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name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.CsvExporter |
Name of the exporter
name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.DocExporter |
Name of the exporter
name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.ExcelExporter |
| |
name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.HtmlExporter |
Name of the exporter
name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.TxtExporter |
Name of the exporter
name — Property, class com.flexicious.export.exporters.XmlExporter |
Name of the exporter
name — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.RowInfo |
| |
name — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ToolbarAction |
Name of the action
name — Property, class com.flexicious.persistence.PreferenceInfo |
Name of the preference
name — Property, class com.flexicious.print.printareas.PageSize |
Name of the paper size
nameField — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.valueobjects.DividedSeries |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines
the name of each wedge of the PieChart control. |
nanToZero(input:any) — Static Method , class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.utils.ExtendedUIUtils |
eturns Zero if passed in input is NAN else returns input as is. |
nativeExcelExporter — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedAdvancedDataGrid |
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. |
nativeExcelExporter — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.ExtendedDataGrid |
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. |
nativeExcelExporter — Property, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.ExtendedSparkDataGrid |
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. |
nativeExcelExporter — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
The default exporter in flexicious is a pure CSV exporter. |
NAVIGATION_CLOSE — Constant Property, class com.flexicious.events.mvc.NavigationEvent |
| |
NavigationEvent — class, package com.flexicious.events.mvc |
| |
NavigationEvent(type:String, model:com.flexicious.components.mvc.model:ModelBase, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.events.mvc.NavigationEvent |
| |
NAVIGATION_OPEN — Constant Property, class com.flexicious.events.mvc.NavigationEvent |
| |
NdgBase — class, package com.flexicious.lic |
Base class for the FlexDataGrid. |
NdgBase() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.lic.NdgBase |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.gauge.TinyHorizontalBulletGaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.components.tinycharts.skins.gauge.TinyVerticalBulletGaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.GaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.HorizontalLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.HorizontalSemiCircleGaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.VerticalLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
needle — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.VerticalSemiCircleGaugeSkin |
| |
needleBase — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.GaugeSkin |
| |
needleBase — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.HorizontalSemiCircleGaugeSkin |
| |
needleBase — Property, class com.flexicious.skins.visualization.VerticalSemiCircleGaugeSkin |
| |
needleBaseColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
| |
needleColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
| |
needleColor — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GaugeNeedle |
The color of the needle. |
needleRotation — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
In normal state, needle is in the 9 o clock position. |
needleThickness — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.Gauge |
| |
needleThickness — Property, class com.flexicious.components.visualization.gaugesupport.GaugeNeedle |
The thickness of the needle at its widest (base). |
nestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
Gets the nest depth of the associated level. |
nestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
How deep in the nesting hierarchy is this item. |
nestDepth — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.cells.FlexDataGridCell |
Returns the nestpDepth property of the associated level, if it is not null. |
nestDepth — Property, interface com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.interfaces.IFlexDataGridCell |
Returns the nestpDepth property of the associated level, if it is not null. |
nestedGrid — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControl |
| |
nestedGrid — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.pager.PagerControlAS |
The grid object casted as an Ultimate DataGrid
nestedSortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.grids.columns.ExtendedAdvancedDataGridColumn |
| |
nestedSortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumn |
function that is used when we have complex properties in the datafield. |
nestIndent — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
nestIndent — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
he indentation to apply to each progressive nest level. |
nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Container for the nest indent padding cell. |
nestIndentPaddingRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
The inner content of the padding cell. |
newInstance() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridCheckBoxColumn |
For printing, we need to be a IFactory
newInstance() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridExpandCollapseColumn |
For printing, we need to be a IFactory
newValue — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.events.FlexDataGridItemEditEvent |
newValue — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.ChangeInfo |
The value after the change
nextChromeRow(row:com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid:FlexDataGridHeaderContainer) — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.valueobjects.InsertionLocationInfo |
| |
nextLevel — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
Declaration of the next level of columns
nextLevelRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
| |
nextLevelRenderer — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
A renderer that displays this level. |
nextPage() — method, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.print.PrintDashboardContainer |
| |
nextPage() — method, class com.flexicious.grids.spark.print.ExtendedSparkPrintDataGrid |
Puts the next set of data rows in view;
that is, it sets the PrintDataGrid verticalScrollPosition
property to equal verticalScrollPosition + (number of scrollable rows). |
nextPage() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGridBodyContainer |
Goes to the next page of data. |
nextPage() — method, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.print.PrintFlexDataGrid |
Goes to the next page of data. |
noDataMessage — Property, class com.flexicious.nestedtreedatagrid.FlexDataGrid |
If enabled (set to a string with length>0), when a dataprovider with zero items is set, or when filter criteria returns no records, a message is shown with this data. |
NONE_SELECTED — Static Property, class com.flexicious.utils.Constants |
| |
numChildren — Property, interface com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.ISpinnerOwner |
| |
numCols — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutButton |
Number of columns in the dashboard drag drop zones tile layout
numCols — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutPopup |
| |
numElements — Property, class com.flexicious.lic.ChartBase |
The number of elements in the associates skin
NumericRange — class, package com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom |
A range object that has a start and end
NumericRange(start:Number, end:Number) — Constructor, class com.flexicious.components.charts.zoom.NumericRange |
| |
NumericRangeBox — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
An HBox that contains two textboxes to specify a range. |
NumericRangeBox() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericRangeBox |
| |
NumericTextInput — class, package com.flexicious.controls |
A class that extends Text Input, but returns filter expressions where the
value is always an integer instead of text. |
NumericTextInput() — Constructor, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericTextInput |
| |
numericValue — Property, class com.flexicious.controls.NumericTextInput |
| |
numRows — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutButton |
Number of rows in the dashboard drag drop zones tile layout
numRows — Property, class com.flexicious.components.dashboard.tileLayout.TileLayoutPopup |
| |
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