that controls whether we show 12 hour or 24 hour clock
mimimizedDashlets — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
A list of all dashlets taht are currently closed (or minimized) by the user. |
min — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.PlotPoint |
| |
min(dataProvider:Object, fld:String, comparisionType:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
Returns the minimum value in the specified data provider
MIN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.FooterRowOperations |
| |
MIN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell |
| |
minDashletHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
During a resize operation we do not allow the user to resize the dashllet
less then this number
minDashletWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
During a resize operation we do not allow the user to resize the dashllet
less then this number
minHeaderHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
minimu header height
minHeightForLabel — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
A height of the square below which to not show labels
minimize — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository |
| |
minimizedDashletRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardTaskBarSkin |
| The component that renders the individual icon button for this dashlet in minimized state in the task bar. |
minimizeToTaskBar() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Sets the visible and include in layout flags to false
minMaxSumFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series |
PLEASE NOTE: Starting 2.10 this function is deprecated. |
minMaxSumIntervalFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series |
Returns an array of 4 values. |
minRadius — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.BubbleSeries |
The radius of the smallest item renderered in this series. |
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The minimum value for the color field
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox |
Minimum value for the date picker
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
Returns the minimum value of the range
minValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox |
Returns the minimum value of the range
minWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
The mininum width that a column can receive. |
minWidthForLabel — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
A width of the square below which to not show labels
modalWindows — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions |
Flag, which defaults to false, launches the preview and options screen in modal mode. |
modalWindows — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions |
Flag, which defaults to false, launches the preview and options screen in modal mode. |
model — Property, class com.flexicious.events.mvc.NavigationEvent |
The model to launch into view
moduleFactory — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPrintable |
| |
mouseClickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Handler for the mouse click event. |
mouseDoubleClickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Handler for the double click event. |
mouseDownHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Handler for the mouse down event. |
mouseMoveHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
mouseMoveHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
Handler for the mouse move event. |
mouseOutHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Handler for the mouse out event. |
mouseOutHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
Handler for the mouse out event. |
mouseOverHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
mouseOverHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
mouseSensitivity — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
Specifies the distance, in pixels, that Flex considers a data point
to be under the mouse pointer when the pointer moves around a chart. |
mouseUpHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Handler for the mouse over event. |
mouseUpHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar.ToolbarMenu |
| |
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridHeaderContainer |
| |
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridHeaderCell |
| |
move(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridPaddingCell |
| |
moveable — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Flag to enable move behavior. |
moveArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin |
| |
moveArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin |
| |
MOVE_BOTTOM — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
MOVE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.AreaChartSkin |
| |
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BarChartSkin |
| |
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.ColumnChartSkin |
| |
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.LineChartSkin |
| |
moveRight — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PyramidChartSkin |
| |
MOVE_TOP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
MOVE_UP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
moving — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
Used by header cells and column group cells for drag drop move. |
multiColumnSortGetTooltip(cell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells:FlexDataGridHeaderCell) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Gets the text of the tooltip to show to the user to prompt for the multi column sort. |
multiColumnSortNumberFields — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The number of field dropdowns to display in the multi column sort popup. |
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberHeight — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
multiColumnSortNumberWidth — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
| |
MultiColumnSortRenderer — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager |
| |
MultiColumnSortRenderer() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer |
| Constructor. |
multiColumnSortShowPopup() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Creates an instance of the multiSortRenderer and pushes it into view
multiPrefDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions |
The delimiter that separates two preferences from each other
multiPrefGridPrefPropDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions |
The delimiter that separates the properties of the GridPreferencesInfo object
multiPrefPrefPropDelimiter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions |
The delimiter that separates the properties of the PreferenceInfo object
MultiSelectComboBox — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A MultiSelectComboBox that implements IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl)
which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture. |
MultiSelectComboBox() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
MultiSelectComboBoxEx — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
Extended version of the
MultiSelectComboBoxEx() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx |
| |
multiSortRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
A Class that is responsible for the multi column sort view. |
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