A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
calculateColumnDraggingDropTargetCell(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
Given the mouse event, figures out which cell is the drop target. |
calculatedBorderColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint |
| |
calculatedEnd — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
calculatedFill — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint |
| |
calculatedHeaderHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
The height on basis of the data to be displayed. |
calculatedHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
The height on basis of the data to be displayed. |
calculatedLabelColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint |
| |
calculatedMinMaxSum — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series |
Calculated result of the minmaxsum function. |
calculatedStart — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
calculateHeaderHeights() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
For columns with headerWordWrap, calculates the height required to display text in full. |
calculatePreferredSizeFromData(count:int) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.ComboBox |
calculateSteps(minValue:Number, maxValue:Number, sum:Number) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series |
| |
calculateTotalHeight(flat:Object, level:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, heightSoFar:Number, nestLevel:int, expanding:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects:RowPositionInfo, addedRows:Array, parentObject:Object, isRecursive:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridBodyContainer |
Dual purpose function, one to calculate height, second to figure out that at
vertical position Y, the seed record to be shown is?. |
calculateTotalHeight(flat:Object, level:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridColumnLevel, heightSoFar:Number, nestLevel:int, expanding:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects:RowPositionInfo, addedRows:Array, parentObject:Object, isRecusirve:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer |
| |
calculateTotalPages(iCollectionView:Object, hasGrouped:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print.ExtendedPrintController |
| |
calculateTotalPages(iCollectionView:Object, hasColumnGroups:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.print.PrintController |
| |
calculateValue(flat:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell |
| |
callCalculatePreferredSizeFromData(count:int) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.ComboBox |
| |
cancelButton — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior |
The cancel Button
cancelButtonClick — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutPopup |
| |
cancelButtonStyleName — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior |
The styleName to apply to the Cancel button
cancelButtonText — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior |
The text of the Cancel Button
cancelEdit(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
Cancels the current running edit. |
CandlestickChart — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts |
The CandlestickChart control represents financial data
as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low,
opening, and closing values of a data series. |
CandlestickChart() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.CandlestickChart |
| |
CandlestickChartPainter — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.painters |
| |
CandlestickChartPainter(chart:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts:TinyChartBase) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.CandlestickChartPainter |
| |
CandlestickChartSkin — class, package com.flexicious.skins.charts |
| |
CandlestickChartSkin() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.CandlestickChartSkin |
| Constructor. |
CandleStickSeries — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects |
Represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series. |
CandleStickSeries() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.CandleStickSeries |
| |
canExpandDown — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have not expanded to the lowest level
canExpandUp — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have expanded to a level below 1. |
capitalizeFirstLetterIfPrefix(prefix:String, val:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.CellUtils |
If there is a value for the prefix parameter, capitalizes the first word of the val parameter and returns it
capitalizeFirstLetterIfPrefix(val:String) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
| |
cartesianChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.AreaChartPainter |
The base chart casted as the regular Area chart
cartesianChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.BarChartPainter |
The base chart casted as the regular Bar chart
cartesianChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.BubbleChartPainter |
The base chart casted as the regular Line chart
cartesianChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.ColumnChartPainter |
The base chart casted as the regular Column chart
cartesianChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.LineChartPainter |
The base chart casted as the regular Line chart
CartesianChart — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts |
The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types. |
CartesianChart() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.CartesianChart |
| |
CartesianSeries — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects |
| |
CartesianSeries() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.CartesianSeries |
| |
cascadeProperty(prp:String, value:any) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Applies the passed in value to the provided property and cascades that value down to the next level, if one exists. |
CATEGORY — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.AxisBase |
| |
cause — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.events.FilterPageSortChangeEvent |
Whether it was a filter,page or sort that caused this change. |
cause — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.ExtendedFilterPageSortChangeEvent |
Could be one of three values : filterChange, sortChange, or pageChange. |
cbCol1 — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer |
| |
cbCol_openHandler(event:flash.events:Event, idx:int) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.MultiColumnSortRenderer |
| |
cbDefault — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.OpenSettingsPopup |
| |
cbDefaultPreference — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbFilters — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SettingsPopup |
| |
cbFooter — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SettingsPopup |
| |
cbList — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
An extended List that checkbox. |
CB_PAGE_FTR — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
CB_PAGE_HDR — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
cbPERSIST_COLUMN_ORDER — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_COLUMN_VISIBILITY — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_COLUMN_WIDTH — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_FILTER — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_FOOTER_FILTER_VISIBILITY — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_PAGE_SIZE — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_PRINT_SETTINGS — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_SCROLL — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
cbPERSIST_SORT — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SaveSettingsPopup |
| |
CB_PRVW_PRINT — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptionsView |
| |
CB_RPT_FTR — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
CB_RPT_HDR — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
cbSelect — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.DefaultSelectCheckboxHeaderRenderer |
| |
cbSelect — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.DefaultSelectCheckboxRenderer |
| |
cbshad — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.MaximizeButtonSkin |
| Define the inner shadow. |
cbshad — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.RestoreButtonSkin |
| Define the inner shadow. |
cbxColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptionsView |
| |
cbxColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.SettingsPopup |
| |
cbxColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptionsView |
| |
cbxColumns — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
cbxExporters — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptionsView |
| |
cbxPage — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControl |
| |
cell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.ExpandCollapseIcon |
| |
cell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridExpandCollapseCell |
| |
cell — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.IExpandCollapseComponent |
| |
cell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
The cell that triggered this event
cellBackgroundColorFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
A function that can be used to control the background color of each cell in this column. |
cellBackgroundColorFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A function that can be used to control the background color of each cell in this column. |
cellBorderFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
cellBorderFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. |
cellBorderFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. |
CELL_CREATED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
A function that lets you control the background drawing mechanism for each cell. |
cellCustomDrawFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A function that lets you control the background drawing mechanism for each cell. |
cellDisabledFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A function that can be used to control the enabled flag of each cell in this column. |
cellEditableFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
If this is defined, in addition to checking if the column is editable, this call back is called
for each cell in this column to ensure that the cell is editable. |
CellInfo — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects |
An object that represents information about a cell. |
CellInfo(rowData:Object, column:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridColumn) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.CellInfo |
| |
cellRendered — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Dispatched when the cell is rendered completely. |
CELL_RENDERED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
cells — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.RowInfo |
| |
cellsWithColSpanOrRowSpan — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
Once we are through calculating rowspans and colspans, we go through this array, popping cells and hiding cells
that are covered by the increased col and row spans of the cells in this array. |
cellTextColorFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
A function that can be used to control the Text color of each cell in this column. |
cellTextColorFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A function that can be used to control the Text color of each cell in this column. |
CellUtils — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells |
A set of utility functions that are shared by FlexDataGridDataCell, FlexDataGridDataCell2 and FlexDataGridDataCell3
change — Event, class com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom.NumericRange |
Dispatched when the drag operation is complete and the user changes the range. |
change — Event, class com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom.ZoomSlider |
Dispatched when the drag operation is complete and the user changes the range. |
change — Event, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Dispatched when the selection changes in the chart. |
change — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Dispatched when row selection or cell selection changes. |
change — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Dispatched when row selection or cell selection changes. |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events.ChartItemEvent |
Event type constant; indicates that the selection in the chart has
changed. |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
changedItem — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
The item that was changed
changedProperty — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
The property on the item that was changed
ChangeInfo — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects |
Class to keep track of changes - additions, modifications and deletions to the data provider. |
ChangeInfo(changedItem:Object, changeLevelNestDepth:int, changedProperty:String, previousValue:any, newValue:any, changeType:String) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
| |
changeLevelNestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
The level nest depth at which the change happened. |
changes — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
An array of ChangeInfo objects that contains all the changes made to the data provider using the grid editing mechanism. |
changeType — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
| |
CHANGE_TYPE_INSERT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
| |
CHANGE_TYPE_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
| |
chart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.AxisBase |
Chart associated with this axis
chart — Property, interface com.flexicious.components.charts.axis.IAxis |
| |
chart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.Legend |
The chart associated with this legend
chart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyChartPainterBase |
| |
chart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.Series |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreemapChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyAreaChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyBarChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyDividedBarChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyDividedColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyLineChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyPieChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.AreaChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BarChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BubbleChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.CandlestickChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.ColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.HLOCChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.LineChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PieChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PlotChartSkin |
| |
chartArea — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PyramidChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreemapChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyAreaChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyBarChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyDividedBarChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyDividedColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyLineChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.TinyPieChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.AreaChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BarChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.BubbleChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.CandlestickChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.ColumnChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.HLOCChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.LineChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PieChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PlotChartSkin |
| |
chartAreaRect — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.PyramidChartSkin |
| |
ChartBase — class, package com.flexicious.lic |
This class is the base class for all chart classes. |
ChartBase() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
| |
chartClick — Event, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Dispatched when no data point is found under the mouse pointer
when mouse is clicked on chart. |
CHART_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events.ChartEvent |
Indicates that the user clicked the mouse button
over a chart control but not on a chart item. |
chartDoubleClick — Event, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Dispatched when no data point is found under the mouse pointer
when mouse is double-clicked on chart. |
CHART_DOUBLE_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events.ChartEvent |
Indicates that the user double-clicked
the mouse button over a chart control but not on a chart item. |
ChartEvent — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events |
The ChartEvent class represents events that are specific
to the chart control, such as when a chart is clicked. |
ChartEvent(type:String, triggerEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent, target:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts:TinyChartBase) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events.ChartEvent |
Constructor. |
chartItem — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HitData |
The chart item described by the hit data. |
ChartItem — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects |
A ChartItem represents a single item in a ChartSeries. |
ChartItem(series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, item:Object, index:uint) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.ChartItem |
Constructor. |
ChartItemEvent — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events |
The ChartItemEvent class represents events that are specific
to the chart components, such as when a chart item is clicked. |
ChartItemEvent(type:String, hitSet:Array, triggerEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent, target:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts:TinyChartBase) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events.ChartItemEvent |
| |
chartRoot — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The object that is the root of the chart. |
chartSkin — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyChartPainterBase |
| |
chartTitleComponent — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapChart |
The skin part responsible for displaying the chart title
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.AreaChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.BarChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.BubbleChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.ColumnChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.FunnelChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.HLOCChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.LineChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.PyramidChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyAreaChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyBarChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyColumnChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyDividedBarChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyDividedColumnChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyLineChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyPieChart |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
chartType — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
One of the following constants, on basis of which chart type this is. |
CHART_TYPE_AREA — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_BAR — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_BUBBLE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_COLUMN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_DIVIDED_BAR — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_DIVIDED_COLUMN — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_LINE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_PIE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_TYPE_PYRAMID — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
ChartUtils — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.utils |
| |
ChartUtils() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.utils.ChartUtils |
| |
CHART_VARTIAION_TYPE_100PERCENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_VARTIAION_TYPE_CLUSTERED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_VARTIAION_TYPE_OVERLAID — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CHART_VARTIAION_TYPE_STACKED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
CheckBox — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A checkbox that implements ISelectedBitFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISelectedBitDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl)
which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture. |
checkBoxFactory — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.utils.FlexVersionSpecific |
| |
CheckBoxList — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A checkbox list that implements IMultiSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl)
which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture. |
CheckBoxRenderer — class, package com.flexicious.controls.dependencies |
Renderer used by the the MultiSelectComboBox to render the individual checkboxes. |
CheckBoxRenderer — class, package com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers |
| |
CheckBoxRenderer() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.dependencies.CheckBoxRenderer |
| |
CheckBoxRenderer() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.CheckBoxRenderer |
| Constructor. |
checkBoxState — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
If column is a checkbox column, returns the current state of the checkbox renderer
CheckBoxTileList — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A checkbox list that implements IMultiSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and IMultiSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl)
which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture. |
checkIsGroupingCollection(val:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
checkNoDataMessage(force:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
If a noDataMessage value is specified, and a dataprovider with zero records is set, calls the showMessage function passing in the noDataMessage, which in turn
shows the value of the noDataMessage using the Spinner component with its spinner hidden. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.BubbleChartPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyAreaChartPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyBarChartPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyChartPainterBase |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyColumnChartPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkProximity(x:Number, y:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number, series:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:Series, sensitivity:int, checkInteractivity:Boolean, plotPoint:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects:PlotPoint) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyLineChartPainter |
Given a point and the X/Y cordinates of an item, returns true if the point is in proximity of
the items cordinates, using mouse sensitivity value provided. |
checkRowDisabled(cell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces:IFlexDataGridCell, item:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Checks disabled flag. |
checkRowSelectable(cell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces:IFlexDataGridCell, obj:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
IF rowSelectableFunction is specified, returns result of that. |
checkRowSpanColSpan(retCell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces:IFlexDataGridCell, thisCell:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces:IFlexDataGridCell, direction:String, dataOnly:Boolean, editableOnly:Boolean, scrollIfNecessary:Boolean, hoverableOnly:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
| |
childReclaimed — Event, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.DropdownHBox |
Dispatched when a child is about to be transferred from the dropdown to the Hbox. |
childRemoved — Event, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.DropdownHBox |
Dispatched when a child is moved from the parent HBox to the dropdown. |
children — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint |
| |
children — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
| |
children — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ToolbarAction |
For hierarchical menu support
childrenCountField — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
childrenCountField — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
A property on the object that identifies if the object has children. |
childrenField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. |
childrenField — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
childrenField — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. |
chk — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.CheckBoxRenderer |
| |
chromeType — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridHeaderContainer |
The type of this container. |
circleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
| |
circleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.HorizontalSemiCircleGauge |
| |
circleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.VerticalSemiCircleGauge |
| |
circleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GaugeNeedle |
The value used to draw the center point of the needle
circleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GradientCircle |
The size of the circle to draw the dial. |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBox |
lears the state of the checkbox
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxList |
lears the selected indexes and items
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxTileList |
lears the selected indexes and items
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.ComboBox |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateField |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
Clears out the textboxes
clear — Event, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
Dispatched when the clear method is called
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
Calls clear on the underlying checkboxlist. |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox |
Clears out the textboxes
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.RadioButton |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.RadioButtonList |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.TextInput |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox |
| |
clear() — method, interface com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters.IFilterControl |
| |
clear() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.utils.KeyValuePairCollection |
| |
clearAllCollections() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears out the following collections
All Open Items
All Errors
Selection (only if clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange==true)
Some internal housekeeping collections
clearAllCollections() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer |
| |
clearAllErrors() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears out all the errors
clearAllFilters() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears filters at all levels and rebuilds the grid. |
clearChanges() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Sets changes to an empty array. |
clearChangesOnDataProviderChange — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out changes when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are refreshing the grid prior to savign it, set this to false. |
clearCheckBoxSelection() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
clearCheckBoxSelection() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
clearColumns(rebuild:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears out all the columns of the grid
If the parameter to rebuild is true, the grid will be rebuilt. |
clearColumns(rebuild:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Clears out all the columns of the grid
If the parameter to rebuild is true, the grid will be rebuilt. |
clearCurrentSort() — method, class com.flexicious.lic.EadgBase |
Clears the sorts that are added via the add sort method. |
clearErrorByKey(key:any, fld:String) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears the errors for the specified key
clearErrorByObject(item:Object, fld:String) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Similar to clearErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents. |
clearErrorsOnDataProviderChange — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out errors when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.Form |
Clears all the filters
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.HBox |
Clears all the filters
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.Panel |
Clears all the filters
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.VBox |
Clears all the filters
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Calls clear on all internal filter controls, resetting the state
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Calls clear on all internal filter controls, resetting the state
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Calls clear on all internal filter controls, resetting the state
clearFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears the filters at all levels
clearFilter(recursive:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Removes the filter at this level, and all of this child levels, if specified. |
clearFilterByField(col:String) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears the filters at all levels
clearFilterOnIconClick — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear the text on icon click. |
clearFilterOnIconClick — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear the text on icon click. |
clearFilterOnIconClick — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear the text on icon click. |
clearFilterOnIconClick — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
For filterControl=textInput, if you specify an Filter Icon Style, setting this variable to
true will clear the text on icon click. |
clearFlattenedCache() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
When the dataprovider changes or when new data comes in from the server for lazy loaded grids, you can call this to clear out the flattened cache. |
clearOpenItems() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridVirtualBodyContainer |
| |
clearOpenItemsOnDataProviderChange — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out openItems when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. |
clearPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
| |
clearPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. |
clearPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
clearPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. |
clearPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
clearPreferences() — method, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPersistable |
| |
clearPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. |
clearPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
clearPreferences — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Fired when the grid needs to clear its preferences. |
clearPreferences() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
clearPreferences(userSettingsOptions:com.flexicious.persistence:UserSettingsOptions) — method, class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsController |
Clears preferences
CLEAR_PREFERENCES — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.events.PreferencePersistenceEvent |
| |
clearSelectedCheckBoxes() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Clears the checkbox selections when used in
conjunction with SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
see com.flexicious.grids.columns.SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
clearSelectedCheckBoxes() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Clears the checkbox selections when used in
conjunction with SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
see com.flexicious.grids.columns.SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
clearSelectedCheckBoxes() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Clears the checkbox selections when used in
conjunction with SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
see com.flexicious.grids.columns.SelectAllCheckBoxHeaderColumn
clearSelection() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Clears the selected rows and cells. |
clearSelection(dispatch:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Clears the selected rows and cells. |
clearSelectionOnDataProviderChange — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the data provider changes
Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false
clearSelectionOnFilter — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the filter changes
Defaults to false
clearSort() — method, class com.flexicious.lic.EdgBase |
Clears out the sort. |
clearSort() — method, class com.flexicious.lic.SEdgBase |
Clears out the sort. |
clearTextOnIconClick — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.TextInput |
If you specify an Icon Style, setting this variable to true will clear the text on icon click. |
clearVariableRowHeightRenderes() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridBodyContainer |
Clears out the variable row height renderers
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
Grid can be setup to launch a popup when the user clicks or hovers. |
clickBehavior — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
Unused, for legacy purposes only
CLICK_BEHAVIOR_BOTH — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
CLICK_BEHAVIOR_CLICK_POPUP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
CLICK_BEHAVIOR_HOVER_POPUP — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
CLICK_BEHAVIOR_NONE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.ExtendedPopUpButton |
| |
clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.TriStateCheckBox |
Default click handler
clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.dependencies.CheckBoxRenderer |
| |
clickHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.dependencies.RadioButtonRenderer |
| |
clickHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers.SelectAllCheckBoxItemRenderer |
| |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickParentDisplayObject — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
The parent object to use while calling PopupManager.addPopUp. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupClass — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
The popup class to launch. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupHeight — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
The height of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupTitle — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
The title of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clickPopupWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
The width of the popup to launch when the clickBehavior is set. |
clientMode — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptionsView |
| |
clone(to:com.flexicious.components.dashboard:DashboardContainer, dbFactory:mx.core:IFactory, dzFactory:mx.core:IFactory, dlFactory:mx.core:IFactory, propertiesToTransfer:Array, stylesToTransfer:Array) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Clones the current dashboard. |
clone(to:com.flexicious.components.dashboard:Dashlet, dlFactory:mx.core:IFactory, propertiesToTransfer:Array, stylesToTransfer:Array) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Clones the current Dashlet. |
clone(to:com.flexicious.components.dashboard:DragDropZone, dbFactory:mx.core:IFactory, dzFactory:mx.core:IFactory, dlFactory:mx.core:IFactory, propertiesToTransfer:Array, stylesToTransfer:Array) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DragDropZone |
Clones the current Drag Drop Zone. |
clone() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.events.WrapperEvent |
| |
clone() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression |
| |
clone(newLevel:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridColumnLevel) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
Clone this Group. |
clone(transferCols:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Creates a new instance of this level, transfers all its primitive and factory
properties to the new instance, creates a clone collection of all its columns,
transfers the non primitive and factory properties of the columns to the cloned
columns and returns the new instance. |
clone() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.ExtendedFilterPageSortChangeEvent |
Creates a new instance of this event. |
clone() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
clone() — method, class com.flexicious.print.printareas.PageSize |
Clones the paper size
cloneColumn(col:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| |
cloneColumn(cols:Array, col:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.print.PrintController |
| |
close — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository |
| |
close(doAnimate:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Sets the visible and include in layout flags to false
close() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
close() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx |
| |
closeButton — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin |
| |
closeButton — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin |
| |
closeColumns() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
Sets the visibility of all but the first column to false
closeField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HLOCSeries |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines
the y-axis location of the closing value of the element. |
closePopupOnClick — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.DropdownHBox |
Closes the popup when a click happens inside it. |
closeTickLength — Style, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HLOCSeries |
| Specifies the length, in pixels, for the close tick mark. |
| |
closeTickStroke — Style, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HLOCSeries |
| Specifies the stroke to use for the close tick mark if an opening value is specified. |
| |
code — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ToolbarAction |
Code of the action, if not specified, defaults to the name
COL_HEADER_ADD_TO_SORT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_ADD_TO_SORT_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the add to sort action. |
COL_HEADER_ADD_TO_SORT_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_CLEAR_FILTER — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_CLEAR_FILTER_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_CLEAR_FILTER_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_HIDE_COLUMN — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_HIDE_COLUMN_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_HIDE_COLUMN_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_LEFT_LOCK_COLUMN — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_LEFT_LOCK_COLUMN_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_LEFT_LOCK_COLUMN_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_FROM_SORT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_FROM_SORT_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the add to sort action. |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_FROM_SORT_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_SORT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_SORT_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the remove sort order action. |
COL_HEADER_REMOVE_SORT_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_RIGHT_LOCK_COLUMN — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_RIGHT_LOCK_COLUMN_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_RIGHT_LOCK_COLUMN_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SHOW_HIDE_COLUMNS — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SHOW_HIDE_COLUMNS_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_SHOW_HIDE_COLUMNS_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_ALL_COLS_TO_FIT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_ALL_COLS_TO_FIT_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_ALL_COLS_TO_FIT_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_COL_TO_FIT — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_COL_TO_FIT_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_SIZE_COL_TO_FIT_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_ASCENDING — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_ASCENDING_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the sort ascending toolbar action. |
COL_HEADER_SORT_ASCENDING_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_DESCENDING — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_DESCENDING_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the sort descending toolbar action. |
COL_HEADER_SORT_DESCENDING_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_SETTINGS — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SORT_SETTINGS_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the sort settings action. |
COL_HEADER_SORT_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SWAP_SORT_ORDER — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_SWAP_SORT_ORDER_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the swap sort order action. |
COL_HEADER_SWAP_SORT_ORDER_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_UNLOCK_COLUMN — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
COL_HEADER_UNLOCK_COLUMN_ACTION — Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
This is the hide column action. |
COL_HEADER_UNLOCK_COLUMN_TOOLTIP — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
colIcon — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
When column.enableIcon=true, this is the icon that will be associated with the cell. |
colIndex — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ComponentInfo |
| |
collapse — Static Property, class com.flexicious.components.IconRepository |
| |
collapse() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
Reduces the height to the height of the title bar
collapseAll() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down
collapseAllColumnGroups(lvl:int) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
For grids with column groups, expands them all. |
collapseOnInitialize — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap.OlapFlexDataGrid |
This will cause the column groups to collapse on initialize (when you set the data provider)
collapseStateColumn — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
The column to show when the column group is collapsed. |
collapseTooltip — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Tooltip to display when user hovers over collapse icon
collapseTooltip — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
Tooltip to display when user hovers over collapse icon
collectionChange — Event, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
Dispatched when the ICollectionView has been updated in some way. |
collectionChangeHandler(event:mx.events:CollectionEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
Collection change handler. |
collectionChangeHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
collectionChangeHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
collectionChangeHandler(event:mx.events:CollectionEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
Collection change handler. |
CollectionManipulator — class, package com.flexicious.grids.filters |
A class that handles sorting paging and filtering of
collections. |
CollectionManipulator(grid:com.flexicious.grids.dependencies:IExtendedDataGrid) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.CollectionManipulator |
| |
collectionManipulatorFactory — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The class that manages the collection filtering, paging and sorting. |
collectionManipulatorFactory — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The class that manages the collection filtering, paging and sorting. |
collectionManipulatorFactory — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The class that manages the collection filtering, paging and sorting. |
colNum — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
color — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Color of text in the component, including the component label. |
| |
colorBase — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
The base color used for the tile
colorField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
For heat maps, we use the value of this field to come up with the color
colorFromFill(f:Object) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.utils.ChartUtils |
Converts a fill value into a solid color. |
colorValue — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapPlotPoint |
| |
colorWeightFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap.TreeMapSeries |
A function that returns the weight of the item o calculate the color. |
colSpan — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridDataCell |
The colSpan associated with this cell. |
colSpan — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridExpandCollapseCell |
The colSpan associated with this cell. |
colSpan — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridDataCell |
The colSpan associated with this cell. |
colSpanFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
column — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.IDataGridFooterCell |
| |
column — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterSort |
| |
column — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
The FlexDataGridColumn associated with this cell. |
column — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridColumnGroupCell |
If there is a columnGroup associated, returns its startColumn property. |
column — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
The column associated with the cell that triggered this event
column — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell |
The FlexDataGridColumn associated with this cell. |
column — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.CellInfo |
| |
COLUMN_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap.OlapFlexDataGrid |
A constant that corresponds to the column axis. |
columnChart — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters.TinyColumnChartPainter |
Gets the current bar chart. |
ColumnChart — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts |
The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns
whose height is determined by values in the data. |
ColumnChart() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.ColumnChart |
| |
ColumnChartPainter — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.painters |
| |
ColumnChartPainter(chart:com.flexicious.components.tinycharts:TinyChartBase) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.painters.ColumnChartPainter |
| |
ColumnChartSkin — class, package com.flexicious.skins.charts |
| |
ColumnChartSkin() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.skins.charts.ColumnChartSkin |
| Constructor. |
columnCount — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the top level columnCount
columnDraggingDragCell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
When a column is being dragged and dropped into a different location, this variable
holds the cell that is being dragged. |
columnFilterGroup — Skin Part, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| The filter bar |
The filter bar
columnFilterGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.ExtendedSparkDataGridSkin |
| |
columnFooterGroup — Skin Part, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| The footer bar |
The footer bar
columnFooterGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.ExtendedSparkDataGridSkin |
| |
columnFooterGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins.ExtendedSparkPrintDataGridSkin |
| |
columnGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
The group, if any that this column belongs to. |
columnGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridColumnGroupCell |
The column group associated with this cell. |
columnGroupCellRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
Container for the column group renderer. |
columnGroupClosedIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The icon that is displayed next to a closed column group. |
| |
columnGroupClosedIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The icon that is displayed next to a closed column group. |
| |
columnGroupClosedIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The icon that is displayed next to a closed column group. |
| |
columnGroupColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| An array of two colors used to draw the Column Groups background gradient. |
| |
columnGroupColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| An array of two colors used to draw the Column Groups background gradient. |
| |
columnGroupColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| An array of two colors used to draw the Column Groups background gradient. |
| |
columnGroupDrawTopBorder — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Flag that indicates whether to force the top border. |
| |
columnGroupDrawTopBorder — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Flag that indicates whether to force the top border. |
| |
columnGroupDrawTopBorder — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Flag that indicates whether to force the top border. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Thickness of the header horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Thickness of the header horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupHorizontalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Thickness of the header horizontal grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupOpenIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The icon that is displayed next to an open column group. |
| |
columnGroupOpenIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The icon that is displayed next to an open column group. |
| |
columnGroupOpenIcon — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The icon that is displayed next to an open column group. |
| |
columnGroupRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the
column header for the column. |
columnGroupRollOverColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The color of the row background when the user rolls over the Column Groups. |
| |
columnGroupRollOverColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The color of the row background when the user rolls over the Column Groups. |
| |
columnGroupRollOverColors — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The color of the row background when the user rolls over the Column Groups. |
| |
columnGroups — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the list of columns groups at the root level. |
columnGroups — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
Childs groups, if any. |
columnGroups — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Childs groups, if any. |
columnGroupStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column groups. |
| |
columnGroupStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column groups. |
| |
columnGroupStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column groups. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The color of the vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| The color of the vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The color of the vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLines — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnGroupVerticalGridLineThickness — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. |
| |
columnHeaderMenuStyleName — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The style to apply to the column header menu. |
| |
ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader |
A class that is responsible for associating the column header menu with header cells
The default list of operations is the static variable on this class. |
ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior(grid:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGrid) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
| |
columnLevel — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The Root Column Level. |
columnLockMode — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
In addition to the left locked and unlocked columns supported by the regular Flex DataGrid, Flexicious Ultimate supports right locked columns.
The grid supports the following selection modes:
If set to left, the column will be locked to the left and not scroll horizontally.
If set to right, the column will be locked to the right, and not scroll horizontally.
Please note, column lock modes only make sense if the horizontalScrollPolicy of the grid is set
to "on" or "auto", since if there is no horizontal scrollbar, locked columns behave like unlocked columns,
because there is no horizontal scroll. |
columnMoveAlpha — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The alpha to apply to the glyph when moving the column. |
| |
columnMoveResizeSeparatorColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| The color of the line to draw when the user is moving or resizing the column. |
| |
columnName — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression |
The property of the object to search on
columnNames — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the top level column names
columnOwnerLevel — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Gets the level that is the ultimate column owner. |
columnResized — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
Dispatched when the column width changes for any reason, including programmatic recalculation of column widths
COLUMN_RESIZED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
columnResizingCell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
When a column is being resized, this variable
holds the cell that initiated the resize operation. |
columns — Property, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IColumnRow |
| |
columns — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
columns — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the list of columns at the root level. |
columns — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
A copy of the child columns collection. |
columns — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Returns the list of columns at the root level. |
columnsChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
COLUMNS_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreviewEvent |
| |
ColumnSeries — class, package com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects |
Defines a data series for a ColumnChart control. |
ColumnSeries() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.ColumnSeries |
| |
columnsResized — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Dispatched when the columns at this level are resized
columnsResized — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
ispatched when the columns at this level are resized
columnsResized — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
Dispatched when the columns at any level are resized. |
COLUMNS_RESIZED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
COLUMNS_RESIZED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreviewEvent |
| |
columnsShift — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Dispatched when columns are dragged and dropped to change their position
COLUMNS_SHIFT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
columnsToExport — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions |
A list of columns to export
columnsToPrint — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions |
| |
columnTextColor — Style, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| The color of the cell text of each cell in this column. |
| |
columnWidthMode — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
Specifies how the column widths are applied. |
columnWidthMode — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
Specifies how the column widths are applied. |
columnWidthMode — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
Specifies how the column widths are applied. |
columnWidthMode — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
The columnWidthMode property on the column specifies how the column widths are applied. |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIT_TO_CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| |
columnWidthModeFitToContentExcludeHeader — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
Whether or not to include the header text in the calculation of the column width. |
columnWidthModeFitToContentSampleSize — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
The number of records to inspect to identify the max size of the data in the column when columnWidthMode=fitToContent. |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_FIXED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_NONE — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
| |
COLUMN_WIDTH_MODE_PERCENT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
| |
columnWidthOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width
that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property
Use if you have custom renderers or icons. |
columnWidthOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width
that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property
Use if you have custom renderers or icons. |
columnWidthOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width
that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property
Use if you have custom renderers or icons. |
columnWidthOffset — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
A value in pixels, that may be used to add/remove width
that gets calculated when you use the columnWidthMode property
Use if you have custom renderers or icons. |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.ColumnChart |
Specifies how wide to draw the columns relative to the category width,
as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class com.flexicious.components.charts.HLOCChart |
Specifies how wide to draw the columns relative to the category width,
as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. |
columnWidthRatio — Property, interface com.flexicious.components.charts.IColumnChart |
Specifies how wide to draw the columns relative to the category width,
as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyColumnChart |
Specifies how wide to draw the columns relative to the category width,
as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.HLOCSeries |
Specifies the width of elements relative to the category width. |
columnWidths — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions |
| |
_columnWidthsDirty — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
_columnWidthsDirty — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
_columnWidthsDirty — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
columnXChanged — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
Dispatched when the column x changes for any reason, including programmatic recalculation of column x
COLUMN_X_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
colWidth — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
combo — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker.CustomDatePicker |
The owner combobox
ComboBox — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A ComboBox that implements ISingleSelectFilterControl (IFilterControl) and ISingleSelectDataBoundControl (IDataBoundControl)
which enables it to be used within the filtering/binding infrasturcture. |
ComboBox() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.ComboBox |
| |
com.flexicious.behaviors — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts.axis — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts.legends — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts.painters — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts.treemap — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.container — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.dashboard — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.preferences — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.print — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.events — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.interfaces — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.painters — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.gauge — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.tinygauge — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.utils — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.valueobjects — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.visualization — package |
| |
com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.containers — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.dataBindings — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.dependencies — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.databindings — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters — package |
| |
com.flexicious.controls.toaster — package |
| |
com.flexicious.events — package |
| |
com.flexicious.events.mvc — package |
| |
com.flexicious.export — package |
| |
com.flexicious.export.exporters — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.columns — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.columns.customRenderers — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.dependencies — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.events — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.filters — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.spark — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.spark.print — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skinparts — package |
| |
com.flexicious.grids.spark.skins — package |
| |
com.flexicious.lic — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.accessibility — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.caching — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.export — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.filter — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.rownumbers — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.utils — package |
| |
com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects — package |
| |
com.flexicious.persistence — package |
| |
com.flexicious.print — package |
| |
com.flexicious.print.printareas — package |
| |
com.flexicious.skins.charts — package |
| |
com.flexicious.skins.charts.axis — package |
| |
com.flexicious.skins.container — package |
| |
com.flexicious.skins.dashboard — package |
| |
com.flexicious.skins.visualization — package |
| |
com.flexicious.utils — package |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.components.charts.legends.Legend |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.Button |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBox |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.ComboBox |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.RadioButton |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.RadioButtonList |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.Spinner |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.TextInput |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.dependencies.CheckBoxRenderer |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
During the commit phase, we inspect the changed properties
and add/remove controls accordingly. |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
During the commit phase, we inspect the changed properties
and add/remove controls accordingly. |
commitProperties() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
commitPropertiesSelectedValues() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxList |
| |
commitPropertiesSelectedValues() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxTileList |
| |
component — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ComponentInfo |
| |
ComponentAdditionResult — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects |
| |
componentInfo — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
The component info that holds this cell in the cells collection of the associated rowInfo object. |
componentInfo — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell |
The component info that holds this cell in the cells collection of the associated rowInfo object. |
componentInfo — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ComponentAdditionResult |
| |
ComponentInfo — class, package com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects |
| |
ComponentInfo(component:flash.display:DisplayObject, x:Number, row:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects:RowInfo) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ComponentInfo |
| |
componentsCreated — Event, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Dispatched when all the cells snap to the calculated column widths. |
COMPONENTS_CREATED — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridEvent |
| |
concatenateList(list:mx.collections:ArrayCollection, propertyName:String, delimiter:String) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
Generates single string from collection of items, delimited by delimiter
Constants — class, package com.flexicious.utils |
Generic constants being used across the library. |
content — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
content — Property, interface com.flexicious.print.printareas.IPrintPreview |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.FieldSetSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardTaskBarSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashletSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashboardSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashletSkin |
| |
contentGroupScroller — Skin Part, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
| The skin part that holds the scrollable content group in basic layout scenarios. |
The skin part that holds the scrollable content group in basic layout scenarios. |
contentLayoutFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Layout of the content group. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of title bar content and control bar. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of title bar content and control bar. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashboardSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of titlebar and content. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.DashletSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of titlebar and content. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashboardSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of titlebar and content. |
contents — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.dashboard.PrintDashletSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of titlebar and content. |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.CsvExporter |
Returns the content type so MS Excel launches
when the exporter is run. |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.DocExporter |
Returns the content type so MS Word launches
when the exporter is run. |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.ExcelExporter |
| |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.HtmlExporter |
Returns the content type so the browser launches
when the exporter is run. |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.TxtExporter |
Returns the content type so the text editor launches
when the exporter is run. |
contentType — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.XmlExporter |
Returns the content type so the browser launches
when the exporter is run. |
contentX — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo |
| |
contentY — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo |
| |
contextMenuShown — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Set to true when the context menu is shown. |
controlBarGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.ExtendedTitleWindowSkin |
| |
controlBarGroup — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.container.PopupButtonTitleWindowSkin |
| |
convert(val:String) — method, interface com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.filters.IConverterControl |
| |
convert(filterComparisionType:String, object:Object) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression |
| |
convertDataProviderToHierarchicalCollection(rowAxis:mx.collections:IList, columnAxis:mx.collections:IList) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap.OlapFlexDataGrid |
Takes a rowAxis result from the IOLAPResult and turns it into a
hierarchical array collection that the Ultimate Grid can then render
in a nested manner. |
convertToArray(items:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxList |
| |
convertToArray(items:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.controls.CheckBoxTileList |
| |
convertToHierarchicalCollection — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.olap.OlapFlexDataGrid |
By default, the OLAP set that is generated is a flat collection of RowAxisPositions. |
convertZeroesToAlpha — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
Flag to convert thousands, millions and billions into Alpha representations. |
copyAllRowsMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy All Rows
copyAllRowsMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy All Rows
copyAllRowsMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Text for the Copy All Rows
copyAllRowsMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Text for the Copy All Rows
_copyCellContextMenuItem — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Context Menu Item to copy the current cell
copyCellMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Cell Menu
copyCellMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Cell Menu
copyCellMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Cell Menu
copyCellMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
ext for the Copy Cell Menu
copyCurrentCellToClipboard(event:flash.events:ContextMenuEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to handle the click for the copy cell menu item
Copies the current cell in tab delimited format into the clipboard
copyFrom(filter:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.Filter |
Takes a filter and populates the current filter's
properties with the provided filter
copyFrom(filterExpression:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression |
| |
copyFrom(filterSort:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterSort |
| |
_copyRowContextMenuItem — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Context Menu Item to copy the current row
_copyRowSelectedRowsMenuItem — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Context Menu Item to copy the selected rows
copyRowToClipboard(event:flash.events:ContextMenuEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to handle the click for the copy row menu item
Copies the current row in tab delimited format into the clipboard
copySelectedRowMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Selected Row
copySelectedRowMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Selected Row
copySelectedRowMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Text for the Copy Selected Row
copySelectedRowMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Text for the Copy Selected Row
copySelectedRowsMenuText — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Text for the Copy selected Rows
copySelectedRowsToClipboard(event:flash.events:ContextMenuEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item
Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
_copyTableContextMenuItem — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
Context Menu Item to copy the entire page
copyTableToClipBoard(event:flash.events:ContextMenuEvent) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to handle the click for the copy table menu item
Copies the entire dataprovider in tab delimited format into the clipboard
copyToClipboard — Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions |
Flag to copy the buffer to clipboard, instead of sending it to the server/disk. |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.ImageButton |
For rounded corners, the radius. |
cornerRadius — Style, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.Dashlet |
| The radius of the corners for this component. |
| |
cornerRadius — Style, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
| The radius of the corners for this component. |
| |
COUNT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.FooterRowOperations |
| |
COUNT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridFooterCell |
| |
create(exporterIndex:int) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions |
onvenience method to create an exporter of a specified type
create(grid:com.flexicious.grids.dependencies:IPersistable) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.persistence.UserSettingsOptions |
Returns an options object for this grid. |
create(toPdf:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.print.PrintOptions |
Convenience method to create an exporter of a specified type
createAscendingSortIcon() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| |
createBodyContainer() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer class. |
createBodyContainer() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print.PrintFlexDataGrid |
We create a specialized body container
createBuiltinAction(lbl:String, code:String, requiresSelection:Boolean, requiresSingleSelection:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Creates a Toolbar Action
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom.ZoomSlider |
| |
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutButton |
| |
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateField |
| |
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
| |
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Override the createChildren method, and:
If filters are enabled, add the filter row
If footers are enabled, add the footer row
If the pager is enabled, create a pager using the pagerRenderer property
If the copy items are enabled, add the context menu items to copy
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Override the createChildren method, and:
If filters are enabled, add the filter row
If footers are enabled, add the footer row
If the pager is enabled, create a pager using the pagerRenderer property
If the copy items are enabled, add the context menu items to copy
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.footers.DataGridFooterRow |
create the actual border here
createChildren() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridContainerBase |
| |
createChromeContainer() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. |
createCollectionManipulator() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
createCollectionManipulator() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
createCollectionManipulator() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
createCollectionManipulator() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Not supported
createDateComboBox() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
| |
createDateField() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.DateRangeBox |
Creates a new DateField object. |
createDateFilter(description:String, fld:String, dateRange:String, start:Date, end:Date) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create date filter
createDescendingSortIcon() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| |
createElasticContainer() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to create an instance of the ElasticContainer class. |
createFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Consolidates the current state of all our filters, pager and
sorts and creates a filter object that can be used to act
on it
createFilter() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Returns the top level filter. |
createFilter(parentObject:Object, inFilter:com.flexicious.grids.filters:Filter) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Returns the filter for this level
createFilterExpression(filter:com.flexicious.grids.filters:Filter, columnName:String, filterOperation:String, expression:Object, wasContains:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.grids.filters.FilterExpression |
Creates a filter expression
createGroupingCollection() — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.FlexVersionSpecific |
| |
createItemEditor(colIndex:int, rowIndex:int) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
createListData(text:String, dataField:String, columnIndex:int) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Internal method so we can hook into the List Data mechanism
createListData(text:String, dataField:String, columnIndex:int) — method, class com.flexicious.lic.EadgBase |
Internal method so we can hook into the List Data mechanism
createListFilter(description:String, fld:String, values:Array) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
For prebuilt filters, short cut method to create list based filters (ComboBox, MSCB)
createLockedContent() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Method to create an instance of the LockedContent class. |
createMenuItems() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
createMenuItems() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
createMenuItems() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
createOkCancel() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
createOkCancel() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBoxEx |
| |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Creates the popup. |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Creates the popup. |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
Creates the popup. |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedDataGridColumn |
Creates the popup. |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Creates the popup. |
createPopup(popupData:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.columns.ExtendedGridColumn |
Creates the popup. |
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI for the Dashboard. |
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, interface com.flexicious.grids.dependencies.IPrintable |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI for this IPrintable. |
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
createPrintComponentFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid
createPrintDashletFactory() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI for the Dashlet. |
createPrintWindow(printable:com.flexicious.grids.dependencies:IPrintable, printOptions:com.flexicious.print:PrintOptions) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print.ExtendedPrintController |
| |
createRenderer(renderer:Class, properties:Object) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.utils.UIUtils |
Used to create a filter renderer along with initialization properties
createRowNumberColumnFunction — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
A function that takes a IFlexDataGridDataCell object and returns a Number. |
createSearchBox() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.MultiSelectComboBox |
| |
createSortArrow(d:Boolean) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
| |
createSortIcon(container:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridHeaderCell |
Creates the sort icon. |
createToolbarActions() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControl |
| |
createVBox() — method, class com.flexicious.controls.containers.DropdownHBox |
| |
createVBox() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.toolbar.ToolbarHBox |
| |
CSV_EXPORT — Constant Static Property, class com.flexicious.export.ExportOptions |
| |
CsvExporter — class, package com.flexicious.export.exporters |
Exports the grid in CSV format
CsvExporter() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.CsvExporter |
| |
currentBackgroundColors — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
| |
currentBackgroundColors — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell |
| |
currentCell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The cell that is the current mouse over. |
currentEditCell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior |
The cell that triggered the edit. |
currentEditCellInfo — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.rowedit.RowEditBehavior |
The cellinfo associated with the currentEditCell
currentHeaderCell — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.behaviors.columnheader.ColumnHeaderOperationBehavior |
The column we are currently acting upon
currentItemUnderMouse — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
| |
currentItemUnderMouse — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
| |
currentItemUnderMouse — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
| |
currentMaximizedDashlet — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.DashboardContainer |
The Dashlet that is currently maximized. |
currentPage — Property, class com.flexicious.print.PrintPreview |
| |
currentPage — Property, interface com.flexicious.print.printareas.IPrintArea |
| |
currentPage — Property, interface com.flexicious.print.printareas.IPrintPreview |
| |
currentPage — Property, class com.flexicious.print.printareas.PrintArea |
Current page being printed
currentPref — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.OpenSettingsPopup |
| |
currentSorts — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
Return the FilterSort objects at the top level
currentSorts — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
A List of FilterSort objects, for multi column sort support. |
currentTextColors — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
| |
currentTextColors — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell |
| |
currentTip — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.TinyChartBase |
| |
currentTip — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
The current instance of the data tip for this control
currentToaster — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.toaster.Toaster |
The current toaster renderer. |
currentTooltip — Property, class com.flexicious.behaviors.TooltipBehavior |
The current tooltip object. |
currentTooltip — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The current tooltip object. |
currentTooltipTrigger — Property, class com.flexicious.behaviors.TooltipBehavior |
The current tooltip object trigger. |
currentTooltipTrigger — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The current tooltip object trigger. |
customData — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.events.PreferencePersistenceEvent |
If you want to save any custom data into the preferences string, populate this property in the
savePreferences event. |
customDateChosen — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox |
| |
CustomDatePicker — class, package com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker |
| |
CustomDatePicker() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.customDatePicker.CustomDatePicker |
| Constructor. |
customDateRange — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.DateComboBox |
| |
_customSortIndex — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.EadgBase |
| |
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